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At night…

"I... I don't know, girls" Momoko said, biting his lower lip as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" What was bothering him was a small piece of metal between his legs that was imprisoning his penis.

"Of course we're sure, Momoko-Chan!" Miyabi said, smiling. "You'll see that now your clothes, especially your lingerie, will fit much better now!"

"B-but I was already tucking my member between my legs as Sato Sensei told me to do. I thought it was enough!" 

"Well, we believe this device is a much better solution!" Airi said, caressing his shoulder. "You should trust our judgment. Don't you remember that Sato-Sensei told you to do whatever we ask you to do?"

"Y-yes, of course, Airi-San! I know you two are just trying to help, but what happens when... Umm... when I need to use my… you know… my member?"

"You'll be able to go to the bathroom without any problem" Miyabi assured him. "You just need to sit on the toilet." 

But going to the bathroom wasn’t exactly what was going through Momoko's mind at that moment. He was a man, after all, wasn't he? He needed his penis to do other stuff

As if she were reading Momoko's mind, Airi looked surprised at him and said, "Oh my gosh, don't tell me you were thinking about using that little thing of yours in some kind of intimate intercourse! Don’t be silly, Momoko-chan! That thing is so tiny that it would be useless, anyway!"

"T-this used to be bigger, I think..." Momoko said, blushing.

"Yeah, sure" Miaybi giggled. "Now stop saying nonsense, Momoko-Chan. You have to keep using this device at least for the time being, understood? It'll help you to look so much prettier..."

Part of Momoko wanted to protest. He knew it was completely wrong and outrageous. But at the same time, he didn't want to disappoint Sato-Sensei, and she had indeed told him to obey the girls. Also, the prospect of looking even more beautiful, even if he didn't know exactly how, seemed irresistible to him...

"O-okay, I understood" he said, before he could stop himself.

"Good" Airi said, clapping and kissing his face. "Now that this is settled, I'm going to ask Sato-Sensei to store the key of the device at a bank tomorrow morning. I have a feeling that we're not going to need this for a long time..."




This story just keeps getting better and better!