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When Suzanne finally left the building, about forty minutes later, she was carrying all the evidence against Mr. Hill and Mr. Simmons that she could have wished for. She simply couldn't believe her luck. Her plan had worked wonderfully well. It was undeniable that those men had committed many crimes, and no judge would be able to say otherwise once confronted with those documents. 

As she walked down the street looking for a taxi, she heard her phone ringing. "Hello?" she answered it.

"Mrs. Mason? It's me, Tom!" she heard the voice of her daughter's boyfriend, sounding extremely distressed. "I've already called you a lot of times! Is everything alright? Can you talk now?" 

"Yes, my dear. Everything is perfectly fine. I'm sorry I didn't answer the phone before. I was busy, but it’ over now."

"So... It worked?"

"Yes. I have the papers here with me."

"Oh my fucking god... I... I'm sorry for the language, Ma'am. It's just..."

"That's okay, Tom" Suzanna assured him, smiling. "I know how nervous you were about all this." 

"Tell me about that! You know I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't told me Brianna and you were in danger!" 

"I know, Tom, and I'm very grateful. You're a very, very good boy. I will not forget what you have done for us!"

Suzanne wouldn't be exaggerating if she said that she wouldn't have had the slightest chance of succeeding in her plan without the help of her son-in-law. The night she had received Mary's letter, she remembered that Tom had told her when they first met that he worked at his uncle's security systems firm, and that they had been responsible for installing the security cameras in building where Suzanne worked.

With this information in hand, she asked to have a little conversation with the young man. She told him that she needed a favor, and that Brianna's and her own safety depended on it. It was more than enough to convince Tom, even before he listened to what Suzanne expected from him. If he only knew what he was getting himself into... 

When Suzanne finished speaking, it was clear that Tom was feeling uncomfortable with her plan, but he didn't go back on his word. Thereby, a few days later he was back at the company building, saying that he needed to perform a preventive maintenance on the cameras because their central system had spotted a potential security breach at the place.

What he actually did was quite different, though. Alone in the control room, he changed the angle of a camera near Mr. Simmons' office, so that he managed to get a good view of the interior of the room through the glass door. After adjusting the zoom, he waited until Mr. Simmons decided to open his safe so he could discover its combination.

In the meantime, he made a copy of the system database so that later at home he could find a certain recording that Suzanne wanted to see. It was exactly about this recording that Suzanne asked him on the phone while she was still walking down the street. 

"It wasn't easy, Ma’am, but I think I finally found what you’re looking for" Tom said, and Suzanne held her breath, full of expectation. "I found a video of that man you talked about meeting a woman in the company lobby at night, a few months ago. If you want to watch it tonight, I can go to your apartment and..."

"No, I need to see it right now, Tom. Can you send it to my phone?"

"Sure, no problem. Just give me a minute."

Suzanne could barely contain her anxiety while the video was being downloaded. She remembered very well what Mary had written about that meeting in her letter. Her friend was convinced that Mr. Hill had planned the murder of someone who was investigating him, and this mysterious woman and her associates had been responsible for executing the service. 

"Well, it's time to see her face" Suzanne said, pressing the play button with her hands shaking. Little did she know that she was about to have the shock of her life... 

At the beginning of the video, she saw Mr. Hill alone in the entrance hall, pacing back and forth impatiently. Then, suddenly, the lobby door opened and someone entered the building. Suzanne's eyes fixed on this person. Despite the dim lighting in which the scene was taking place, she could see the woman reasonably well. 

She appeared to be about sixty years old, had short red hair, and she was dressed elegantly but discreetly, with a white blouse, a salmon skirt and low patent heels. In the distance, Suzanne thought the woman looked strangely familiar. Had she seen that woman before? Could it be that she worked in the company, too?

As the woman approached the center of the lobby, Suzanne finally started realizing who she truly was… That woman didn't work in the company, oh no! Suzanne got so terrified and surprised that she had to struggle not to fall on the floor. How could that be even possible? The woman she was seeing on the screen of her phone was no one else but Mrs. Larsen, the owner of the clinic in which Suzanne had spend a long time, supposedly getting ready for her mission to spy Mr. Hill…




Here it comes! the “Melissa’s twist” ;)