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DAY 86

"Is the water warm enough, Ma'am?" Samara asked. 

"Yes, my dear" Suzanne answered, pleased. "It's perfect! No one knows how to prepare a bath like you."

"I'm glad to hear that, Ms. Mason. Please, call me if you need anything else." 

After Samara left the bathroom, Suzanne leaned back against the edge of the bathtub and let out a groan of satisfaction. God, she really loved baths those days… It was just so relaxing! Also, she could take her time to rub her entire body with a soft sponge, making sure that at the end her skin would be clean, smooth and perfumed. 

The whole ritual was also kind of erotic. Suzanne's skin was so sensitive during her baths... It was very enjoyable to touch herself, and feel all those mind-blowing chills. 

I have an amazing body, she thought once again, touching one of her nipples gently, which immediately got hard. I really do! I love the way I look now...

After a few more sessions with Mrs. Larsen, Suzanne's resistance in accepting her new appearance was surpassed. Not only that, but her libido seemed to have returned to its previous level, and was increasing every day. In the first few days after her surgeries, the woman felt disturbed when she saw her reflection. Now, however, she felt proud and excited. She looked stunning, after all... There was nothing to worry about... 

Life was good now, and she couldn't be happier. Still stroking her body, she began to think about the events of the last few days…

Two days earlier, Mrs. Larsen had said she had a surprise for Suzanne. "Two new guests just arrived at the clinic, and I think you could get along with them, my dear" she explained. "You're all about the same age, so maybe you should spend some time together." 

Suzanne was then introduced to Nancy Taylor and Elizabeth Clark, two women in their forties. Nancy was tall and thin, and had short blond hair. Elizabeth was short and a bit chubby, with long black hair. 

The women were pretty and friendly, and Suzanne indeed enjoyed meeting them. Both of them had recently divorced, and after that they decided to spend some time in the clinic. 

"I heard they do an incredible job here, and I really need some work done right now!" Nancy said. 

"Absolutely!" Elizabeth agreed. "Especially now that we're single women again... I think this is a good way to spend the money I got from that pig I used to call husband!"

The three women laughed, and then Suzanne said that what they had heard about the clinic was true. "You two need to meet Dr. Reid! He's incredible!" 

"Well, if he's even a little bit responsible for how you look now, I think I'm going to his office right away!" Nancy stated. "You said you're forty-seven! Oh, girl, I can't believe you! I just can't!" 

"You really should..." Suzanne giggled. "And you'll see that the other people here, especially Mrs. Larsen, can also help a lot..."

Suzanne didn't even realize this, but she was feeling completely at ease in the company of those women. It was as if they really were the same age. Even when they talked about the good old days, when all of them they were supposed to be teenagers, Suzanne didn't feel like a fish out of water or something. In fact, she discovered that she had more knowledge about the 80's than she had thought, and talking about it felt like she really was remembering her past… 



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