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Mia and Greta stated that the shopping trip had been a complete success. No one had suspected that Samantha was anything but a girl, and it was clear that a lot of guys even thought she was a very pretty one. 

They then said the next day they would go out again, and this time Samantha would be fully convinced that she could pass as a female in any situation. 

"W-where are we going?" Sameul asked, afraid. 

"That's a surprise, girl!" Mia said. "But I'm sure you're going to love it!"

When the next day finally arrived, Samuel was taken to the salon, where he was dolled up for many hours, which made him even more nervous. What were the girls planning?

When his hair, nails and makeup were finally done, he was taken to another room to get dressed. There, he saw what he was expected to wear, and he almost fainted. 

"That's a dress!" he exclaimed, horrified. 

"Of course, it is!" Greta said. "And a very beautiful one, don't you think?"

"But why do I need to wear a dress?"

"Does a girl need a reason for that?" Mia giggled. "We just looove looking pretty! You'll see what I mean."

Fully dressed, Samuel got astonished at his appearance. He looked more feminine than ever! The dress wasn't particularly short and it had long sleeves. Still, it was strange to be wearing something like that for the first time, and he felt even more emasculated.

"You look great, Sammie!" Greta said. "It's just a shame that your boobs are so small, you know... You'd look even better if..."

"Don't even say that!" Samuel cried out. 

"I'm just teasing you, silly! Now let's go!"

"But where are we going, after all?"

"You'll see..." 



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