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When Samuel saw where the girls had taken him, the feminized guy thought it could only be some bizarre nightmare. 

"T-this is a nightclub!" he stammered, freaking out. 

"Exactly!" Mia exclaimed. "You deserve to have some fun, Samantha! All you've been doing lately is working... So tonight we decided to fix it!"

"But I can't get into a nightclub dressed like that!"

"Why not?" Greata asked. "I think your outfit is very suitable for the occasion."

"Because I'm dressed like a girl!"

"That's because you are a girl, silly! At least for now... Just try to relax, okay? I assure you that if you do so you'll have a great time."

That was a trendy nightclub, and the place was completely packed. Samuel followed the girls closely, bothered by all the guys who were lusting after him along the way. He had never felt so vulnerable in his entire life...

"Girl, I think you definitely need a drink" Mia said, looking at Samuel. "You and Greta can look for a place to sit. I'll take care of the drinks this time."

"O-okay" Samuel said. He wasn't sure if he really should drink dressed like a chick, but he thought he wouldn't survive that night without it. "I'd like a beer."

"Beer? Ha, you're soo funny, Sammie! Don't worry, I'll get a proper drink for a girl like you."

Greta and Samuel sat at the back of the room, where there were some red sofas. Samuel had to cross his legs firmly, or otherwise everyone would be able to see his panties. Greta smiled seeing how feminine and pretty he looked... Perhaps he was really meant to be a girl, after all... 

"Here you go, girl!" said Mia when she returned, handing a light pink drink to Samuel. 

"What's this?" he asked, annoyed. Why the hell even his drink had to be so girly? 

"Just try it and tell me what you think."

Samuel obeyed, and realized that the drink was actually good. "Okay... It isn't that bad..." he said, seeing the stain of his lipstick on the glass.

"Told you! Now drink a little more and relax... You have nothing to worry about, Sammie..."



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