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Hello, friends! I've got a pair of December treats for you today. 

The first is a holiday-baking themed piece featuring my real-life doggos, Dipper and Mac. This is the art I am using for my personal Christmas cards this year... so please consider this my Christmas card to all of you!

The second is a silly Charlie Brown Christmas parody. In particular, it's a parody of the art on the Charlie Brown Christmas vinyl record, which I hang up on my wall every year as a part of my decorations. 

Whew! This is a momentous month, friends. In addition to the usual holiday madness, it's also the first month since I wrapped up the big S&F arc I've been working on for the last decade! I'm really looking forward to sharing what comes next with you guys. But it's also got me feeling very reflective!

So, in addition to asking y'all for your votes and suggestions in our ongoing Winter Bonus Art Poll, I'm also curious to hear... what have been your favourite parts of S&F up to this point? Are there particular Sam & Fuzzy characters, strips, or storylines -- from anywhere in the entire 18 year run -- that you are especially fond of, or would like to see more of? Let me know, either in the survey or in the comments below!



James M

This was the first strip I read...14 years on the dot! http://www.samandfuzzy.com/539

Conscience Cat

I always found Hazel a quite fascinating character. Kind of super powered thief, but still lonely, always on the run. Mysterious motivation and can not really get her goal. Nice philosophical twist in the end: Alive but Hazel with her memories does not exist any more.