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Just a reminder... you only have until December 1st to submit your most desired Saucy Hippo drawing idea  for this year's Secret Santa Random Draw!  

After the 1st, I'll pick two random idea submissions and turn 'em into actual drawings!  

Which two ideas will win? Who will be in them? Will they be silly or serious, tame or smutty, canonical or fantastical? It will be a surprise! (Or should I say, a Christmas miracle?) We've already got a really broad -- and at times kinda crazy -- bunch of submissions, so it should be a fun adventure! I'm confident I can make something fun out of whatever wins.

You will find a few rules on the submission page. But beyond that, I just really encourage you to submit whatever idea you'd most like to see! (Even if it's an idea you've suggested before on a previous poll, like the 2019 survey... put it in here if you want it considered!) In addition to picking the two random winners, I'm also going to keep the rest of them in mind as a general indicator of the kind of things y'all are interested in. So by all means, please weigh in!

Thanks again for your support, team! I'll be back soon with more comics and other sexy goodies.



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