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November 26, 2023

NOTE: Long chapter! (8,700 words! That's only 1,300 words away from being 2 chapters!) Lots happening!

Hope you enjoy!

<< Chapter 51 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 15 (Book 2) | Ch 29 (Book 3)

- CHAPTER 52: Control -

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FEEDBACK: Okay, so things are pretty close to coming full circle, as several dots get connected in the next few chapters. But thoughts so far?

1. Did the 'chemistry' come through?

(When I initially wrote this chapter, I felt like I'd done a good job of communicating the chemistry between Jasmine and Allister, but when I 'edited' it, I wasn't sure that the chemistry came through like how I intended. It's okay if it didn't, but if you did/didn't feel their chemistry, please let me know.)

2. Did you find the end of the 'italics' section emotional? (When Allister showed up at the end)

3. Thoughts on the Shackle Artifact? (And it's powers.) Are you amused by it being possibly sadistic and/or masochistic? Thoughts on anything else?

Chapter 53 >>




Creative Amoeba

Combat Healer (CH) continues to be my favorite. Both stories (CH + DH) seem to have very big harems with very powerful main characters. I'm hoping the group gets together soon in CH. By the might of the people that Allister is gathering together, some really bad dudes must be ready to rain on his parade in the future. They would have to be really powerful to stand up to the group he has now... Of course, a pack of hydra/dogs would be very nasty to most creatures. Concerning your questions: Chemistry. It is hard for me to identify with the almost instantaneous relationships that keep happening. Emotional... Probably so, prayer answered when the savior, Allister, appeared. The shackle is a magical item unlike those that I am used to reading about. For that reason, I found it neat and interesting. Otherwise, I didn't think a lot about it.


I’m not a fan of ranking the women in the harem, or experiences with them. I can deal with it, but I’d prefer if you found some other way of showing the chemistry between characters.


When you say 'other way of showing chemistry' are you talking about the ranking women/experiences, or something else? I can't tell if you are referring to something specific in the chapter, like you don't like how the chemistry between Jasmine and Allister played out, or if you just mean in general. Can you elaborate on what you mean?