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November 19, 2023

NOTE: Thank you guys for being patient with this chapter. You can't rush 'quality' and this chapter has hopefully turned out to be the definition of quality (the exact thing you're here for -- a good original story that does things you haven't seen before).

Hope you enjoy!

<< Chapter 50 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 15 (Book 2) | Ch 29 (Book 3)

- CHAPTER 51: -

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FEEDBACK: Thoughts?

I have been planning out the whole 'Shackle Guardian' thing for well over a year now, and the next chapter will hopefully be amazing and the 'icing' on this redhead princess cake.

That being said, most of the things in this chapter are 'brand new' (including all the items introduced).

As in, I had no idea what was going to be in this chapter until this past week, and if I had tried to rush this chapter then it probably would have turned about crappy, to say the least (ideas are hard to develop when things are rushed). For example, I knew that Blake's mom had something in her hand, but had ZERO idea what it was, or how it affected the plot, until I plotted out this chapter.

And I very well would have 'overlooked' this opportunity, if I'd been in a rush.

Thankfully, I had the time to sit down and 'take my time' working out the plot for this chapter and a few of the ones coming up, and that makes a big difference in the quality of the chapter.

Anyway, what did you think?

1. Thoughts on princess Shackle Artifact? Guardian Summoning power?

2. Thoughts on Remi and Blake conversation? Or MC summoning to save the day?

Chapter 52 >>




Javier Delafuente

That’s was dope especially when jasmine got the artifact although im kind of confused by it rn but im assuming that’s the point also hated leaving Blake and remi in the dungeon


Hi, I liked this chapter and will read again later today. I like the Guardian for the Princess. I think the BLake/Remi conversation opened up the story furhter more. I see some issue with the numbers in the Harem. In IDH you stopped at 9 or 10 (problems counting correctly) and asked for who we want to see. We are now past that point in this story with number of Harem members(Mel, Val, Angel, Eliza, Frosty, Celine, Aster, Wren, Princess, Blake, Remi). I also liked the fertility mark stuff as a solution to race incompatibility.