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July 11, 2021

NOTE: This is a necessary chapter, for our MC to process everything he went through and what it might have meant, but not a lot happens overall. It sort of sets up everything for the next chapter.

NOTE 2: Because I realized this will end up being the first chapter of the fourth book, I went ahead and added a sort of 'summary of events' for the last 15 chapters at the beginning of this chapter.



This chapter is the beginning of book 4. The first 15 chapters (Book 1) are a whopping 114,000 words, which is about 130% the length of a traditional book, and the next 15 chapters (Book 2) are likewise 112,000 words. Book 3 is of similar length.

I'll try to get a digital version of book 3 available in the upcoming weeks.

Free Copy of Book 1 free code is: p6dksl1

Free Copy of Book 2 p6dksl1

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<< Chapter 45 | Chapter 1 (Book1) | Chapter 16 (Book 2) | Chapter 31 (Book 3)


--- BOOK 4 ---

- CHAPTER 46: Crowned -


As Mrs. Rebecca and I made the hour-long trip back home from Ms. Miriam’s mansion, we were both silent most of the way, allowing me the opportunity to begin processing everything that had happened recently. Honestly, it felt like it had been the longest day of my life, and part of me wondered if my traumatizing death and resurrection had something to do with that.

Or maybe, it just felt long due to it being so eventful.

After all, I had so many new experiences, some good and some bad.

Earlier in the morning, I’d taken Avery’s mom over to her place to grab some things, only to have a brief confrontation with her cheating husband. At the same time, I was getting messages from Mrs. Rebecca, and what the mature redhead told me sort of went to my head a little, causing me to cross a pretty big line with Mrs. Copeland by kissing her.

It didn’t go any further than that, but Michelle admitted that she was interested in being with me, and just wanted to speak with my blonde classmate about it first.

We then went back home, only to not stay long as Serenity, Gabriella, and I all made our way back over to Mrs. Rebecca’s house to ask her more directly about the black stone.

Which resulted in the sexy mature woman finding out my ability to influence others, resulting in her testing me by asking if I’d give up Serenity for her, only to ask me to leave when I declined, with her aiming to find out how I’d react to rejection.

If I’d accept the rejection…or just make her do what I wanted, since I technically wielded that kind of power.

The whole thing was extremely upsetting, but afterward she explained why she did it.

Explained that she could trust me now, since I’d proven I was truly good, even when upset.

As she put it, ‘You don’t get lemon juice from an orange, and you don’t get orange juice from a lemon. When you squeeze, the juice can tell you what kind of fruit it is.’

And I was an orange. Sweet, innocent, and good, in her opinion.

Yet, even after all that, it was only the start of the day.

After returning home a second time, Mrs. Rebecca told me that the person who might be able to help with the mysterious black stone wanted to meet me. Today. But she had stipulations, because she wasn’t just a normal person.

She was Gabriella’s great-great-grandmother.

An immortal full-blooded succubus.

And she wasn’t exactly thrilled to automatically trust the spawn of an incubus.

Mrs. Rebecca put me in handcuffs, put both a blindfold and bag over my head, and then stuffed me in the trunk of her car for the hour-long drive. Then, upon arriving at Ms. Miriam’s place, the sexy demon maid Gwen took me to a secluded room in their basement, making me wait in a chair, the handcuffs chained to the floor.

The eventual meeting was a tense one, since the deceptively young succubus had concerns that I was a threat to all of them. However, after using a unique magic on me, to determine what kind of person I was, she did a complete one-eighty in attitude and instead began treating me like a welcomed guest.

Even offered to let me fuck her maid…

And when I declined, she disclosed that she was interested in fucking me herself, since she pretty much fucked everyone to begin with, and I had sincerely piqued her curiosity. I actually declined again, just because I felt like everything was a test at that point, but ultimately ended up getting at least somewhat intimate with her when we discovered that my figurative third-eye might be closed.

More than that, it turned out that I had a seal on this magical sense of perception, and so Ms. Miriam used my sexual energy to fuel a spell to force my third-eye open.

That’s when things sort of began to go downhill.

Or at least, that’s when the first sign happened that it wouldn’t be an entirely happy day.

There was an earthquake.

The whole mansion shook violently.

Because something had attempted to break through the barrier guarding a transdimensional gate to a hellish world where literal monsters existed.

After recharging the orange crystals that created the barrier, Ms. Miriam thought that would be the end of our problems, resulting in us spending some more alone time together, only to eventually end up in a threesome with her demon maid, Gwen.

But then, all hell truly broke lose.

A monster escaped the portal, a beast that killed me effortlessly, and likewise a monster that I killed just as effortless upon waking up from my death. After that, I didn’t feel like myself for a long time, struggling with what I wanted versus what was right and moral.

Because I had a sincere need to have sex, but the terrified succubus I wanted to have sex with wasn’t currently willing.

In the end, I abstained for a while, only to take Gwen up on her offer to fuck her instead.

Finally satisfied, having absorbed the sexual energy I now truly needed to sustain myself, I then fell asleep with Ms. Miriam in my arms and the much taller Gwen cuddling with my left leg.

The sleep helped too.

But now, it was time to go back home, and to face Serenity and Gabriella as a slightly different person. To admit to them what had transpired while I was away, including my untimely death.

Yeah, it was truly a really long day.

When we finally got back to Mrs. Rebecca’s house, I was a bit torn between wanting to get in my car to leave right away…versus staying over at her place for a little while, to get a short lesson of ‘education’ in, now that my third-eye was open, and ready to be trained…

Technically, I wasn’t sure if it still needed to be trained, since my recent death and resurrection seemed to jumpstart my magical capacity, but at the same time, I was still a novice in all things related to the supernatural.

Not to mention, now that I thought about it, I still hadn’t noticed the edges of the dimensional gate when I helped Gwen ensure it was still sealed up.

However, Mrs. Rebecca really didn’t leave me much of a choice when all was said and done. After all, we had the whole house to ourselves, she’d promised to make things up to me several times now, and I felt confident there was another part of her that just sincerely wanted to share some true intimacy with her baby boy, as she liked to call me.

And that last fact was reinforced when she took me up to her room, only to explain that she wanted to put a condom on me, knowing we’d probably both find it difficult to leave her bed if she got a taste of my cum and that endless surge of passion started up again.

Using a condom also had the side-effect of making this a bit of an educational lesson after all, simply because I had to be careful about absorbing her sexual energy when my cum wouldn’t be helping to escalate her passion.

Granted, we both had plenty of passion and lust without the extra boost.

Mrs. Rebecca put on that latex outfit again, the one that let her tits hang out and had an opening between her thighs, having her help me zip it up in the back, so I could fuck her while feeling the slick shiny material all over her body.

However, the whole experience was much more about the intimacy than anything, with her starting off by sitting next to me on the edge of the bed, talking with me a little about how I was feeling overall, and making a point to emphasize her motherly demeanor.

She then had me caress and kiss her massive tits, stroking my white hair tenderly and leaning down to press her lips against my temple while I sucked on her nipple, before finally asking me to get on my knees to kiss her pussy and suck on her clit a little.

I did so, feeling her warm latex-cover thighs against my face, my nose full of the sweet scent of the material, along with her maple syrup aroma, listening to her speak to me affectionately while I serviced her a little. And the overall effect seemed to really help solidify my pre-death mentality, to an extent, because I wasn’t doing this for her because I demanded it, or even necessarily for my own direct pleasure, as much as I enjoyed it as well.

Instead, I was doing it for her, because she wanted me to.

Because my sexy cougar was asking her cub to help her out a little, and I wanted to please my MILF.

Honestly, the overall atmosphere about it was the complete opposite of when I’d aggressively fucked Gwen and used her to satisfy my own needs. Instead, this was much more like all the other times I’d had sex thus far, feeling overwhelmed to have such a hot woman take control and fuck me.

Granted, I didn’t necessarily feel ‘overwhelmed’ anymore.

Rather, I was willing to allow this MILF goddess to be in a more dominating position in the bedroom, much like a mature woman her age would normally be in such a position over the average young guy.

However, after spending a good ten minutes being intimate, with the tip of the condom already full of clear precum, she finally had me get in bed and climbed on top of me so I could feel her latex-covered sides and heavy warm tits, all while her hot cunt gently engulfed my cock, the head buried deep inside of her.

She was slow about fucking me, taking her time as she gently worked her hips up and down while our lips remained interlocked in slow tender kisses, her heavy tits squished against my dark-gray chest.

It was actually really refreshing, and when my cock finally exploded, it wasn’t due to some rush to achieve orgasm, but rather the result of me being unable to hold it back any longer, the climax not having really been a goal at that point.

However, I definitely noticed a difference in how the atmosphere of the room felt upon getting there, unexpectedly realizing that I was suddenly super sensitive to Mrs. Rebecca’s sexual energy. And similar to how she’d explained to Gabriella the previous day, I now understood what she probably meant by fine-tuning it as the energy oscillated.

Because I could feel it fluctuating now, and felt a pull toward touching her in certain ways in order to cause it to rise in volume, density, and intensity.

However, at the same time, the automatic craving to suck up that energy was absent, unlike what happened with Gwen both times, her own orgasm seeming to trigger my sucking up her passion into my own body.

I realized that must mean I was a bit different than a succubus, who might absorb energy whether it was her cumming, or her partner. Alternatively, it was as if I was waiting for my aphrodisiac cum to stimulate her to the point of orgasm before I did the same.

Certainly, I could tug on that energy now, but didn’t feel the desire to do so yet, instead craving to see just how high I could make it climb before consuming it.

And sure enough, as I began touching Mrs. Rebecca gently, feeling led to firmly grasp her latex-covered hips as I gently thrust her down on my throbbing cock, beginning to take control now, her passion began to rise even more, with her finally cumming when I moved to gently bite her jaw, just prior to planting kisses on her neck when she tilted her head up, her mouth hanging open in pre-orgasmic ecstasy.

She almost sounded as if she was going to cry when she finally reached her peak, her moaning having grown loud and desperate, as if she’d never needed anything else in the world as she needed this orgasm right now.

An orgasm shared with her cub.

I was careful as I sucked up her passion when she cummed, even as I felt her gently tug on the lust that had built up previously, that flavor of energy still hanging around. For a second, I felt like it was kind of ridiculous that we were essentially exchanging energy, wondering how that even made sense, only to realize the obvious, aside from the fact that we were absorbing slightly different types of energy.

Even if I was able to use my own lust, my own energy, I would have still needed her help to generate that energy in the first place, especially since it sounded like succubi usually maximized a human’s lust upon having sex with them the first time, whereas a normal human couldn’t achieve that level of passion in another human.

Meaning, I was making her far more passionate than would be normal, my cum acting as the catalyst to make her passion flow endlessly, while she was likewise causing me to produce far more lust than a normal person might achieve.

Thus, together, through our mutual pleasure, we were both generating far more sexual energy than was normal. And whether we exchanged that energy or not, we still needed each other to create it.

Now that we were both finally satisfied, we just continued to rest in that position in her bed, Mrs. Rebecca’s curly red hair all over my neck and shoulders while her cheek was pressed against my chest now, the overall slowness of our sex causing the after-sex to simply feel like a satisfying, intimate, and extremely relaxing extension of the main event.

In particular, that relaxing sense of peaceful bliss, the kind that made me want to fall asleep with a smile on my face, persisted for much longer than I’d experienced before, as if all was right with the world in the most perfect way possible.

And for a few minutes, I literally forgot about everything else, feeling as if there were only two people in the world, my sole companion more perfect than I could have ever hoped for.

As much as I loved Serenity, never mind how much I was obsessed with Gabriella, there was a small part of me that realized I could be sincerely happy to live the rest of my life being this MILF’s cub. It was as if I could see it all laid out before me, like a premonition of a possible future, living a life where she took me out on dates in her red Corvette, cared for me at home like she’d do for anyone so much younger than her, and taking me to her bed every night to experience this intimate perfection.

I wasn’t sure if the fantasy was a byproduct of something supernatural happening between us, possibly even just the influence of her being part-succubus, but I had to admit I was sincerely content as she laid on top of me, wrapped tightly in my arms.

However, after a bit, it slowly began to dawn on me that, the realization of that particular fantasy would, in fact, mean I wasn’t with Serenity in any capacity, and that finally pulled me out of my content bliss. And Gabriella’s mom knew it was time too.

All I did was sigh.

It was a heavy sigh, but it was more than enough to communicate everything.

Mrs. Rebecca lifted her head with a warm smile, a hint of sadness in her emerald eyes, giving me a tender kiss on the lips before carefully climbing off me.

Once I sat up too, she then asked me to actually rinse the condom out before throwing it away, seeming a little embarrassed to admit that she wasn’t sure if she could trust herself to be alone with my cum. Honestly, I didn’t find it too odd or surprising, since my load did seem to have an actual effect on women, one that could be possibly addicting.

After getting dressed, she walked with me downstairs and to the front door, giving me one last tight hug before seeing me off. I sent Serenity a quick message before climbing into my car, letting her know I was finally heading home, and then I was on my way.

I drove my car in complete silence, surprised to find myself feeling a little numb and almost sad now that I was finally completely alone to process everything that happened.

It felt weird.

Because now that I was alone, all I could think about was that I really died.

All I could focus on was the sensation of having my heart ripped out, the whole thing happening so fast that my mind simply processed the fatal wound as an overwhelming pressure in my chest, rather than having any sense of pain.

But then again, I was pretty sure the monster’s hand went right through my spine, so maybe that’s why I hadn’t felt any pain. Still, I was very bothered by the fact that it was able to hurt me so easily when even a knife normally wouldn’t cut my skin without an exorbitant amount of pressure.

And strange that I couldn’t stop thinking about it now.

I supposed that previously, I had Ms. Miriam, Gwen, and even Mrs. Rebecca to focus on, to help distract me from the gravity of the situation, and just how serious it was. But now there was no distraction, and I felt somber about the fact that, if I’d been a normal person, or even just a normal half-incubus, then I would be dead.

Truly, I would be dead right now.

But I wasn’t dead.

I was alive.

And different.

Very different.

Deciding to take a detour, almost feeling reluctant to be around others again, now that I was alone, I took a random backroad until I found myself stopping at a more secluded location that I was pretty sure didn’t see much traffic.

I then waited for a few seconds, listening to the vehicles in the distance on the other roads, before climbing out and beginning to trek through the trees at a fairly slow pace.

I wasn’t even entirely sure where I was going, but just wanted to go someplace by myself for a few minutes amongst the trees.

I finally stopped once I glanced behind me and saw that my car wasn’t visible through the brush anymore, prompting me to focus down on my hands, my ears having already told me no one was around.

Like waking up from a dream, I could recall these hands digging into a hard muscular and bony chest, remembering how it felt to have my claws sink within and grasp around a pulsing midnight heart, vividly recollecting how it sounded as I tore it out and sank my teeth in.

I couldn’t remember how it might have tasted, only that eating it satisfied a desperate need.

A need for flesh, so my own body could heal.

A heart for a heart.

I probably could have eaten anything, but I went for the heart simply because that’s basically the only thought that had been on my mind -- heart.

I lacked a heart, I required a heart, so I went for the heart.

Simple as that.

I also couldn’t recall how the creature’s blood tasted, likewise just knowing it was necessary to quench my thirst. It terrified me to consider what I might have done if that beast had already been eradicated by Gwen’s magic, knowing that it was I who stifled the power I’d given her at the last second when she cast her spell, just enough to stun the monster to buy me a single second, but not enough to obliterate my prey.

I suspected the sexy maid would be irritated to know I’d done that to her, possibly even feeling betrayed, but in a brief moment of clarity, I knew that I might very well sink my teeth into Gwen herself, if I didn’t have another source of resources to consume in order to allow my body to heal itself.

My sense of self-preservation was that powerful.

And that scared me, the fact that I borderline couldn’t control myself if I was hurt badly enough.

It was the same as when I experimented with Gabriella, shooting myself to see what would happen if I got hurt enough, only to fall unconscious and attack the deer in front of me.

Thankfully, I ignored my fiancé, but I had no way of knowing if that would always be the case.

Which really bothered me.

A lot.

Especially now that I could be so much more lethal.

Ironically, I could think of one simple solution, one that might have been laughable only a few hours ago, but now seemed within the realm of possibility…

Just don’t get hurt.

But in order to not get hurt, it meant I’d actually need to put some effort into understanding my own body. Effort into understanding my own magic.

And experimenting with both, in preparation to defend myself next time.

Granted, I’d gone eighteen years of my life without these kinds of problems, and this culmination of events seemed partly random, and partly just the consequence of previous decisions. Like, the fact that Nick’s serial killer father was after me, was all because he’d caught me on camera trying to save the ex-wife who he’d hired someone to kill, and whose murder he’d been filming.

So really, aside from that one issue, which connected all the events that happened, I hadn’t encountered much danger, minus the dimensional gate problem…

Assuming the portal breech wasn’t random and actually my fault somehow…

After all, Gwen had mentioned that it had been a summoning ritual that caused the breech, and that a magical catalyst to serve as an anchor into our world was all that was needed to bypass their defenses. Of course, we didn’t find any opals left behind, but I had already considered the possibility that my cum, left behind by Ms. Miriam flicking it off her tail, might have been the cause.

The idea still sounded ridiculous, but I couldn’t help but feel it was too much of a coincidence that the attack happened while I was there, truly beginning to feel that I’d been the indirect cause. Although, if something was trying to get out of the hellish world lying beyond the gate, then no doubt they might have succeeded eventually.

Thus, in a way, it was probably better it happened while I was there, as opposed to happening months later when I wasn’t present to defend Ms. Miriam and Gwen.

However, for the foreseeable future, I couldn’t imagine encountering anything else dangerous, seeing no reason why my otherwise peaceful life wouldn’t just return to normal.



Creatures like that monster apparently existed in the world, even if they weren’t currently in our world, and I would be a fool to assume the behemoth that I’d slain was the strongest out there. I would also be a fool to assume that there weren’t even more dangerous enemies out there, who might wield powerful magic as a weapon, instead of only brute strength.

And while I had no intention on seeking out such danger, I also needed to be prepared in the event it found its way in my life again.

So yeah, I wanted to explore my capabilities a little.

And I also realized I might need to visit Ms. Miriam in the middle of the night for more than just romance.

Because I needed a teacher.

Of course, Mrs. Rebecca would continue to guide me in sensing and controlling sexual energy, but I also needed someone who could guide me in learning how to wield magic.

Granted, that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to test it out now, my skin already gray, my hair snow white, my eyes now gold and black.

Kicking off my shoes and socks, I proceeded to unbutton my pants, not planning on taking them off, instead just wanting to test how large I could grow while still remaining clothed. Focusing on my hands again, I felt my bones begin to grow warm, a soft audible popping filling my ears as the ground began growing further away.

My legs began to grow tight against my pants, my thighs enlarging and elongating, my chest rapidly filling my navy-blue Polo shirt to the fullest, my shoulders beginning to threaten to tear the semi-stretchy material it was made from, even as my biceps bulged with internal pressure.


I was strong prior to dying, and definitely a bit muscular, but I could feel myself becoming significantly stronger, my enlarging muscles beginning to feel like tightly wound springs just ready to explode with lethal force. The same ridiculous force I’d used to literally tear off a monster’s arm in the process of yanking it away, and maiming it, in an effort to prevent it from killing Gwen and Miriam.

Although, one thing was different from what I was used to during my normal shifting.

I had horns.

And not just small horns, but large rough ones that were a good four or five inches tall, and at least two inches wide at the base, originating just below my hairline, being spaced far enough apart that the center was roughly aligned with the edges of my slitted gold eyes.

I had yet to grow out my wings, since I was still wearing a shirt, but oddly enough, while I had control over when my wings grew, I discovered that growing larger also meant that I began growing the midnight horns as well, the color a sharp contrast to my white hair, the two processes seeming intimately connected.

On the contrary, I couldn’t seem to prevent the new weapons from sprouting out of my skull, but I became slightly amused when I imagined them to be my makeshift demonic crown -- a sign of true royalty and power, a far more potent symbol than the various tiaras Ms. Miriam wore.

Granted, the sexy maid had horns too, but mine felt different, seeming to be much thicker and going almost straight up, instead of hers curling backward, only angling upward at the end, causing her to look like she might have cat ears from a distance.

The unexpected sound of my seams beginning to tear caused me to stop growing entirely, knowing I hadn’t quite ruined my clothing yet, but was seriously close to splitting the material if I got much bigger.

In my estimation, I was standing roughly nine or ten feet now, at least three feet taller than the average man, and my overall size was about eighty percent of what it had been the last time I was fully transformed.

Fully augmented.

Fully crowned.

I could work with this.

I felt comfortable at this level, not having an urge to complete my physical augmentation, even if I could technically go further. Honestly, the moment my horns fully grew, once I was roughly seven feet tall, the internal pull to continue ceased.

Much like a physical itch, I was comfortable again at that point, upon achieving my ‘crowned state,’ and only persisted in order to see how big I could get before my clothing reached its limit. Although, there was no doubt I’d tear my pants and shirt if I tried moving a bunch.

Right now, half my toned stomach was visible, my unbuttoned pants as tight as hell, my feet far too large to fit in my currently discarded shoes, but at least I could grow this large while remaining clothed.

But that also meant I could achieve this larger form at only seven feet, and have most of the benefits I seemed to gain from it, including the increased physical strength. Honestly, the only reason why I might want to grow to ten feet, or even my full possible height, was if I was facing an enemy that large and wanted to be more physically intimidating, but otherwise I felt like seven feet tall was more than plenty enough height.

Now, on to my magic.

In particular, that was something I didn’t fully understand.

I recalled Mrs. Rebecca explaining that it wasn’t some separate energy out there, but was energy generated by living creatures, which was why human sacrifices were probably a thing in the past, since lifeforce itself was a potent form of magical energy.

She also mentioned that succubi turned lust into magical energy, and that even an emotion like anger could turn into magic, which was likely where my own initial boost of magic had originated from after resurrecting.

Dying made me pissed.

And I turned that rage into both strength and fire.

Both of which felt easy and instinctual.

However, I knew at least some magic required the use of an incantation or spell, and I honestly had no idea the reason why.

For the blue fire I’d used to turn my enemy to ash, I vaguely remembered the spell I’d used.

Or at least, I knew what command I’d given in my thoughts, based on what I desired to happen to my foe.


Problem was, the use of that ‘spell’ wasn’t like how I’d imagined it would be, at least based on games and such. It wasn’t as if I was required to designate a certain amount of mana to cast it, such as using 10 MP in a game for a fireball. Rather, I simply cast it by thinking it, the resulting effect and strength varying entirely based on my intention and the amount of magic I used.

That, of course, made it versatile, since the same spell that obliterated my enemy could produce a simple spark just barely large enough to start a campfire. However, I could also tell that there was some meaning behind the word I chose to use.

For me, the word incinerate meant obliterate, destroy, erase from existence with fire.

So, if I only wanted to start a fire, it seemed like it would be much better to just use the word flame, spark, burn, or even just fire. Any of those would work, the exact verbiage not seeming to matter, as it was my intention that appeared to be more important, the word helping to focus that intention.

But that just made it seem as if spells weren’t set in stone, like they might be in a game, with that aforementioned intention instead being the most important factor…

Or was that truly how it worked?

After all, in contrast to what I’d done with my incinerate spell, I also knew there must be real spells out there too, because I’d just learned a healing spell from Ms. Miriam, and it was more elaborate than simply saying ‘heal.’

In fact, I felt like saying ‘heal’ would do nothing at all, whereas there seemed to be inherent power in the prayer-like chant I’d spoken previously. Even my shortened version felt necessary, with me just eliminating a lot of the repetition and unnecessary words.

Still, I felt power in those specific words.

Bone mend, sinew bind, flesh persist

Breathe new life.

Even telling the body to obey.

It all felt necessary.

Very necessary.

So then, was it possible that I had a natural affinity for fire magic?

Did that make a difference?

Maybe someone with a greater affinity for healing magic would be able to cast it without a complex chant to do so…

Or maybe that was completely wrong.

Was it possible that turning magic into fire was less complicated? After all, trying to heal and mend a physical body was a bit more elaborate.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure, which was another reason why I sincerely needed Ms. Miriam to teach me, because undeniably I was also required to recite the healing spell out loud, whereas casting my fire magic felt as natural as breathing, a simple spoken thought directing my internal energy.

As natural as breathing…

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly, realizing my body must have heated up while thinking about everything, since a visible steam escaped my lips when I exhaled, even though it was warm outside. Focusing on my hands again, I raised my right palm, and thought my desire into existence.


Instantly, a floating blue fire manifested an inch above my open palm.


The previously fluid azure energy instantly grew taller as it seemingly exploded with energy, visibly looking like the type of fire I’d expect to see coming out of a literal propane torch used for welding. Which only confirmed what I considered before, since I doubted there was a spell called ‘torch.’

Rather, I was using words to help solidify what I wanted my magic to do.

At least, when related to fire.

Ceasing the magic, I took a step toward the nearest tree and placed my hand on the rough surface, deciding to experiment with a completely different type of magic.


I frowned when nothing happened, even though I wasn’t expecting much to begin with.

Focusing harder, I began trying to push magical energy into the tree, feeling it leaving my body, but seemingly with no effect. So then, either I needed a spell to make a tree grow, or else it just wasn’t possible for me to do.

Hard to say, since I literally had no idea what was, or wasn’t possible.

However, I did quickly realize one thing.

I was low on magical energy.

Not like I’d been before, when I had the desperate urge to have sex, and felt a ton better after fucking Gwen into having multiple orgasms and generating all that delicious energy for me. Essentially, the energy I needed to sustain myself felt fine.

So really, I was technically full in that department, but the amount of disposable energy I had available for my fire magic was extremely low.

Which only brought up more questions.

First, was there a difference between the energy I needed to thrive, versus what I was using for magic?

That must be the case, since I felt like the sincere need for sex wouldn’t arise for a while, as if that was a separate gas tank that was truly full. And, I felt as if that more vital tank would remain full for a while, so long as I didn’t experiment a ton more with my fire to the point that I needed to dip into that main one.

But the problem was, I also wanted to be able to practice my magic, or at least have it available to use it in the event it was needed again.

So how could I gain more disposable energy?

Would having more sex allow me to increase my reserve?

Or was there something else I had to do to gain that type of disposable magic?

Maybe a skill I’d have to learn? A skill that turned sexual passion into raw magic capable of fueling spells?

Honestly, it was even possible I didn’t have a large internal reserve to begin with, and might have to store such energy separately, much like Ms. Miriam did with her opals.

Basing some assumptions on what I knew from her, I was aware that a full-blooded succubus appeared to both need lust to survive, while also being able to use it to fuel spells, but maybe her internal storage was more limited than I assumed.

Maybe my internal storage for disposable magic was more limited too.

Hard to say at this point, since I had no sensation of how large my capacity might be, only having an idea of how much I had currently, based on how much I’d used up with my brief ‘flame’ and ‘torch’ experiments.

But that was about the limit of what I could learn on my own, at this point.

Unfortunately, my overall ignorance left me without many options. Until I spoke more with Ms. Miriam about it, I’d just have to put the subject off, unless I lucked out by accidentally gaining more magic, but I was a little hesitant to do too much experimenting when I knew I could seriously harm someone I loved by doing the wrong thing during sex. Not to mention, it felt like I’d be eliminating the intimacy of the act by making it into an experiment, and I didn’t want to do that to Serenity or Gabriella.

If anything, it would be better to practice that kind of thing with Ms. Miriam -- and even Mrs. Rebecca, who could at least identify if I was doing something dangerous -- rather than take that risk with my two primary women.

Taking one more deep breath, I allowed my body to return to normal size, got my socks and shoes back on, and then began heading back to my car.

I hadn’t been among the trees for too long, so I was unsurprised when I found it undisturbed just as I’d left it, no one having stopped to check on why there was an abandoned vehicle pulled off to the side of the street. Honestly, only one car had driven past to begin with, and it hadn’t even slowed down when passing.

Taking a deep breath, I climbed back in, put it in gear and did an awkward two-step U-turn to head back the way I’d come and finally go back home.

I’d only been gone for most of a single day, and yet it felt like ages.

Did my death have something to do with that?

Or was it just because so much stressful stuff happened in a short period of time?

I wasn’t sure, but now that I’d transformed into my larger form a second time, and experimented a little with my control of magic, I felt a little better about reuniting with everyone.

Felt more reassured that I was in control of myself.

As well as more mentally prepared to tell them what really happened while I was gone…

Shit, that was going to be a difficult conversation.

It wasn’t until I pulled onto our road another ten minutes later, only about two miles to go until I reached our driveway, that the unexpected happened, causing me to almost slam on the brakes, instead just slowing down in bewilderment.

Because suddenly, I felt Serenity’s presence, exactly like I’d felt Gwen’s presence upon waking up from death, and the urge to ‘claim’ her hit me with the same force as it had done for the sexy maid.

I couldn’t help myself, the moment I felt it.

Instantly, just like that, I was connected to Serenity, an unseeable bond solidifying into place, giving me the capacity to enhance her strengths and even share my power with her if I so desired. And with that bond, an intense craving within me -- one I hadn’t known existed until now -- felt satisfied, as if I’d desperately longed to share this bond with her all my life, only for it to be impossible until now.

Impossible because I wasn’t capable of it before.

And potentially impossible because…

Well, because she wasn’t a full-blooded demonic imp before…


FEEDBACK: I wasn't sure what to call his larger form, so I've gone with 'crowned' and 'augmented' for the moment, but if you have a better word or idea, feel free to comment below.

Or even if you DO like that phrasing, that's good to know too. Thanks!


Chapter 47 >>


Dante Sparda

Loved the chapter my only let down was the lack of dialog during the Kai/Rebecca sex scene and it felt to short. Hopefully the taboo version updates this when it gets to this chapter.


Crowned is good. I was thinking of some others 'coronated' was one but that's just a synonym for the first. 'Imbued' was another. For in that form he is imbued with confidence, power, and purpose.

Jon Van Meter

Crowned feels right, like the horns are a symbol of the power and control he has obtained through trial.