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July 4, 2021


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- CHAPTER 45: Goodbyes -


I woke up in a massive bed, staring up at a crimson canopy, confused briefly as I tried to remember where I was. Oddly enough, for some reason I had Avery on my mind, feeling like I was dreaming about her.

But then, I felt a short redhead minx sigh contently on my right side, nuzzling her head against my bare chest, another woman with black hair and midnight horns holding onto my left leg, my foot between her muscular thighs, her forehead pressed against my hip as she slept soundly.

Oh shit. What time was it?

“Are you awake?” Ms. Miriam whispered, a slight hesitation in her tone.

“Umm, yeah,” I said just as quietly, focusing down at her looking up at me, her cheek squished against my side. “How long was I asleep?”

Her emerald gaze had a hint of affection in it, her cheeks rosy, the tip of her adorable nose slightly red. “Not sure,” she admitted. “But it’s only about six in the evening, still light outside, so probably not too long.”

I took a deep breath as I focused back up at the romantic red canopy, beginning to try to piece together the day, to try to figure out what happened when. The trip to Ms. Miriam’s mansion had been about an hour, but Mrs. Rebecca and I left when it was still morning, so by the time I met the deceptively young-looking succubus it was probably only 11 AM.

And we were having lunch by 11:30 AM after our discussion -- definitely eating before noon.

However, everything was hazy after that.

I knew Ms. Miriam took me to a guest room to try to open my third-eye, but I had no idea how long we were alone together. And then there was that earthquake, followed by her showing me the dimensional gate, only for the two of us to spend some more alone time on a white leather couch, while Mrs. Rebecca and Gwen fucked together in a different room…

Since Gwen had gotten aroused from licking my precum off her mistress’s ass.

However, after making Ms. Miriam cum the hardest she ever had in her entire life, filling her up to the brim with my sexual energy, she had her maid join us to try to see just how much energy I could really produce, filling up a whopping seven opals with my unending lust.

That led to Ms. Miriam encouraging me to help her ‘eat out’ her maid, simply because she decided she wanted to enjoy me after all, the two of us sucking on the female devil’s pussy together, the succubus eventually fisting the taller woman as she decided to climb onto my cock to ride a little while we all worked to make Gwen cum.

All of us, including Mrs. Rebecca, who joined just in time to help us finish the job by kissing the sexy maid passionately while Miriam and I were between the female devil’s muscular thighs. I recalled Ms. Miriam jerking me off and making me cum again after that, getting it all over her belly and letting it soak into her red silk robe.

The same robe she was still wearing now…

But then, everything went to hell afterward.

We were unexpectedly attacked, and Ms. Miriam tried to use a blood magic spell to defend against the monster, slicing her wrist and rushing to paint a large symbol in her own blood, but it was too late. There hadn’t been enough warning.

And even though she told me to get to safety in the basement, I found myself trying to defend her from being slaughtered by the monstrosity that erupted out of the metal doors leading to the dimensional gate.

I died…

My heart ripped right out of my chest…

But now I was alive again, feeling very different, finding my thoughts tugging me to think differently. Granted, I definitely felt more like myself at this point now that I’d fucked Gwen, absorbed her sexual energy, and gotten a chance to sleep.

But a part of me still didn’t want to give people choices.

Because I felt like a king, felt like I was something akin to a god or demigod now, and such a creature didn’t offer his servants the luxury of choice.

What was mine, was mine, and I wanted to enjoy what was mine as I saw fit.

However, at the same time, I felt like maybe I shouldn’t think like that.

So, I did my best to remain as I used to be, prior to my untimely death.

“And what about Mrs. Rebecca?” I wondered, curious as to where she was.

“Not sure about that either,” Ms. Miriam replied. “No doubt she’s still here, possibly having fallen asleep too, after all the stress.” She paused. “Did you want me to go check on her?”

I focused back on her emerald gaze in surprise. “Oh, umm. That’s alright.” I hesitated. “How are your legs feeling?” I then asked tentatively.

She smiled. “They feel fine, thanks to you.”

I frowned at that.

“It was painful having you heal them so quickly,” she admitted. “And really draining. But I’m okay now.”

“Draining how?” I wondered, knowing I’d used my own magic for the spell.

Magic that I hadn’t even realized was residing within me, prior to my untimely death and resurrection. Granted, technically even humans had magic inside of them, which was probably why human sacrifices had once been a thing at some point in time, but the capacity to sense that magic and utilize it had been completely dormant in myself.

Not to mention, I wasn’t actually using up my own lifeforce, but instead using a pool of generated energy, sort of like how muscles stored extra energy to use if they were worked too hard.

She paused. “Well, you told me you’ve been hurt before. Was not experiencing that pain draining on your mind? Your psyche? And maybe a bit draining physically as well?”

I thought about that, recalling how it felt when I was impaled with something akin to harpoons by the serial killer who had been trying to track me down for nearly a decade. The same serial killer who killed the first victim I tried to save, by hiring a different murderer to torture and slaughter his wife. The woman who had been pregnant, the baby who survived being the little sister of the detective Nick, who was also searching for the kid who at least saved the baby.

To thank the guy for protecting his unborn sister.

Yeah, it had been pretty draining both emotionally and mentally.

I sighed. “Sorry,” I whispered.

“For what?” Ms. Miriam asked seriously.

I shrugged just slightly, staring up at the red canopy again. “For hurting you. For wanting to fuck you, whether you wanted it or not. For not caring that you were in pain. For not having any empathy.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, nuzzling her face against my chest again. “Kai, we’re all alive because of you. And what you went through was traumatizing. Dying is traumatizing. And while it seems like a miracle that you came back to life, I’m not surprised that your mental state changed dramatically upon doing so.”

“Why is that?” I wondered.

She sighed again. “Because you died,” she repeated. “You don’t survive death and come back as the exact same person you were, just like how any other traumatizing situation permanently changes you. If anything, that shift in your mentality is part of the reason why you overcame death in the first place. Because you were unwilling to submit to it. Unwilling to submit to anything.”

I frowned at that. “So does that mean that resurrecting is possible for anyone?” I wondered seriously.

She laughed at that. “No, absolutely not. There is definitely something very special about you, to be able to do so. But had you submitted to death, then I don’t think you would have come back to life, even if you were capable of it.”

I considered that. “Makes sense, I guess.” I took a deep breath, her face rising and falling with my chiseled muscular chest. “I think dying actually made me angry,” I added. “In fact, I still kind of feel angry.”

“I’m sure it did,” she mused. “I know I’d be pissed if someone killed me.”

I smirked at that. “So now what?”

Her tone was immediately somber. “Now, you and my daughter Rebecca will leave soon. And then I guess I’ll let you know once I’ve discovered something about the catalyst your mother left you.”

“Any chance I could convince you to come with me?” I blurted out, not even thinking about it prior to asking.

She grimaced, reaching up with her arm to hold me tightly even as she buried her face into my chest. “I can’t leave this place right now,” she finally whispered. “Definitely not after what happened. And I’m still uncertain about how to handle the feelings I have for you. Uncertain of how to live life with those feelings.”

“Because of how it’ll affect your sex life?” I assumed.

She didn’t respond.

I sighed. “I…umm, I love you,” I whispered, knowing it didn’t hold the same meaning as it might when saying it to Serenity, but still truly feeling that kind of attachment to her at this point.

She stiffened against my side, before slowly lifting her head to more fully look at me. “Kai, I…” Her eyes pained. “I can’t even count the number of times I’ve told another person I loved them…” She sighed. “But never in my entire life have I ever truly felt the way I now feel about you. I don’t have words to express that feeling, because the word ‘love’ feels empty to me. Or rather, it is temporary and simply an everyday part of my life.” She grimaced. “I feel like infatuation would be a more accurate word, to express my intensity, but usually that’s temporary in a human’s perspective. But for me, I feel like my infatuation for you could last an eternity. Making it feel more like an addiction than ‘mere love’ or infatuation.” She took a deep breath. “I want you. Infinitely, I want you.”

“So how does that affect us?” I wondered. “Or does it even change anything at all?”

Her emerald gaze glanced away. “I don’t know,” she admitted quietly. “I think I’ll need time to try to figure it out. To process how I might live differently, after having lived a certain way for practically all of my life.” Her eyes were pained again as she focused on me. “Do you think…do you think you can accept that? Can you be patient with me?”

I nodded. “I think that if we end up together, in a way I would prefer, then I need it to be ‘willing’ on your end. Because if I expect a certain lifestyle from you, and you eventually go back to your old life after deciding it’s not what you truly want, then it’ll be upsetting.”

“I understand,” she replied. “And it’s probably best if we both take a break from each other right now, to figure out what we truly want. And probably best for my daughters Rebecca and Gabriella, as well as that girl Serenity, that I allow you to form strong relationships with them before trying to compete for your time and attention.”

I knew she was probably right. Especially when her very presence was so potent to me that Gabriella’s overwhelming aroma felt insignificant compared to a full-blooded succubus. It would be difficult to focus on anyone other than this hot minx, whenever she was around.


“Can I still come visit you?” I asked seriously, recalling that she’d made the offer before.

Her expression brightened. “I’d be heartbroken if you didn’t,” she said seriously. “You are welcome at any time.” She then frowned. “Still remember to hit the buzzer at the gate please, so we know you’re here and don’t accidentally freak out and try to attack you from having a powerful, unannounced visitor show up. And I did actually put my number in your phone already, if you will please call as well.” Her expression brightened again. “But yes, please come visit me.”

“If I do, it’ll probably be at night,” I considered, doubting I’d have time to make a trip here during the day.

“Perfectly fine,” she replied warmly. “I’ll be ready to entertain you, no matter when you show up. And if I am already asleep, and need a few minutes to wake up, then I’ll make sure my maid keeps you company while you wait.”

“Good,” I said seriously. “And I hope you can accept that Gwen partially belongs to me now.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “I can sense that’s the case. Honestly, I sensed it the moment you came back to life -- sensed the power that flowed into her. So moving forward, we will share her, as equals.”

“Then you won’t mind if I decide I need to borrow her?” I assumed.

“I would prefer she remain with me for now, but I understand if you do need me to loan her out occasionally.”

“That’s acceptable,” I agreed.

She smirked at that. “Have you noticed your speech has changed?” she wondered.

“Has it?”

She nodded, a smirk tugging at her perfect lips. “A little, and it’s probably just due to the shift in your mentality. You say what you want, how you want, and your tone has a higher level of certainty to it.”

I simply shrugged in response, wondering if it was partially because I was around her in particular, since she sometimes spoke oddly compared to what I was used to. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I spoke like my normal self once I was around Serenity again.

Or more specifically, people who had been alive for less than a full lifetime, and had a manner of speech that was entirely modern…

Sighing, I let it out slowly, staring up at the romantic canopy above.

“What’s wrong?” she asked quietly, her tone sounding sincerely concerned.

“I feel a little sad,” I realized with a frown. “I’ve only been away from Serenity and Gabriella for about half a day, and yet I miss them like I’ve been away for years. Decades even.”

“Well, you did die,” Ms. Miriam said gently. “Not much time passed for the living while you were dead, but your experience might have been longer.”

I shook my head, knowing that, in my perception, I was dying one second and felt like I was coming back to life the very next second. “No, I think it might be from being so stressed about everything. Stressed about meeting you, and then being around you has been a bit stressful too,” I admitted, only to clarify. “Sexually stressful.”

She smirked. “I apologize for having a little fun with you, but I’d be lying if I said I regretted even a second of it.”

I nodded. “I don’t disagree,” I said simply, knowing I’d enjoyed most of the time I’d spent with her too. “But all of it has just made the day seem so long, and…” My voice trailed off.

My expression was somber again.

“And what?” she whispered, her tone tender and empathetic.

I sighed. “I’m also sad because ‘going back’ to them means leaving you.”

Ms. Miriam gave me a sad smile, only to gently turn her head enough to kiss me on the chest, before focusing up at me again. “It makes me sad as well,” she agreed. “But just remember that you have my heart in a way no one has ever before. And you are also welcome to come visit me whenever you want. Even tonight…if you’re of preference.”

I grimaced, doubting I’d want to do so tonight. Like, a part of me did, of course, but I suspected that once I was back with Serenity and Gabriella, never mind Avery and Michelle, I probably wouldn’t want to leave again so soon.

Ms. Miriam easily picked up on the look. “Or the next night, or whenever. You have my number, and if you want, we can even message each other a little during the day.”

I looked down at her in surprise, prompting an immediate eye-roll that was fucking adorable.

“I’m old, but not decrepit,” she said with a surprising amount of playful venom in her tone. “Yes, I know how to send a message typing on a screen. And I was quite adept at using a nine-digit keypad too, when that was more a thing.”

I smirked widely. “And using a rotary phone too, I assume.”

She gave me a playful slap on the chest, only to grin at me. “I’m surprised you even know what that is at your age. Smartass.”

“Saw one in a museum once. Old hag.”

She stuck her adorable tongue out at me, only to turn her head enough to suck my nipple into her mouth with surprising force, biting down a little. The unexpected stimulation caused my legs to jerk, which in turn made Gwen stir, since she was practically cuddling with my left one.

Ms. Miriam only laughed. “I love playing with you so much,” she said warmly.

“Me too,” I agreed, focusing on the sexy maid now, since she was yawning as she opened her slitted crimson eyes.

She then focused up at me, her purple lips forming an almost uncertain smile as she met my gaze.

Uncertain, as if she was searching my head for any shadows that she was doing something displeasing. However, while I was a little sad about leaving, and sad because I missed everyone back home, I was actually pretty pleased with my sex pet.

She’d done a good job of taking care of me when I needed it, and I felt like a big part of me returning to normal was from not being so ‘hangry’ from the lack of sexual energy my body wanted. Because prior to fucking her, and absorbing her passion, it had kind of felt like I was starving in that department.

And it made me irritable.

Gwen finally smiled more fully, hugging my leg tighter to her naked chest.

Ms. Miriam took a deep breath then, and finally sat up, only to reach up and stretch her arms even while her midnight wings fanned out to stretch too.

“Well, I guess I’ll send Gwen to collect your clothing, while I go find my daughter,” she commented, her tail abruptly beginning to wrap around my soft cock, as if it had a mind of its own. “Do you need anything before I send you off, or do you think you’ll want to go after you dress?”

I sat up as I considered that, knowing I was never going to manage to escape this place if I didn’t just go ahead and leave. “Umm, no,” I replied hesitantly, glancing down at her tail still wrapped around me. “I think we should probably go as soon as I’m dressed, and Mrs. Rebecca is ready.”

Ms. Miriam nodded, not seeming surprised as she leaned forward to peck my bare shoulder, only to let go of my cock with her tail while she slipped off the side of the bed.

Damn, it was obvious when she moved that my cum had practically glued the red silk robe to her body, because the dried sections stuck right to her like a second skin…

The moment Ms. Miriam stepped out of the room, and Gwen climbed out of bed as well, placing her hooves on the floor as her black furry tail rubbed against my leg, the maid turned to me and answered my unspoken question.

“Cum does tend to make clothing stick to skin,” she agreed. “And my mistress enjoys the sensation, and will eventually request that I ‘undress her,’ which makes the silk pull on her skin when I do. She enjoys that process as well, sort of like how I enjoy being spanked.”

For some reason, suddenly all I could think of was waxing, wondering if the stinging sensation that was left behind from yanking off hair was what Ms. Miriam liked so much. However, I also noticed Gwen’s not-so-subtle hint that she wanted me to spank her sometime.

I’d definitely have to remember that.

“Kind of,” Gwen agreed to my thought about waxing. “Although her lack of hair in most spots isn’t from waxing. She’s always only had hair on her head. It’s a succubus thing. And no, she doesn’t actually wax for the sensation, because part of the enjoyment is the knowledge that it’s cum making the clothing stick. That, and she loves the scent. Especially the scent and volume of yours.”

I frowned at that, trying not to think too deeply on the subject, since I knew that Ms. Miriam choosing to be a one-man woman wasn’t going to come easy for her. And I didn’t even want to worry about what she’d end up choosing right now, just because the idea of her continuing to sleep around regularly would only stress me out, assuming she didn’t just stick to fucking women.

Thus, instead I simply nodded and pushed it from my thoughts, focusing on what was next.

I supposed I first needed Gwen to grab my clothing, which should still be in the room with the white leather couches, and then I could dress so I could leave with Gabriella’s mom.


In response to my thoughts, Gwen turned to leave and do just that, her black furry tail swaying slowly behind her, the muscles in her thick thighs visibly rippling as she walked, the fur on her legs looking much more like stockings from further away.

Especially with how shiny her black fur was.

Standing up and looking around while I waited, I was a little surprised when I began noticing the little things that really made this feel like Ms. Miriam’s room, including several old metal hair-combs that looked purely decorative and well maintained…

As well as a pair of old-looking glasses, that had perfectly spherical lenses, one of which had a hairline crack down one side.

No way in hell did Ms. Miriam wear glasses, and if she did then they would be more modern, which meant…

I took a deep breath, glancing away, wondering just how sad it would truly be to live quite literally forever, while everyone else around you died, over and over, and over again. Of course, I had no idea if the glasses belonged to a man or woman, not really caring either way, since even if they belonged to a man she once really loved, the thought only made me sad instead of jealous or anything like that…

Because that person was undoubtedly deceased.

Focusing on another dresser, I noticed that a small wooden box was out, the haphazard angle making it look as if it wasn’t something normally out in the open.

Finding myself curious, I walked over to the richly colored wooden bureau and carefully picked up the box to open it.

I was shocked to see a tiny piece of paper, that was much thicker than I would have normally anticipated, almost looking like an entry ticket from a fair, or…

I could just barely make out a single faded word on the front side.


It was a movie ticket, one she’d kept for basically a century.

I recalled her mentioning that she’d seen the movie when it first came out in theaters, and I even remembered how her eyes became unfocused as she seemed to get lost in a memory, but never did I think it might be a memory so important to her that she’d keep the ticket.

Closing the wooden box and carefully setting it how I left it, I glanced back at the glasses again, wondering if they were connected to each other, or from entirely separate memories -- maybe even entirely separate lifetimes.

I also wondered when she took the time to get it out, knowing that the only time she’d really left me for any significant amount, after we’d talked about Frankenstein, was when she let me talk to Serenity on the phone.

And really, that must have been when it was, considering she came back in the silk robe, with her giving me some space while she went back to her room and pulled out a few old things that reminded her of small pieces of her life when she was sincerely happy, even if only for a moment.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was actually a world of sadness behind Ms. Miriam’s more cheerful exterior, a world of loneliness caused from her being the only person in her world who persisted even after everyone died.

Walking back toward the bed, I sat down briefly, just in time for Gwen to walk back into the room, carrying my discarded clothing from earlier, which she’d taken the time to neatly fold.

I thanked her as she handed it all to me, including my shoes…

The appreciation of which left her with a slightly surprised look in her slitted crimson eyes, as well as flushed cheeks. I suspected I knew why. I was definitely thinking and acting more like my usual self, instead of the KING who fucked his servant, though I had no doubt that my sexual aggression toward her would always result in us fucking that way.

Still, it was obvious my open appreciation affected her in some kind of positive way.

Maybe because I was a nice king?

Granted, I suspected there was a bit of a masochistic side of her that would enjoy me being a bit of an unkind king too.

She did like to be spanked, after all, and ‘put in her place’ roughly.

Either way, she didn’t respond to my thoughts, just standing there silently while I got dressed, only to quietly ask me to follow her so she could take me to her mistress and Mrs. Rebecca. I finally spoke up about her own nudity then, wondering if she was going to get dressed.

She seemed indifferent, but asked what I would prefer, so I just said ‘clothed.’

Nodding, Gwen walked over to one of the dressers, pulled out a black silk robe with a deep dip in the back that was overall far too short for her, but wrapped around just fine, tying it in place before leading me out of the room. Oddly enough, seeing the bottom of her bare ass beneath the robe, as well as practically all of her upper back and delicate shoulder blades, was actually almost more arousing than her just being naked.

I tried not to stare too much, simply because I wanted to avoid getting too aroused, but I had to admit I kept glancing at her plump ass.

We met the other two in the grand foyer area, with Mrs. Rebecca giving me an uncertain smile similar to the one Gwen had given me upon waking up, a familiar black leather bag on her shoulder. I gave her a small smile in return, which seemed to be enough to ease any tension lingering, prompting her to give her focus to Ms. Miriam.

The younger looking woman asked if we had everything, and when Mrs. Rebecca confirmed we did, they exchanged a hug and then wished us well as we began leaving.

I noticed that Miriam offered me a somewhat somber smile, rather than a hug, and I likewise felt like it was best to leave it at that for now.

So Mrs. Rebecca and I walked out of the large front doors, made our way down the wide concrete steps, and after she threw her bag in the trunk, we both climbed into the vehicle and began heading down the long paved driveway.

It wasn’t until we pulled out of the automatic gate, and onto a small road surrounded by large trees, that she finally spoke up after a deep sigh.

“I’m really sorry about everything,” she whispered quietly, reaching up to brush some of her heavy red curls off her shoulder, her emerald green blouse tight around her huge chest.

I glanced at her in surprise, assuming she must be talking about when we first got here. “No reason to be sorry,” I replied sincerely. “She was just worried about you and all, and it turned out okay in the end.” I paused. “And as far as everything else goes, I’m glad I was here. Otherwise they would probably be dead right now.”

She grimaced at that. “Yeah, and I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for you saving her. For saving all of us. It’s just…” Her voice trailed off.

Of course, she was aware of what happened earlier by this point, knowing I’d actually had my heart ripped out of me, prior to waking up as a literal giant of a monster.

“Just what?” I prompted softly.

She sighed. “You’re just so young,” she whispered. “I just…” She took a deep breath. “I guess it’s my motherly instincts. I want to protect you. I want to keep you safe. I want to take care of you, not the other way around.” She sighed again, glancing at me. “Not that I mind you taking care of me, and truly I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am that you saved our lives. But I just wish you didn’t have to be the one to suffer to keep us all safe.” She grimaced again. “I wish you didn’t have to go through all that, even though I am really thankful you were here to defend us.”

I shrugged. “Well, if you want to make it up to me, there is one thing you can do.”

She looked at me in surprise, only for her emerald gaze to become determined. “Anything, baby boy. What is it you want me to do?”

I smirked. “Well, you did say you’d take me on a date in your red Corvette,” I said in amusement.

She again looked shocked, only to laugh. “Oh, baby boy, you are too much. I’d be more than happy to take you on a date,” she said warmly. “Just tell me when, and I’ll make plans for it, or would you like to go tonight?”

I shook my head, wanting to keep the mood more positive. “Nah, it’s been a long day. But maybe in the next week or something. Oh, and how often do you think you’ll want to teach me to use my third-eye thing.”

She smiled warmly, her tone becoming a bit seductive. “Well, if I could have my way, then I’d just keep you in my bed at all hours of the day, but I suppose Gabby might not like me stealing so much of your time.”

I chuckled softly, deciding not to comment.

Mrs. Rebecca smirked, probably knowing what was on my mind, only to sigh. “Well, every night is fine with me. Or every other night, if that’s too frequent.” She then glanced at me, her expression meaningful. “Baby boy, you come over whenever you want, and I’ll teach you, okay? And you can bring Serenity along too, if you’re interested.” Her tone became more amused. “I’d be happy to teach her as well, even if she doesn’t have a third-eye to train.”

Honestly, as enticing as the idea was, the major problem with that would be Serenity transforming and thus revealing that I could change people, which I wasn’t sure if I was ready to share yet. Especially since I didn’t know how Mrs. Rebecca, or Ms. Miriam for that matter, would react to it.

Granted, that was assuming Serenity would even want to do something like that…

Trying to keep the mood lighthearted, I laughed. “Well, I’m not sure she’d want to come along, but I can ask.”

Mrs. Rebecca gave me a playful look. “Oh, baby boy, you have no idea.”

“What?” I said in surprise.

She laughed again. “That young woman is already very interested in me. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on when she first saw me, and introduced herself.” She shrugged. “Can’t be helped, really, since she is already bisexual, and I am part succubus. Her beautiful brown eyes barely left me when you brought her over.”

I gawked at her in sincere disbelief, only to realize that maybe I shouldn’t be so shocked, given that Serenity had shown signs of being somewhat open to getting physical with Gabriella and Avery. Although, I supposed that deep down I wondered if her willingness was due to my influence, but maybe it wasn’t me after all. Maybe Serenity truly might have had the interest, given the right circumstances.

Not to mention…she’d brought coworkers over for dinner prior to bringing Nick home, and they’d always been women.

I’d never thought much of it, but it made me wonder if those dinner dates weren’t always platonic, or if maybe she was truly trying to get to know those friends on a deeper level.

Hard to say, especially since she seemed to be very interested in me deep down, but I still found it surprising that the reason why Serenity was so hardcore focused on Mrs. Rebecca was because there was a bit of a sexual interest residing beneath the surface.

“So how about it, baby boy?” she unexpectedly asked, seeming amused. “Want me to seduce her in front of you?”

I gulped, rapidly growing really hard. “Umm, as long as she’s sincerely into it…” I cleared my throat. “Then, umm, yeah…that would be nice to watch. Maybe not right away, but eventually.”

Mrs. Rebecca giggled softly, reaching over to gently pat my thigh, before moving to take my hand, intertwining our fingers together. But she didn’t respond, instead continuing to drive in silence now, the two of us holding hands tenderly as I felt a sexual tension begin to build.

A tension I could now sense both with my body, and my third-eye.

Ah, fuck.

Despite everything I’d been through, this bad boy wasn’t going away on its own.

Certainly not anytime soon.

I supposed it was a good thing we had to stop at her place first, because if she didn’t insist on taking me to her bedroom, then I’d at least need to make a trip to the bathroom.

Thing was, I could tell from her affectionate touch…and from her arousing scent…

That we might not even be leaving the spacious car, once she pulled into the garage.


Chapter 46 >>



Great development there between Miriam and Kai.

Noat Eroticus

This is a nice and sweet chapter. I love the discussion Miriam and Kai had in the bed. Talking about his transformation, how his resurrection is something very special. I like that Kai did feel bad for how he was acting towards Miriam when he was in his Regal Demon form, it shows that he is still himself, just with some added urges and ego. Kai and Miriam’s love confession was the best, especially Miriam's confession. It was so full of love, and I believe that the word “love” is not enough for her and I really sense her infatuation or addiction for Kai when she talks about how she feels about him. I love the banter they had in bed and their talk about their future was great as well. Miriam needs time to adjust, and I like that Kai accepts that. Them coming to an agreement of sharing Gwen is awesome. You write Miriam brilliantly; she is my favorite character. I would love if Kai dropped the Mrs when referring to Miriam and Rebecca, it makes their relationship feel distant when he refers to them as Mrs. I love that Miriam likes having cum socked clothes pull on her skin when undressing, especially when it is Kai’s cum. Kai exploring Miriam’s room and seeing objects from her past and him contemplating on Miriam's past and what she has possibly been through in her life was very interesting, I would love to know more about her past. I enjoyed the talk between Rebecca and Kai in the car after they left Miriams mansion. Rebecca wanting to be the one to take care of Kai and not the other way around even though she is grateful for him saving their lives, is very sweet. Their talk about how often to meet up so Rebecca can teach Kai to control his powers, that Kai can invite Serenity and that Serenity might be into it because Rebecca sensed Serenity being interested in her was hot. I would love to see Rebecca seduce Serenity.


Thanks for the compliment :) Yeah, as I mentioned in one of your previous comments, Miriam is probably my favorite character. And yeah, the dropping of the Ms/Mrs is something that will happen eventually. Technically, it's already happened for Miriam in one of the most recent chapters.