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July 18, 2021


<< Chapter 46 | Ch 1 (Book1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4)


- CHAPTER 47: Bonds -


I’d already given a little thought to considering why Serenity, Gabriella, Avery, and Michelle all looked vastly different when transformed, but only now, upon syncing with Serenity from a distance and recalling she might be part-imp, did I fully realize that my blood might have brought out underlying supernatural traits that already existed within them.

And I felt like that possibility was reinforced by the differences between Avery and her mom.

They both had white hair.

They both had frosted lips and eyelids.

They both had black sclera and blue eyes.

But Avery’s eyes were icy blue, whereas Michelle’s eyes were exceptionally unique, being a deep blue with a vivid white ring around her pupil, making the midnight sphere appear like an eclipse. And then there was the color of their skin when transformed, Avery’s turning a light tan, similar to Gabriella, while her mom’s skin turned a light gray, not unlike my own medium gray skin.

I felt like it was obvious that the gray skin color must be directly tied to me, since Gwen was a full-blooded imp, but had pale skin, whereas Serenity was part-imp and ended up with a medium-gray shade a little lighter than my own skin.

However, undeniably Serenity’s black hair and purple lips came from her imp heritage, since that’s how Gwen looked naturally.

In hindsight, that seemed unsurprising, considering that my incubus father left me with his servants. No doubt there was a supernatural lineage involved, that had been diluted with human blood over the many years, and I was starting to think that imp servants, in particular, were somewhat common. Although I wasn’t entirely sure if Serenity’s heritage originated from the same classification of imp as Gwen. More specifically, I wasn’t sure if Serenity originated from infernoimps, or not.

Nevertheless, I felt confident Serenity was at least the same type of demon as the sexy maid, even if there was a slight difference in subspecies.

But then, that just made me wonder why Avery and her mom were different.

Why did Avery have tan skin like Gabriella?

Was it because Avery’s father had something supernatural residing in him? I supposed it was possible, since Michelle admitted that her attraction toward the guy went against her parents’ wishes. If anything, it might be possible that people with supernatural lineages tended to gravitate toward each other naturally, thus making it a common occurrence that two people with supernatural traits marry and have children together.

Granted, that was a sharp contrast to the descendants of incubi and succubi, who seemed to repel each other.

Those two groups must be the exception.

But then that made me wonder if Michelle had a supernatural lineage, shared with her daughter, or if blue eyes and white hair were what any human with blonde hair and blue eyes would have transitioned into.

Hard to say.

But that also made me wonder, why did no one have gold eyes like me?

Theoretically, I would have assumed that grabbing a random human, and giving them my blood, would result in a creature that looked mostly like me, including my coloring, but I had no way of knowing if that was correct at this point.

Which meant, I had no way of knowing if Michelle had something special about her, or if the star-eclipsed eyes were due to something else entirely, like her dying…

Granted, I’d just died, and I didn’t have eyes like that…


Was there any way for me to find out?

Might Ms. Miriam have an idea, if I went ahead and told her about it?

When the bond initially happened between me and Serenity, I wasn’t sure if she would have noticed it, initially just speeding up again and continuing on down the road, since I was really close. But once I’d driven another mile, three unexpected things happened almost simultaneously.

I abruptly sensed Avery, of all people, and instinctively grabbed her, forming the same bond I now shared with Gwen and Serenity both.

My phone then vibrated, with me pulling it out just in time to see that Serenity was calling, before I suddenly felt Gabriella too, metaphorically snagging her up and becoming synchronized.

I answered the phone.

Serenity immediately spoke, but not to me. “You too?” she said urgently, sounding panicked. “Just now?”

I quickly spoke up. “Hey, everything okay?” I asked seriously, wondering if they were freaking out about what I’d just done.

“No, everything’s not okay,” Serenity retorted. “I…” She paused. “I don’t even know how to say this, but I unexpectedly felt someone really powerful heading our way.” She hesitated again, beginning to sound more panicked. “They still are heading this way! And now Avery and Gabriella sense it too! How close are you?! I’m not sure what to do! Should we hide? Or try running away? Surely, you don’t think it’s your father, do you?”

I was shocked by the question, and even more stunned by the assumption, realizing her experience of what I’d done was very different than my own understanding, possibly just because she’d never experienced such a thing before and assumed it couldn’t be me, considering she’d been around me all my life.

Of course, she didn’t know I was different now.

I replied quickly, slowing the car down a little to ease her panic, so I had enough time to explain.

“Serenity, it’s me. You’re sensing me,” I said gently. “I’m on our road, and about to pull in.”

There was a long pause.

Surprisingly, it was Avery who spoke up in the background, apparently having heard what I said.

“It’s him?” she whispered almost inaudibly.

“Are you sure?” Serenity tried clarifying to me, still seeming uncertain.

I sighed heavily. “Yeah, I promise it’s me. Sorry for scaring you.”

“But why?” she asked simply, sounding bewildered now.

I took another deep breath. “Something happened while I was gone,” I admitted. “And I’m a bit different now. But it’s still me. I promise I’ll explain everything in just a few minutes, okay? I’m getting ready to pull in.”

Michelle spoke up then, her voice just as quiet, as if she was speaking more to herself.

“How come I can’t sense him?”

Of course, no one over there had an answer, and I wasn’t sure anyone even took her comment as anything other than a rhetorical question, from her simply thinking out loud.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure myself, but I fully agreed that I couldn’t feel Avery’s mom like I could now perceive the others. Including Gwen!

If I focused, I realized I could even still perceive the general direction the sexy maid was located, even from an hour’s drive away…

But not Michelle.


What could possibly be the reason why?

Maybe because I’d known Serenity and Avery the longest of the four? But then why sync so quickly with Gabriella, but not at all with Michelle? Or maybe did intimacy have something to do with it?

No, that couldn’t be it either, since I hadn’t really been intimate with Avery at all.

Commitment then?

Problem was, that didn’t explain Gwen, even if she was a full-blooded imp.

Dammit, why couldn’t I ever figure anything out?

Maybe Ms. Miriam would know about that too.

But again, the problem was, sharing that information with the true succubus would also require me to admit that I’d turned otherwise normal people into supernatural beings with my blood…

And I was sincerely a little worried about how she’d react to that, especially when I couldn’t afford for her to decline helping me to learn how to use magic. However, as I began thinking about it, I started wondering if maybe I would tell her after all.

Because we’d shared some really intimate moments while I was at her mansion, and even though it was only half a day, I felt almost as close to Ms. Miriam as I did Serenity, which was saying a lot. Unfortunately, there was also the possibility that the way I felt was due to her working her succubus charm on me, and that me telling the youthful-looking woman all my secrets might actually result in her betraying me…

And I was fully aware that she might get that intimate with everyone she slept with, making all her ‘lovers’ feel like they were extra special to her…

After all, she’d said as much, even if I truly believed we’d sincerely shared something uniquely special.

But then there was her aura, which I felt like she couldn’t easily fake, feeling so gentle and longing.

A longing for something she previously wasn’t able to have, but might be able to experience with me.

So then, maybe I would approach her about it, and just be straight with her.

Tell her how I really feel, even though she should know that, and also explain that I need her to teach me magic, and that I also want to share all my secrets with her, without hindrance, in hopes that she’ll be the partner I need to help me figure everything out.

And also tell her how I feel about trust, and how I have a difficult time trusting others to begin with. Explain why I’d been hesitant to share everything previously, and how it will make me feel if she does reject me after I’ve told her everything.

And then, maybe…hopefully, she’d accept everything, and we could work through it together, with her at my side.


I took a deep breath as I finally pulled into the long driveway, not at all surprised when I saw Gabriella, Avery, and of course Serenity, who was still on the phone, all clustered together as they peeked out the window, trying to visibly verify that it was really me pulling in.

They then all disappeared, one after another, with Serenity being the first to open the front door after hanging up with me, walking out tentatively as I pulled up next to her blue car.

I then sighed heavily again, as I got out, only to stop where I was as I glanced at Gabriella, followed by Avery, as they both made an appearance, all three of them stopping at the edge of the driveway.

My gaze then shifted to Michelle, who was surprisingly transformed right now, looking uncertain and even more hesitant than the others, as she stepped onto the small porch. Her hair was white, her skin an appealing light gray, her lips and eyelids looking frosted, all while her star-eclipsed eyes were a deep blue, set against a midnight background.

That’s when I felt it.

I felt her.

But it was different than the other three, and I wasn’t sure why.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, while holding her gaze, I almost felt as if she wasn’t available to claim like the others, and while I felt as if I could forcibly claim her, it would take actual effort on my part, as opposed to it being super easy with everyone else thus far.

Yet, I didn’t feel like her already being married had anything to do with it.

No, it was something else.

Maybe indecisiveness?

I honestly wasn’t sure, but my long stare had the other three women looking back over their shoulders while Michelle continued to hold my gaze.

I finally spoke up, my tone gentle. “Michelle, would you be willing to come here, please?” I asked.

Surprisingly, she nodded without hesitation, stepping off the porch and making her way over. There was still a sort of nervousness in her actual expression -- her light gray face seeming uncertain, the look on her face combining with those darker gray freckles, running across her nose and cheeks, and making her look even younger -- but she had no reservations about coming closer.

So she walked past the other three and right up to me, stopping at a normal distance -- not too close, and not too far away. Her willingness reminded me of her rhetorical question just moments ago, wondering why she couldn’t feel me too, almost making me wonder if she was eager to solve that mystery herself.

But she didn’t say anything, seeming to wait for me to speak.

Problem was, I wasn’t sure what to say either.

Was the cause of this difference really due to indecisiveness? Or some other reason entirely? I supposed it couldn’t hurt to find out.

“Can I ask kind of a random question?” I wondered quietly, even though I knew everyone could hear me just fine with their still-improving hearing.

She nodded. “Of course, honey. Anything.”

I hesitated, knowing it was an awkward one. “What did you and Avery end up deciding on?” I wondered.

Her star-eclipsed eyes widened in surprise, before her expression actually became more confident, as if she was mentally prepared to discuss this subject. “We decided it might be best if Avery wait, so that she can continue her last few weeks of school without having issues being around you.” She paused. “She’s concerned that remembering intimate moments spent with you will make it difficult for her to look normal at school, but feels that she can handle it if you both pretend like things are how they have been the last few years.”

I nodded, frowning slightly. “And what about with you?” I prompted, knowing that my recent death and resurrection, coupled with my recent shift in mindset, were actually making it easier for me to ask these types of questions bluntly, without any major nervousness.

Surprisingly, she grimaced slightly. “Umm, well…I suppose that’s up to you,” she said hesitantly.

I shook my head. “I mean, what did you two decide on, between yourselves,” I clarified.

She lowered her gaze, but spoke clearly. “Avery wants me to pursue a relationship with you,” she admitted quietly. “Sort of as a way to feel secure that you’ll stay in our lives. And, it’s also…” She paused. “Well, it’s what I want too.” She sighed. “It just feels wrong for me to want that.”

I felt the slightest shift in my perception of her, causing me to suspect it might really be a decisiveness issue with her in particular, prompting me to hold out my hand toward her, palm up.

She focused on it, and then looked at me in confusion.

I spoke bluntly. “Avery wants it, you want it, and I want that too. So let’s agree to that, and we’ll work through the details as we go along.”

Shockingly, her star-eclipsed eyes visibly filled with tears a little, before she took a deep breath, and carefully lifted her hand to place her light-gray fingers gently on my palm. However, I already felt the change prior to her even touching me, and the moment she did touch me, I was already claiming her as my own.

Her star-eclipsed eyes immediately widened slightly, before she took another deep breath, a pleasant smile touching her frosted lips. “I can feel you now,” she said warmly, her tone extremely affectionate.

“Yep,” I replied with a small smile. “We’re connected now, since you’re no longer indecisive about us.”

Her blue and black eyes widened slightly, before she nodded with a frown, seeming a little apologetic at that realization, but deciding not to verbalize that apology.

Serenity finally spoke up. “So, is that what this is, then?” she asked seriously, finally beginning to walk closer too. “You can form some kind of connection with people who want to be with you?”

My brow furrowed slightly as I considered that, focusing on her deep brown eyes. “Honestly, I’m not entirely sure, but I think that might be what this is.”

“What makes you uncertain?” Gabriella wondered, probably thinking Serenity’s explanation made perfect sense.

I cleared my throat, giving her my attention as she walked over too, Avery quickly following on her heels. “Well, because it might not necessarily be a romantic thing, and might just be more about loyalty or something.”

Michelle chimed in, seeming alarmed. “But I’m loyal,” she said quickly.

I nodded at her. “Yeah, and I believe you. But I’m just saying, I might be able to have this kind of connection with anyone, including guys, sort of like a way to share my power with my own little army of individuals.” I shrugged. “But then again, it might be purely a romantic thing too. Hard to say.”

Needless to say, that left them all speechless, with Serenity being the first to speak up what they were all apparently focusing on.

“Share your power?” she said uncertainly.

I assumed the disconnect here was that I’d already ‘shared my power’ with all of them by giving them my blood, resulting in their transformations, yet clearly I was talking about something different entirely. However, before I responded, I glanced over my shoulder when I heard a vehicle on our road, only to take a deep breath.

“Here, why don’t we go inside, just to ensure we have some privacy, and then I’ll try to explain everything.”

They all nodded, all four of them having glanced over when I did, all seeming to be able to hear the vehicle as well…

Which meant, having private conversations from each other might be impossible at this point.

Not that I necessarily planned on keeping Michelle or Avery out of our more intimate conversations anymore, already feeling like they were involved enough that I should be able to share everything with them, including things I might have previously only shared with Serenity and Gabriella.

However, that also meant I needed to be open about what I’d truly learned about myself, including the sex part, and just bluntly make it clear that Ms. Miriam and Gwen were two people who I was probably going to be having sex with long-term.

Or at least Gwen, depending on how things turned out with Ms. Miriam.

Previously, prior to dying, I would have struggled to admit such a thing openly like that, even to Serenity or Gabriella, but now I felt much more balanced between the two extremes of my overly humble self, versus my overly arrogant self, thus making me a little less reserved to discuss how things were going to have to be from now on.

In response to my request to go inside, we all began heading for the door, with Gabriella and Avery taking the lead, followed by Michelle, and then Serenity taking the opportunity to grab my arm and hold it against herself, giving me a makeshift hug as she walked with me into our home.

Of course, I was sure we all doubted the vehicle would be pulling into our driveway, but with Michelle still transformed, and the possibility of others shifting unexpectedly from a strong emotion, it was just better to speak behind closed doors.

That being said, we all went into the kitchen and had a seat, with me actually sitting at the head of the table for once, with Serenity sitting on my right side, along with Michelle next to her, while Gabriella sat down on my left, and Avery sat across from her mom.

I then took a deep breath when they all gave me their attention, squeezing Serenity’s hand briefly when she offered it on top of the table, but then letting go to interlace my own fingers in front of me.

Serenity looked a little disappointed when I didn’t actually hold her hand for long, but I had a lot of things to discuss, some of which she might not react well to, and just wanted to be able to focus and get it all out without worrying about her reaction.

Pausing for a long few seconds, I decided to just begin with covering the basics of what everyone should know at this point.

“So, obviously I’m half incubus, and might have a need for sex, similar to a succubus.”

Surprisingly, no one averted their gaze, not even Avery or Michelle, instead everyone only nodding in response.

I took a deep breath. “Well, something happened while I was visiting the person who was supposed to help with the black stone, and I think I truly need that now. Sex.”

Gabriella chimed in. “Are the four of us enough?” she wondered. “Or are you going to need to sleep around?”

I shrugged, focusing on her emerald gaze. “Honestly, I don’t know at this point, but I just know for a fact it’s a true need now.” I paused, glancing at the rest of the table, deciding to just start from the beginning. “The person Mrs. Watson took me to see is a woman by the name of Miriam.” I focused on Gabriella. “She’s your great-great-grandmother, and is a full-blooded succubus.”

Gabriella nodded. “Yeah, my mom said that on the phone before. Not the succubus part of course, but I figured that out on my own.”

“Right,” I agreed, knowing that, but just wanting to make sure everyone else knew too. “So while I was there, I met Ms. Miriam and her maid, Gwen, who is likewise not human, even if she looks mostly human.”

That made them all surprised.

“What is she?” Avery asked, speaking up for the first time.

“She’s as tall as me, but is actually a type of demon called an imp.” I focused on Serenity. “And I strongly believe that you also come from imps, because she has red eyes and purple lips, just like you do when you’re transformed.”

Serenity’s brown eyes were wide as she considered that.

Gabriella spoke up. “So then, you think your blood brought out our supernatural traits?” she assumed.

I nodded as I looked at her on my left, not surprised she’d pieced that together. “Yeah, I think it might be possible you’re actually more of a succubus now than your mom, or at least some combination of succubus and whatever I am.”

“Whatever you are?” Michelle said seriously. “I thought you were an incubus.”

“Technically yes, but possibly something else entirely.” I paused as I focused on everyone. “Ms. Miriam said that I have a lot of traits that don’t make sense. For example, while full-blooded succubi actually have wings, apparently incubi don’t have wings, and they certainly can’t grow them.”

“Wait,” Gabriella interrupted. “Are you saying that this Miriam person had wings?”

I nodded. “Yeah, she has wings, as well as a tail. And she actually looks as young as we do,” I admitted. “Like, if you saw her, you would definitely not think she was several thousand years old.”

They all just stared at me with varying levels of surprise, only for Serenity to speak up again.

“So, since this Ms. Miriam person is a succubus…” She paused, glancing at Gabriella, before looking at me again. “Is it safe to assume you had sex with her?”

Surprisingly, I didn’t flinch or grimace, or otherwise even feel odd about admitting the truth.

“Yeah, we pretty much did, and she was actually able to help me sense the type of sexual energy I was absorbing. I still need to practice, and be very careful when I am having sex, but I am in enough control that I don’t feel like anyone would be in danger from me sleeping with them.” I paused. “I also had sex with Gwen, and I’m really glad I did, because I actually really needed it after everything that happened.” I paused again. “Needed her sexual energy,” I clarified.

“Kai,” Serenity said hesitantly. “Why did you need it? Not that I have a problem with it, but what exactly happened? How did this Ms. Miriam person get hurt? And did you get hurt? Avery admitted that she was really stressed after you called the first time.”

I looked at Avery in surprise, causing her to glance away, seemingly in embarrassment, but she nodded as she spoke up. “I felt really angry,” she admitted. “Like you got hurt, and it just made me really angry. I transformed and couldn’t turn back.”

Well damn.

I didn’t know what to think of that.

Just another thing to add to the growing pile of unexplained mysteries.

I sighed heavily, focusing on Gabriella and then on Serenity again. “Yeah, I sort of got hurt. A…” I paused. “Well, a literal monster attacked their mansion, and I probably shouldn’t explain the details about why it would attack there of all places, but I…well, I sort of died.”

Everyone had varying reactions, with Gabriella visibly looking like she was going to pass out, Avery and Michelle looking alarmed, and Serenity abruptly grabbing the table in complete shock, her body tensing like she was about to bolt out of her seat. It was a miracle she hadn’t shifted, since she of all people had the right emotions to be about to shift.

“Kai!” she exclaimed. “What do you mean you died?!”

Well, shit. Maybe I should have danced around that topic a little, instead of being so blunt.

“Serenity, calm down,” I said gently. “Obviously, I’m okay. So please, calm down and I’ll explain.”

She just stared at me for a long second, looking over my chest and shoulders for a moment, as if trying to find some evidence that I’d been harmed, before her tension slowly decreased and she sat back a little in her seat so she was more straight.

“You mean you almost died?” she finally tried to clarify, as if she was hoping I’d just misspoken, not that her suggested alternative was much better.

I shook my head. “No, I’m afraid not.” I sighed when Serenity started looking more pale too, with Gabriella still just seeming stunned, like she hadn’t fully recovered from the initial shock. “And based on what happened after I died,” I continued. “I think I was supposed to die for some reason.”

“Kai,” Gabriella whispered, her volume completely gone. “Why would you even say that?”

I glanced at her and then gave my attention to Michelle. “You were right about the stone,” I said simply, before focusing on everyone else in turn. “Ms. Miriam said there was, in fact, a message on the stone, but also a curse that would have killed me.”

“Oh sweetie,” Michelle whispered somberly.

I took a deep breath. “Obviously, I haven’t done anything with the stone at this point, since Ms. Miriam said she should be able to remove the curse and let me see the message. But because of the attack that happened, I ended up dying anyway. And when I woke up, I was different.”

“Different how?” Serenity wondered. “I mean, I can feel you now. I feel so much power coming from you. Is that what you mean?”

“Sort of,” I admitted, deciding to push my chair back so I could stand. “And if you don’t mind, I think the easiest way to explain how I’m different is to just show you.”

They all exchanged glances with each other, all of them looking a little nervous, likely just because they had no idea what I was about to do, before they all gave me their attention again.

“I’m going to get bigger,” I decided to explain as I was kicking off my socks and shoes again, wanting them to at least be able to anticipate the basics of what they were about to see.

I had everyone’s attention as I undid my belt and pants, leaving my clothing on as my skin began graying, and I noticeably began growing taller, my warmed bones making audible popping sounds that filled the kitchen, with me planning on just stopping at seven-feet, since if I went much higher than I’d be stabbing my horns into the ceiling.

Of course, I expected them to be a little shocked by my increased height and new horns.

However, what I didn’t expect was for me to reach that crowned state, where my thick black horns were fully grown, rising straight up from my forehead…

Only for all of them to instantly shift in the blink of an eye.

All of them audibly sucked in a shallow breath, seeming fixated on me, even as their bodies visibly tensed.

Gabriella was the first one to speak, seeming in awe. “Kai, you’re like a god now.”

I frowned at that, knowing that my arrogant self would have agreed with her only a few hours ago. “Maybe more like a demigod,” I offered. “Or at least, a very powerful demon.”

She simply nodded, still focused up on me, her tan skin an appealing contrast to her vibrant red hair.

I decided to begin shifting back to my normal size, though their own changes in appearance didn’t happen nearly as fast, all of them beginning to shift back on their own, at their own pace, so that I was looking completely normal before anyone else was.

However, by the time I’d buttoned my pants and sat back down, everyone looked human again.

Serenity cleared her throat. “So, you defeated the monster then?” she assumed. “And I’m guessing Ms. Miriam got hurt, but everyone at least survived, right?”

I nodded, not surprised that the detective in the group easily pieced everything together. “Yeah, pretty much. The creature actually killed me, but when I woke up, I attacked it and destroyed it.” I took a deep breath. “I was actually even bigger than that, when I woke up. I can grow to be like twelve feet tall, or something similar.”

“Jeez,” Michelle said in surprise. “That’s probably almost double the height you were.”

“Yeah, just about,” I agreed. “I can also apparently use fire magic too, which was helpful in killing it.”

Serenity just shook her head as she leaned back in her seat, all of them seeming stunned by that extra little bomb I’d dropped on their heads.

“Don’t believe me?” I teased, knowing I could probably produce a little blue flame to show them.

Serenity sighed heavily. “I just don’t know what to think anymore,” she admitted. “I do believe you, of course. But literally only a day ago, and I didn’t know any of this stuff was real.” She focused on me. “I thought you were normal, I didn’t believe magic existed, and now here I am with a completely new body, talking about monsters and magic with you.”

I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot to accept.”

Michelle chimed in again. “So, now what, honey? Should we be worried about more monsters? And what about the black stone? Do you think your biological mother wanted to kill you on purpose? Maybe to benefit you?”

I shrugged. “Hard to say what my mother’s intentions might have been, or if it’s even really from her. And I don’t know if the curse was meant to benefit me or not. Depends on whether or not the person knew what would happen if I was killed.” I sighed. “But as far as the future goes, I don’t think we have to worry about monsters like that anymore, but I also think it would be stupid to not be prepared to be faced with a fight one day.”

I glanced at Serenity when she nodded.

“So, I plan on learning magic from Ms. Miriam,” I continued. “And I also want all of you to learn how to defend yourselves. Hopefully those skills won’t ever be necessary, but can’t hurt either.”

“I can help with that,” Serenity said confidently. “I know plenty of self-defense from my time in the academy. And if we can learn to use magic too, then that’ll help.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m hoping that I can learn more about it and teach everyone, but worst case and I might have to see if Gwen can visit to help teach everyone.”

Although, I wasn’t sure how that would work, considering the sexy maid’s horns and all. But then again, I knew that they could use illusion magic to hide her features, so maybe it really wouldn’t be a big deal.

“Why the maid, and not Ms. Miriam?” Gabriella asked, speaking up after not having said much for a while. “I wouldn’t mind meeting her myself.”

I sighed. “She has reasons for needing to stay where she is,” I admitted. “And I don’t know if she’ll be okay with having everyone over. I can ask, of course,” I added. “But she’s a little hesitant to trust others, and doesn’t like to take risks.”

Serenity frowned. “But she took a risk in meeting you, right?”

I grimaced. “Not exactly. She took that risk because she was worried about Gabriella and her mom, but she had Mrs. Rebecca blindfold and handcuff me, and then when I actually got there, she literally had a gun pointed at me when we spoke.”

“Shit,” Serenity hissed, surprising me, since she didn’t normally cuss like that.

I shrugged. “She was just being cautious. Succubi don’t really trust incubi, so she was definitely wary of me to begin with.”

Gabriella pursed her lips. “But she likes you now, right?” she assumed.

I nodded. “Yeah, she was able to use a magic that allows her to sort of ‘know a person’s true nature,’ and so she was willing to trust me after that.”

“Makes sense,” Serenity agreed, only to smirk slightly. “After all, you’re my little angel, no matter how you look.”

I exaggerated rolling my eyes, causing her to smile a little wider.

“So what now?” Gabriella wondered. “Are you planning on going back there anytime soon?”

I frowned at that, glancing at Serenity. “Well, no. Probably not today or tomorrow, at least. There shouldn’t be any immediate danger, and it’s been like nonstop go-go-go for the last few days.” I sighed heavily. “And I’d really like to take the time to actually kind of get used to all the changes that have happened in our lives.”

“Me too,” Serenity whispered, still holding my gaze.

Michelle cleared her throat. “Well, Avery has already decided to take tomorrow off, just to give her some more time to get used to everything, but then after that she’ll probably try to go back to school on Tuesday.”

I glanced at the younger blonde in surprise. “Are you sure?”

Avery nodded confidently. “Yeah, I should be okay. Gabriella has continued to tease me, and I’ve been doing a much better job of controlling where the change happens on my body. I’m not perfect at it yet, but she makes me way more flustered than I’ve ever been on a typical school day.”

“As a sort of test,” Michelle quickly continued, when she saw my uncertainty. “Just so Avery has some exposure in public, we plan on going grocery shopping tomorrow, since we’ve all kind of eaten like wolves while you’ve been gone. And that will give me and Avery something to do while you and Serenity spend the day together.”

Oh shit, I’d almost forgotten about that.

But yeah, I really needed some alone time with her especially, since we were technically dating at this point, and yet had barely spent any meaningful time together, aside from us ‘sort of’ having sex the previous night.

“Right,” I agreed, giving Michelle a nod.

“In the meantime,” Gabriella chimed in. “I’m planning on going to work tomorrow, since we all talked about it and decided it was important to continue living normal lives for now, at least until you and Avery officially graduate.”

I nodded, figuring that was what would happen anyway.

Avery and I still had a few weeks of classes to finish, and it might raise suspicion if Serenity quit her job anytime super soon.

Technically, it sounded like Michelle, Serenity, and I all had enough money saved up to last us a long time, but now wasn’t really the time to start thinking what we would do more long-term. For now, we needed to continue living our lives, and try to figure out what we could along the way. Then, maybe in a few months, we could figure out what we wanted to do long-term.

“Okay, so then, what about this evening?” I wondered, just wanting to get an idea of everyone’s plans, or at least to find out if anyone had come up with any plans.

Serenity spoke up. “Michelle and Avery were wanting to stay the night again, and we figured we’d just do the same sleeping arrangements.” She paused. “Or are you talking about before that?”

I nodded. “Yeah, just wondering if anyone planned on doing anything in particular before bedtime.”

They all exchanged glances, before Gabriella spoke up. “It’s up to you, Kai. Why? Are you…” She paused. “I mean, are you needing some energy right now?” she wondered.

Oh shit, I was not expecting everyone’s expressions.

No one was embarrassed.

Instead, it was suddenly like, at the mention of that idea, they all glanced at me with a slight longing in their eyes, as if each of them was silently hoping I did need sex right now, and would pick them to get it from.

Holy shit.

Holy shit, this felt like a dream.

But as I cleared my throat, preparing to answer, I knew this was my new reality, and realized there was no real reason why I had to put the brakes on my relationships with these women any longer. They were all mine, they all wanted me, and it was important I give them all my attention, aside from Avery right now, since it sounded like she needed things to remain as they were so she could get through her last few weeks of classes.

But that didn’t apply to Michelle.

Honestly, I hadn’t expected our discussion to take this direction, but now that it had, I supposed it would be a shame to not take advantage of it.

I tried not to smile as I cleared my throat, all of them patiently waiting my response.


So, who is he going to choose? Or is he going to choose anyone right now?


Chapter 48 >>



Michelle is the next logical choice to consummate the decision and while he could do an orgy it doesn’t feel right especially as he already had plans to spend the day with Serenity tomorrow


Welp Avery is out So Michelle and Serenity?

Darth Mole

I mean, honestly, does he NEED to choose? O:-) Not like he doesn't have the stamina to handle all at this point ;) Avery aside he could go sex god demon lvl 1 mode on them all around the table. Just saying :3