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Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #28 - China's Bizarre World of "Pleasure Dolls"


Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #28 - China's Bizarre World of "Pleasure Dolls"

Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #28 - China's Bizarre World of Sex Dolls China bans pornography, but for some reason, "pleasure dolls" are ok. We dive in deep.



The beguinig look likes a of french movie "Monique", maked 20 years ago ; a guys after a heavy drinking evening, get a sexdoll deliver to his door that he ordered, and fall in love with it ! Very good and popular movie in France

Joe Huang

What's the deal with the ass flashing picture right at 24:23? Lmao


Late to the party but I’m sure I spotted it. The dog? Let’s see if I’m right.


THE plastic doll looks like she is coming out of a casket and we are watching the color China version of the Munsters show that was made in the 60's


Winston, I really loved your last video. Your righteous anger is more satisfying than those 'oddly satisfying' videos on YouTube. C-Milk, I loved your new video as well. I'm glad you also shook your head at that 'woke military' tweet. Q: Sorry, I made a typo in my last super chat! I was wondering if I could ask WHY you were able to finally release the North Korean restaurant footage.


Hey!! LOVE YOU GUYS and thank you for the inspiring exposés that too few people dare to reveal. Please check this out, if you haven't already talked or heard about it... Its incredible how endless this rabbit hole seems to go...The bottomless secrets to profit off exploiting people who have no voice, and yet most of us unknowingly buy into this system directly being the demand for it's existence. Without revealing what we are indirectly upholding, how can we demand change, and end the torture, exploitation, and genocide/sterilization of Uyghurs in Xinjiang?? https://youtu.be/w0bhOilZ29Q


Hey Guys, ADV member here. Been following your adventures since the ADVRider forum days, very cool to see how far you've come both professionally and personally. I recently purchased and watch Conquering Northern China and it was epic! I've been all over the US on my 2010 KLR 650, living off it for weeks at a time in the middle of Nowhere USA, and can't imagine doing the same in a foreign country. Question, have you watched Mondo Enduro and Terra Circa? Those videos got me into ADV riding and I still rewatch them once every few months. Anyways, love what you guys are doing and greetings from Haslet, TX.

Robert Mahlzeit

Q: How much money do you need to live in rural china for a month? Me seeing the china documentary of Y Kollektiv in my recommendation was very thrilling since finally this topic is going into the german mainstream. Y Kollektiv is in a content network called Funk which is funded by the german state and Funk either claims or strikes videos through Content ID, so perhaps next time dont show any footage on stream.


Ever been to a ghost house in china ? I went to some crazy haunted house / escape room type thing in Shenzhen around 2018, never felt more scared in my life, you hold a battery powered red candle for light and are given some charm to hold up if you feel too scared. First.. They sit you down infront of a tv to explain the lore of the ghost story. Then send you into a dark labyrinth in the building. The entire thing is about 15 mins long, mostly in pitch black with paid actors in costumes who will try to scare the f out of you and physically grab you while you try to move from room to room. With really cool sets you have to walk through with a couple of puzzle you have to solve. Wish i could remember the name of this place. i have some photos maybe someone can help me find the place, ill post on discord or subreddit, if any frequent shenzhen visitors maybe you can help me find the place!

Dylan Vienet

Question: I’m a guy who loves to travel, as you know! And as someone who despises mainland Chinese tourists with a passion, mainly the lost generation ones and the fu er dai who have no respect for the local cultures and anything not Chinese, I am absolutely dreading their return after a fantastic 2 years travelling without them. So after this initial demand because of being allowed out for the first time in years and once the novelty wears off, do you think there will be as many Chinese tourists abroad in the future now that the CCP is making a big push to keep money and tourists in China? Or if they go overseas do you think they’ll be convinced to keep away from countries that they perceive as being anti-China? like they’ll believe the propaganda about them? I keep hearing the tourism industry in Australia lauding the return of Chinese tourists but then I also think overall the Chinese middle class is a lot poorer because of the covid restrictions, economy etc and that they probably also believe that they aren’t welcome in certain places, so the tourism industry definitely won’t reach their targets. Obviously more Chinese people are a lot poorer than a few years ago because of all the shoddy investing in real estate and all the zero covid policies have tanked the Chinese economy, so people would have much less expendable income. In a way I hope the tourism industries around the world get their fingers burnt too because banking on one nations tourist is exactly the same as all these stock bros investing in China. Feels like the same concept. Also from a personal perspective less Chinese tour groups will be better for the environment, over tourism and all the pissed off locals who don’t like their presence. I always say that travel is a privilege and not a right, and most mainlanders don’t practice that. PS. Emma gives me mad “I feel fantastic” vibes 😂

Dylan Vienet

Following up to that: I don't think tourist industries around the world also understand or realize that thousands of Chinese tourists also do not benefit local economies either, because they always book with Chinese travel agencies which take them all to shop at Chinese owned businesses, hotels and restaurants in your own country and make all payments on Alipay, therefore yet again, all money goes back to China unlike most American, Australian, European, Arab, Indian or Japanese tourists whose money actually does benefit the local population. All this plus the daigou too. All of the above Chinese businesses and Daigou are prolific in Australia which has shafted the local tourism businesses and hospitality sector and the general public reeling from empty shelves. Excuse the long rant lol! the long and short of it, Chinese tour groups suck!


I depend on closed captions to enjoy the show. Usually they post in a couple of days. On this episode there are still no captions. Can you guys look into it? Thanks!