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Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #29 - China Tries to Hide these Hilarious Banned Medicine Ads - We Got Em All

Today's Show Link - https://youtu.be/zt32UUc7R9U


Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #29 - China Tries to Hide these Hilarious Banned Medicine Ads - We Got Em All

Xiàbān Hòu! - Episode #29 - China Tries to Hide these Hilarious Banned Medicine Ads - We Got Em All This Lianghua Qingwen medicine rabbit hole has taken us on one of the funniest turns in Chinese govt/healthcare propaganda.



Q —It’s 2015!!. If you could do one thing while being back in China what would you do ? Specifically something you couldn’t do in the US— I have to go back later this year after all this time to revisit my in laws. A little worried. But happy to visit my old stomping grounds ! Also still waiting on Chinese knockoff console vid 🥵🤬

Robert Mahlzeit

Q: Is Xi Jinping actually smart? He seems like an ordinary mafia guy, who just got lucky to somehow climb the ccp ladder to the high positions.


Hey Matt and Winston, I joined Xiaban Hou last week and going through the previous episodes has been a blast. I'm blown away by how you deliver entertainment gold every week and also act as an invaluable codex for decoding the enigma that is MLC. You guys are real life heroes and I'm proud to be able to support you. Q. The timing between Xi's first trips abroad in 3 years, and the pivoting of (at least publicly) diplomatic related policies, seems interesting to me. Could Xi have somehow gleened through the veil of sycophantic support that usually surrounds him in China? Might he have caught a glimpse of reality and is now scrambling for a fix? Q. Also, Chinese knockoff video games episode when?


Can only come for one hour but I am excited !