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China Joins the Taliban Worst Anime Crossover Ever Episode #142



Thanks for promoting the Shamate song. I bought it right away on Amazon!

Colin Love (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-20 09:22:56 I came across a interesting post on a video by a Patreon creator who covers the war in Ukraine I follow Denys Davydov. The poster essentially was saying China is now laying down the law to Russia because Pakistan sent 150 crates of ammo to Ukraine. I didn’t put 2+2 together until I was responding to this comment, Pakistan is probably very unhappy China is recognizing the Taliban. There have been attacks on Pakistani border posts when a frontier fence was being put in place because the Taliban don’t recognize the border. After border skirmishes occurred for a few days a police station was attacked in Pakistan and police were held hostage until the army stormed the building. It got me thinking perhaps Pakistan is making overtures to the US & west by making a small donation to Ukraine the timing is certainly interesting. But even more so is the 50 cent army trying to obfuscate the narrative by claiming they are using a 3rd party county to send a days worth of ammo for maybe a regiment as a way to get tough with Putin. Looks like a foreign policy blunder and tensions with Pakistan are trying to be covered up. 8 days ago the oil deal between CCP and Taliban was announced 5 days ago Pakistan announced 159 crates of ammo including much needed 155mm artillery shells. Keep up the good work it wasn’t easy to find the articles I referenced I had to get very specific to pull them up even though they’re new and from major sources. The CCP is running an influence campaign wouldn’t surprise me if they’re trying to bury these new articles about the oil deal meeting. When I tried searching about China and the Taliban the 3rd article was about how CCP wouldn’t be the first to give diplomatic recognition.
2023-01-14 01:48:53 I came across a interesting post on a video by a Patreon creator who covers the war in Ukraine I follow Denys Davydov. The poster essentially was saying China is now laying down the law to Russia because Pakistan sent 150 crates of ammo to Ukraine. I didn’t put 2+2 together until I was responding to this comment, Pakistan is probably very unhappy China is recognizing the Taliban. There have been attacks on Pakistani border posts when a frontier fence was being put in place because the Taliban don’t recognize the border. After border skirmishes occurred for a few days a police station was attacked in Pakistan and police were held hostage until the army stormed the building. It got me thinking perhaps Pakistan is making overtures to the US & west by making a small donation to Ukraine the timing is certainly interesting. But even more so is the 50 cent army trying to obfuscate the narrative by claiming they are using a 3rd party county to send a days worth of ammo for maybe a regiment as a way to get tough with Putin. Looks like a foreign policy blunder and tensions with Pakistan are trying to be covered up. 8 days ago the oil deal between CCP and Taliban was announced 5 days ago Pakistan announced 159 crates of ammo including much needed 155mm artillery shells. Keep up the good work it wasn’t easy to find the articles I referenced I had to get very specific to pull them up even though they’re new and from major sources. The CCP is running an influence campaign wouldn’t surprise me if they’re trying to bury these new articles about the oil deal meeting. When I tried searching about China and the Taliban the 3rd article was about how CCP wouldn’t be the first to give diplomatic recognition.

I came across a interesting post on a video by a Patreon creator who covers the war in Ukraine I follow Denys Davydov. The poster essentially was saying China is now laying down the law to Russia because Pakistan sent 150 crates of ammo to Ukraine. I didn’t put 2+2 together until I was responding to this comment, Pakistan is probably very unhappy China is recognizing the Taliban. There have been attacks on Pakistani border posts when a frontier fence was being put in place because the Taliban don’t recognize the border. After border skirmishes occurred for a few days a police station was attacked in Pakistan and police were held hostage until the army stormed the building. It got me thinking perhaps Pakistan is making overtures to the US & west by making a small donation to Ukraine the timing is certainly interesting. But even more so is the 50 cent army trying to obfuscate the narrative by claiming they are using a 3rd party county to send a days worth of ammo for maybe a regiment as a way to get tough with Putin. Looks like a foreign policy blunder and tensions with Pakistan are trying to be covered up. 8 days ago the oil deal between CCP and Taliban was announced 5 days ago Pakistan announced 159 crates of ammo including much needed 155mm artillery shells. Keep up the good work it wasn’t easy to find the articles I referenced I had to get very specific to pull them up even though they’re new and from major sources. The CCP is running an influence campaign wouldn’t surprise me if they’re trying to bury these new articles about the oil deal meeting. When I tried searching about China and the Taliban the 3rd article was about how CCP wouldn’t be the first to give diplomatic recognition.