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Q. "Gee, I sure love this town, but wouldn't it be great if there was an overview about the town's political system, and policies on free trade, welfare, magic control, militarism, and punitive/reform based punishment?"

A. Yes. Yes it would be cool. 

Users with a socio-political bent will be pleased to hear that their definitely-not-made-up-speculation is now a reality! 

Choose from...

* Four different political sources (anarchies, absolute monarchies, constitutional monarchies, and republics), 

* A butt-load of political ideologies (autocratic, meritocratic, democratic, kleptocratic, magocratic, militocratic, oligarchic, pedocratic, theocratic, & technocratic), and

* Five economic policies (feudalist, capitalist, syndicalist, communist, and primitivist)

This has been actually super fun to set up- I loved trying to break the different combinations (autocratic anarchists? Not a thing.), and there are some fun exceptions; autocratic constitutional monarchies have a monarch and a prime minister, magocratic societies have a rather different idea of what is considered acceptable magic use, etc. Lots of extra work to be done (kleptocratic societies still need to have a 'flexible' idea of law...), but I'll be pushing it out relatively soon!



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