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We now have a custom domain! No longer do you need to remember an unsightly GitHub link- you can just type in www.eigengrausgenerator.com and you'll be golden.

q. "But why?"

a. Because it's slightly more professional looking.

q. "But what if I like typing in unsightly GitHub links?"

a. No matter! Forwarding is enabled, so either will work just fine.

q. "But I liked following the project on GitHub?"

a. Well, good news, it's still there, at https://github.com/ryceg/Eigengrau-s-Essential-Establishment-Generator

Thank you to my Patreon supporters for helping me put my money where my mouth is, and actually setting up the custom domain. 



Epic! Thanks Rhys!


Actually, just tried it out and it doesn't seem to be working for me. Getting a message saying invalid URL :/


Ahh, heck. The subdomain is playing up (i.e. www.eigengrausgenerator.com is messing up), but the apex domain is just fine (eigengrausgenerator.com is a-o-good) EDIT: all good now! www.eigengrausgenerator.com