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The underwhelming underworld.




Beloved Sylphaen

When Hades showed up, my first thought was "ohhh boy, Dom will NOT like this".


I had literally the same reactions. I was deeply annoyed at the blandness of the Underworld, itself (and, once again, how fucking dark it was, such that I could barely see). I wanted to see Elysium in the background somewhere, even if it was just a non-descript area of light. There was zero point in leaving Annabeth behind. And why bother with the "secret entrance", when they then went straight up to the front door? While I'm also irritated that they went more chill and unassuming with Hades, the one thing I do appreciate is leaving out the whole WWII rationale for the pact of the Big Three, and saying that Hades reminded Percy of Hitler. The whole point, is that our society conflates the Christian idea of Satan with *literally any* god of the Underworld and/or Death, in other belief systems. Hades has one myth about doing something shitty (kidnapping Persephone wasn't a great look, let's be honest), but is otherwise one of the only gods in the Greek pantheon that *doesn't* perpetually suck. Honestly, it seems like Rick maybe had some idea about having them pass the deadline, and then, in hindsight, was like, oh shit, now we have to superspeed everything along to get to the end! This episode made me so annoyed. The changes are there for no apparent reason, anymore. I've said before, my biggest problem with this show, is that it assumes we've all read the books, and therefore can start expanding upon characters we all already know. But, if someone comes into the show with no knowledge of the book, or even of Greek mythology, they will be seeing characters with *only* the qualities given them on screen.


Also, WHY is Hades' palace suspended directly over Tartarus?