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Btw, just a reminder you can and should set up a limit to how many videos you fund each month. As I'm doing the weekly videos to keep up with the series and I don't want anyone paying more than they intended.




Ly Jalao

I am enjoying the tv series so far, I go in already expecting changes and just being okay with it. It's great when studios stick to their source material in lore and spirit, with minimal changes, but adaptations have been so horrible the last decade that my own expectations was sucking all the joy out for me. So, I go in with the expectation to be entertained (shifting paradigms and all that) and I now enjoy things much better.

Ashtara Levin

I waited with the series until it all came out, because I thought that with my deep love for the source material I wouldn't be able to wait a week between episodes, but so far I am disappointed with it and I am glad to hear I am not the only one (with the dreadful movie and the fact that some of the changes (like the inclusivity in casting) did seem to be improving) the general feel I am getting from this is simply dark... It's less funny, more dreary and somewhat dragging in points I started feeling that maybe they could have used less episode count to tell the story.. I really wanted to like this, but so far.. the further I go, the less I enjoy it.