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Not massivly funny I'm afriad because the work my be fiction but the issues are real.

I wrote theses first two episode at the same time, still working on the LiA so there will be a slightly longer gap before its done i'm afraid.


Fifty Shades of Physical and Emotional Abuse, a book review by The Dom

The long awaited Fifty Shades of Grey book review in which The Dom tries to articulate exactly how terrible every last aspect of this book is on every level. Warning: This video is not very funny. I mean, theres an attempt to lighten the mood here and there but its mostly its just The Dom getting very VERY angry.



I never have read the book. From what you say it's worse than I thought... hope you have something fun lined up after this. Maybe treat yourself if you can by doing another 'The prisoner' review 'cause I know you enjoy that.

Jo and Gareth

Very good deconstruction, and clearly well thought out.


"Please don't think I'm trying to defend this book, I'm just trying to make sure we hate it for the right reasons." You know, Dom... There's a part in every episode of LiA that makes me love you and your personality more and more.


Apologies if the video starts half way through when you click on it. Not sure why its doing that...


Nicely thought out, after hearing that quote I had to post my thoughts on it. Being in an abusive relationship in the past and being sensitive to such subjects, I was surprised how carefully thought out your talk was. You were angry about what was going on, for good reason. But you also were careful about the subject matter and kept your humor going even through the darker parts. I tip my hat to you to be able to do so without upsetting me and making a great and interesting video.


Pedophilia. That's what happened to Grey, based on what you've said. As I've said before, I haven't read them.


Well done my good man. Nice to see someone call out this BS as it is instead of the absolutely feeble excuse of it being romantic.


The Dom, you are the reviewer the internet needs, but not the one it deserves.


If you want to read a play-by-play read-though of the book by an actual BDSM enthusiast, the blog Pervocracy did just that. The blog-runner wrote about almost every chapter. I couldn't make it through the book due to the terrible writing and upsetting content, but I found the blog a really useful perspective and resource for being able to talk about the book without actually having to read it. Excellent review as always! (link: <a href="http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/p/fifty-shades-of-grey-index.html)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/p/fifty-shades-of-grey-index.html)</a>


Your review was clear and researched. I hope that any parent who catches their child reading this book and giving romantic sighs, will show them this video. My friends who are part of the BDSM community were pissed when this book and movie came out.


*standing ovation*

David Perez

That was very well done. Intelligent without being condescending and insulting only to those that should be insulted. You're decision to send the revenue to charity further cements your "good guy" status in my book. Bravo!


I love the videos you have already put out, but I don't remotely blame you for not wanting to do the sequels. Unlike the themes of the book, I'm sure the majority of us would place your well being as more important and wouldn't want to force you to do something that would be so painful!


You have put a lot of effort into this. 3 videos based on shit fan fiction is amazing. I do hope that you find some sort of point to all this.


Technically "ephebophilia" since he was a post-pubescent teen rather than a pre-pubescent child when "Mrs. Robinson" first started taking advantage of him. It was still morally wrong and all kinds of illegal though (that's why statutory rape laws exist), but still.


After reading the book, I too felt compelled to research signs of an abusive relationship. I agree with you, it is amazing how much this book lines up with the warning signs that it's hard to believe it is unintentional. Mind blowing and disturbing that based on the author's interviews, it is unintentional. Bravo to you for highlighting this aspect of the book.


Good lord... I had no idea it was THIS bad. Jeez.


I'm so sorry you've had to put yourself through this, but thank you. Your review and analysis is saving us all from having to put ourselves through reading it, and now I have another voice to back me up whenever I have to denounce this shit. And I'm super proud of you for donating the ad revenue for these videos.


My first (and only) boyfriend from High School told me he loved me quicker than Annastasia told Christian. Turn the three weeks into three days. I replied that I loved him to make it less awkward, but never even got that emotionally attached to him.


I have onIy seen the movie and heard discussion of issues that follows the book. Glad for the discussion but it sounds like I'd really underestimated the amount of indefensible in the source material. You've kept a sharp eye on implications and real life ramifications and done a very good job of being witty and informative on the issues. And I am really glad this critique went to the messages without denigrating the demographic. Some unsolicited advice would be to mention that it didn't invent the bodice-ripper tropes and that, yes, middle-aged housewives might not be reading it for advice. I don't usually suggest content, but some commentators on the novel genuinely seem to think women of a certain age are uniquely dim, uncritical or suggestible. Which obviously isn't on. Sorry to be didactic. Very good work, can't wait for the comparison video. Many kudos.


I've noticed something unusual, you tend to use "Gods" rather than "God" is there a particular reason for this?


I can't wait till this goes public so I can share it. I hope it goes viral in the bdsm community.


p.s. if you want a proper bdsm movie watch The Secretary. Trigger warning: the main character cuts herself on purpose in the beginning.