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Finally done with this mess of a story and looking forward to reading something new.

If ya'll see and nudety I missed let me know. Youtube is very unforgiving about that sort of thing.


Fifty Shades of Grey, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Now that The Dom has finally got complaining about the book out of his system he can finally do what he originally set out to do and compare it to the film.



If I was rich I'd pay for your therapy that you obviously need after this.


I was wondering if you were ever gonna address the whole "The Dom and his Subs" thing :-P


Hoorah! You survived. Seriously I hope you get better requests for materials. Like doing a Dom Oscar for Hunchback of Notre Dame? Please?


For having gone through the torture of review this title, you have all my respect. Thats was definitely not something fun to do, i imagine. Not so many people have had the guts to point out what makes these books problematic and i wanted to thank you for speaking out loud the issues. You are the best


You've survived! I send warm cocoa, blankets, and good books and movies for you to recover. also hopefully the next one won't be so bad. or at least partway good

David Perez

For doing such a personally reprehensible work, you did a very good adaptation. You could have rushed everything into one video, but chose to be nuanced and spread it out. I think you did a very good job at all three! Bravo!


Bless you for your sacrifice on our behalf! This was an excellent episode--I think having the previous two episodes dedicated completely to the book let you get a lot of the (well-deserved and well-expressed) bile out of your system, allowing for this to be a more measured episode and allowing for you to appreciate the effort that was put into "improving" (as much as possible) on the source material.


Good going, lad! This isn't an easy thing to go through, and its good to see you return in one piece.


Love the porn mustache. You made the tedious interesting, though I don't think anyone can watch you go through it again.


Elevator Door needs to be in the cast listing as supporting character.




Now that your done with this crap, I hope you do something you really like next!


This was such a great review! After two serious reviews I'd forgotten how hilarious and witty you are, The Dom, so a lot of these jokes had me laughing much harder than usual. After the "bait and switch" porno scene I had to stop the video so I could laugh and laugh. I'm so sorry for your suffering over this whole project, but the end results are fantastic.


I like the added bloopers at the end! Also, props to you for taking this on. (And I TOTALLY get why you're avoiding Twilight like it's the plague...)