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Hey all

The Unfortunate Events reviews are proving to be quicker to make than I expected so i might be posting a 4th video this month. Just wanted to remind you beforehand to set up a limiter if you havn't already (if you need/want one). I really don't want any of you to get a bigger bill than you were expecting.




As long as you continue to make quality content, I shall continue to pay for it :). (Bummer about everyone informing you about the beaudelaure parents...)


This is a good place to say this: I hate it when people make their Patreon on a per-video/comic/picture-of-fornicating furries-basis. It sets all the wrong incentives and creates unnecessary stress for the creator. Just make it per month and get paid regularly like every other person. Even if your leg gets eaten by bears or goblins steal your camera. Let the content come when it comes without you having to factor in when rent is due.


I think I get the sentiment but If I did that I'd lose well over half my income and have to go back to having a day job to support myself resulting in waaay more stress and way less videos.


Considering how everyone on YouTube reacted to the ruby/silver slipper thing, the Mary Sue/Gary Stu, and now the moon writing on the map, it's probably for the best Dom was informed so he wouldn't have a slew of videos where people are all online screaming at him.