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More like the wide... open... plot holes... umm... yeah.


Netflix A Series of Unfortunate Reviews, The Wide Window ~ The Dom

The Dom reviews the 5th and 6th episodes of Netflix's attempt to adapt the works of Daniel Hander.



So I'm not watching this show cause I don't do streaming but I looked up who the taxi driver is and - I've never heard of Rob LaBelle. <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005588/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t17" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005588/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t17</a>


I love how The Dom gets so passionate about the adaptation changes despite not even caring about the books that much to begin with, it's endearing.

Jo and Gareth

I wonder...Barry Sonnenfeld was heading up the movie adaptation until a budgeting issue with the studios led to him stepping down because he couldn't make it the way he envisioned. Sonnenfeld is now the executive producer and man in charge of the Netflix adaptation. Could the sequences, ideas and images taken from the movie actually Sonnenfeld reclaiming the work he developed originally? It would account for the very specific similarities.


hahaha, the CGI baby. So, if you ever succumb to pressure to do the Twilight books, beware THAT CGI baby. Those movies were...well, the source material wasn't much to start with, but they were so much worse.


I think the word you were searching for is "captivating" In the way that a car crash is. You know it is terrible, but you can't help yourself to stand and stare...