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Still suffering the raspy voice side effects of my cold. Apologies in advance.


A Series of Unfortunate Reviews, The Reptile Room ~ The Dom

Uploaded by The Dom on 2017-01-24.



I haven't watched the show can I don't do streaming, but I get the feeling that this show is going to bring back the Calm Intellectual Filter.

Trenton Burton

You knew that was going to be spoiled. I am surprised you didn't take precautions.

Robin Isomaa

I love the secretary! When she was revealed to be the statue, I thought "this is so weird and makes no sense, but it's so freakin awesome I don't care!"Also, she somehow managed to look fairly normal with the statue paint all over her face.


Dom, you should get the Magfest shaped hole in your chest looked at!


Your shirt started getting really trippy for a while there.


I tried watching the show, but because of all the problems you mentioned in the first episode I found it nigh unwatchable. I stand by my original opinion that including retconed stuff to the beginning of the story isn't so bad if they don't completely take over (like having the spyglasses as Easter Eggs or subtle foreshadowing), but it sounds like Netflix is trying to have the Secret Society stuff take over in the worst kind of way.