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A review of The Fourth State of Matter by D'Arcy Arden.


Rambling About Gay Alien Erotica for 16 Minutes.

A review of The Fourth State of Matter by D'Arcy Arden.



I get the weirdest notifications from you.


This was fun! I think you should do more videos discussing books in general. Kinda like a book club kinda thing.


I don't mind the rambling - it's what I do in my own YouTube videos, but I don't know how you got through that book. The second any sort of non-medical anal penetration shows up in my fiction (I don't care what genders are involved) I throw the book across the room and have a panic attack. I could barely get through the pegging scene in Deadpool and that didn't even show anything.


I think the word you want is "xenoerotica"? ;)

Anthony (ThePkmnYPerson)

D'ARCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to answer your question, I like this style of video just fine. It felt like just a regular one to me. I didn't even notice you were saying "err" and avoiding eye contact with the camera.


I did enjoy this, seeing you unscripted. and it def sounds like (as you say) it hits my kinks, fairly strong, whereas they missed yours entirely.


Good stuff. The more you do it, the easier it will become.


I did enjoy the free form review!


Is the author of this book also playing Lily in Sex Education? :-)


I would like You to go on with this kind of feature- I enjoyed it a lot, it feels pleasingly relaxed and intimate- like, having a real life conversation with a good friend. (who incidentally does all the talking☺️) . You as a genuin person are becoming more prominent this way- never mind the ääms and ahs- real life talking IS like that. The book itself, alas, has nothing for me -science fiction without science and male gay erotic-I‘m a straight female-. So what. Chacun á son gou^t.

Sarah H.

I enjoyed this a lot! I'd love to see more if it works out well

Ioana Sofonea

I love this! It's like listening to a friend "ramble" about a book they read. It's very relaxing! Thank you for sharing!

D'Arcy Arden

Hey Dom. Thanks for reviewing my book. I love hearing honest reviews, especially from people outside the targeted audience, because it always provides a unique perspective on a work. You're right in that the science in this book was kept fairly soft, but it will be getting a bit harder (pun intended) in future books. My goal was to sort of introduce the science behind things to readers who may not be used to harder science fiction. As for the tag line, funny story, I had originally written it a bit differently, but the publisher changed it last minute. Originally it was supposed to emphasize 'personal acts of rebellion', like what one person can do to rebel against expectations. However, this was apparently too wordy and was changed. I agree that part may be misleading, though I did hope that rebellion not being capitalized would help. Sorry if it gave the wrong impression. Hopefully the good parts of the book are good enough to make up for it. Keep doing what you're doing, and I look forward to more unscripted videos like this in the future.


I thought this was a good review and I like the unscripted format. I think that if you can find something to fiddle with like the book in this review - to help you feel comfortable, then that's great. Honestly I like how you didn't focus right at the camera.


I like that kind of video. I hope that give you the chance to read more books, you want to read and not only ones for LiA.


Really liked the free-form review and honest approach. Also, just for knowledge's sake, Xenophilia (aliens specifically) as a sub-branch of Teratophilia (monsters of all kinds) I think would be the terms here you were looking for to describe the type of erotica.


I enjoyed this format, would definitely be interested in seeing more in the future.


I really like this format! Feels like a chill little hang out and if they're easier to produce that's awesome because I always love getting more Dom videos in my feed!!

Eustacia Vye

I liked this format. If someone is talking lucidly and intelligently you don´t need any fancy graphics, it is still interesting! Also means you can listen and do the ironing at the same time and not feel you missed anything!


Good format! This is definitely a nice Patreon exclusive idea. Also highly recommend an infinity cube!

Kris Olsen

I liked it! I'm always looking for new authors to explore. I think in this case, the slavery aspect would put me off the book, but it's good to know that ahead of time. Also you are quite adorable when just nervously rambling.

DK Jones

I enjoy the ramble style videos like this and will watch the ones from Jenny Nicholson's patreon if that feed back helps at all.

DK Jones

On another note: I always understood the planet+# style of naming popularized by Trek to represent colonies. i.e.) Instead of naming a chain of islands the Philippines after King Philip II, they would call it Spain II. I could be wrong though.


I do really like this style, and having a bit of less polished videos sporadically between the polished ones would be really cool - especially if it means you can review or talk about more books or ones you’re super excited over. I know you’ve mentioned before that The YouTube Algorithm didn’t like you doing the videos on the less popular subjects and if this means you’ll be able to, I’m very in support of it and excited to see more! That said, I know editing even for this kind of video can be really time consuming, and I guess… take care not to burn yourself out by adding this onto your workload.


Loved the format!

Michael Drzyzga

Yeah, I like seeing this. And I am like 200% for a patreon tier of suggesting a book for a review like this. I am currently writing a novel, and I've known for a while that once I self-publish, I wanted to reach out to you about getting you to read it. So keep an eye out for Salvaged Crowns - it's like Mad Max meets Dinotopia.


This was a lot of fun to watch. I'd be happy to see these more casual reviews come out more regularly. Hearing you discuss ways the writing could be changed and who the ideal audience might be is really interesting.


I really liked this review. Also i'm pretty sure the blurb on the back was just making a star wars reference.

Camille R

Off to purchase this book because I like this comment. Wishing you much success.


YouTube says video not available. Was it shut down?

Katrina Trigari

I like this format for quick reviews and would be very happy to watch more of them. It'd be good to hear something on the (probably many) books and movies where you just haven't got enough to say for a full scripted video. I'm not sure it'd work with deep dives and comparisons unless you're confortable working off headings and bullet points.


this is fine I get an idea about a book, so I like his too.

Celltj Jones

I really like this format! It feels a bit more casual, which is fun, and its nice to think you could lean a bit more into book-review content!

The Narrator

The impression that I always got from Trek was that it was the [number]th planet of the [name] system, e.g. Rigel IV is the fourth planet around the star Rigel (which is a real star IRL). Which makes sense if it's an uninhabited system that you're moving into (i.e. marooning Khan on Ceti Alpha V because nobody lives there), but a little odder if there are native inhabitants, because they'd presumably have their own name for it. (And there are native Rigellians, but they're apparently pre-warp, so I don't know what anybody from Starfleet is doing there? A little bit of early installment weirdness from before anybody have come up with the Prime Directive.)