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Twilight ~ Lost in Adaptation



Do you need a hug after suffering this? I'm fully vaxxed.

Ly Jalao

Ohh big Yikes on that Taylor Lautner line...


If you ever watch this film again (admit it, you want to!) I really recommend watching it with the commentary. Hardwicke is on it and I love her vision for the film and how protective she was of Kristen and Rob, how she makes it clear Kristen was a minor at the time the film was made, as well as other cool stuff that I can't remember.




A few months ago a tweet went viral where everyone found out that Taylor Lautner's father was white and were convinced his mother was lying about it 😭


I had NO idea Taylor Lautner was white. that’s…very unfortunate 😬

Kimberly Weekes

I’m sorry but Taylor Laurent is more than white. I know he downplays his Indigenous roots on his mom’s side saying he has “distant” blood relations to the Odawa and Potawatomi, both Anishinaabe peoples. I don’t fully believe him because that’s not a tan. That’s him.


It's sounding like you're saying "PattERson" instead of "PattINson". Is this something editable at this point?

Michael Drzyzga

I do like that dimension hopping skit at the end. It reminds me of a pretty random story. So years ago I put together a character for a Mutants & Masterminds game (D&D: superhero edition), and my concept was a character who took up dimension hopping specifically to see radically different versions of movies. And then something followed him back, and he had to fight it. 1) This concept was I think older than Rick & Morty. If not, before it was on my radar. 2) He didn't have a portal so much as a machine he'd pilot. Because he was more interested in looking cool than being practical, he made it a mechanical dragon he'd ride atop, not inside of. Which did make it easy when he took up super heroing as like a dragon-riding Iron Man. Complete with multiple machines he'd switch between. So yeah, I think dimension hopping specifically to watch alt versions of movies is awesome, and it's probably what I'd do the most if given a chance. Interdimensional cable FTW!

Anthony (ThePkmnYPerson)

So a book getting an in name only movie can cause koalas to take over the world. Good to know.


Dom, just wanted an excuse to show off one of your swords, didn't you? LOL


Great video! I'm glad you touched upon Meyer's hardline stance on the vampires remaining super white, and I would love if you went into more detail about her pushing a very Eurocentric beauty ideal (maybe when you do Breaking Dawn Part 2). She always made it a point to talk about how the pale-skinned vampires were the most OBJECTIVELY beautiful creatures on the planet, and when POC underwent the transformation, they too became pale (Maria, the White Mexican, anyone?). That, combined the Amazons being described as "wild" and "uncivilized" looking in the 4th book and the story of Pire, the INDIGENOUS South American girl chosen by Johan being the most beautiful in her tribe because of her snow-white skin, really did not sit well with me as a black preteen, even when I liked these books (I grew out of that haha). Was not good for my self-esteem. Also, just a tiny correction: It's Robert PattINson, not PattERson.

Alan Michael Cumbess

I'm still 100% convinced that the Dutch angles and... blueness are 100% intentional on the part of the director. I think she knew how silly it was, and went with it


Congrats on finding a way to work your cool props into a video lol


Oh Dom! Please don't go mad! I'd still like to watch your videos!

Dani Unicorn

Something you may want to read before you get to the adaptation of Eclipse is The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner. It's a novella Meyer wrote about one of the newborn vampires Victoria had created. I've yet to get a copy myself, but according to everyone I've spoken to about it, it's apparently rather good (it's length may contribute) and also very heartbreaking, knowing what's going to happen to her.

Crescent Minor

It really was quite interesting, at least enough for a novella, how all these brand new vampires interacted and how their army worked. As ever, the most interesting story ideas were as far away from Bella as possible. Meyer has the strangest writing priorities.

Melanie P

I still want the midnight sun review. Clearly it’s the same story as twilight but we get to see edward’s fucked up thoughts. It’s hilarious.. as long as you go into it with the right mindset. Haha

Melanie P

Also, Stephenie Meyer wrote another stand alone adult suspense/thriller called “The Chemist” that reads like another author read it. The leads are interesting and have interesting back stories and it is fast paced and (for me) the romance isn’t overpowering the storyline. It’s kind of the side story. The plot is detailed andfhere are many twists and turns and I was able to read it in less than 8 or so hours including dog breaks and other essential human breaks. I’d love to see your eeview on that Meyer book. It’s nothing like her others. I’d even love “the Host” review from you. I think you’d see a dramatic improvement in meyer’s writing style.