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Is Chuck Tingle A Good Writer?


Courtney Rayle

Just an FYI, but you said, “ice cream CLONE” instead of “ice cream CONE.” Might want to put an annotation or similar when you post publicly. With regards to people claiming to be hetero but engaging in what many would define as homoerotic activities, that is actually a reference to two things: 1) The fact that whatever you claim you are is valid, regardless how others see it (for example, a bisexual woman dating a man is STILL BISEXUAL despite others classifying that as hetero behavior), and 2) several studies that show people who say they are heterosexual but have admitted to having sexual attraction/feelings for the same sex, but due to cultural beliefs and/or internalized LGBTQ+ phobia, can not change their classification of themselves (which is sad, but up to you). Also, on the subject of Dr. Tingle, he has my undying love and respect for writing several stories that feature asexual characters that both do and do not engage in sexual activities, which is much truer to life than most of media portrays. He also questions people whose groups he is not part of about how they would like to be represented. When writing about a trans coach, he asked his trans followers on Facebook about how they would feel winning an award for coaching and how they would react, especially with regards to the media possibly focusing on them being trans. He was incredibly respectful of the diverse answers, too. The fact that he also says that, while his books may be silly and sometimes parodies, the entire point is to prove “love is love,” and he very much does seem to stick by that and never diverges from that one sentiment is pretty amazing, given some of the hate that has come his way. (Personally, his FB posts telling people to ignore the haters and “keep trotting your trot through this dimension, thanks so much for existing, have a tall glass of chocolate milk on me, buckaroos, and keep on proving love is love,” are some of my favs to come across in my feed.) I will also point out that he IS trying to legit win a Hugo Award, and to that end has now tried his hand at writing some longer horror stories that have gotten very good reviews. (I myself am a horror weenie and am still working up to giving them a shot.)


Ha ha. "tiny ass story"

Ioana Sofonea

🤣🥰 thank you for sharing


I highly enjoyed the amount of puns in this one. Plus I immediatly had to download "Harriet Prober" (there seem to be two of them...) Thanks so much for this one!


Omg, you’ve discovered The Tingle🤣🤣🤣. If you think his titles are great, you should see some of the ones that show up in a lot of other mm writers’ stories as homage. It’s the ouroboros of crazy that keeps on giving!

Kris Olsen

You want sexy stories from the POV of a sentient dinosaur? Let me point you towards Maz Maddox's RELIC series. (They're also available on Audible) I tried to read Tingle and gave up after one page. I don't know that it was bad, it just didn't work for me.


I read both of them this year. Finished The Theater of Love just a few weeks ago. So good. *lol* True Fact: I got so into the humor and characters of the first book that for a moment I actually forgot what kind of book I was reading so when the first sex scene came up I was momentarily (and embarrassingly) blindsided).


I really should try some of Dr. Tingle's work. He was a total sweetie the one time I met him at a convention, and I had a blast watching "Pounded in the Tingle", a play adapting three of his tinglers (including two of the ones you mentioned in the video). Since I brought it up, now I have to link to this, the puppet for the bit adapting "Pounded in the Butt by my own Butt": https://twitter.com/ktrodmac/status/1147787833576513537/photo/1


Okay, Il Neige completely outdid himself with the Hamilton parody at the end.


If you ever read Harriet Porber, it's immediately obvious that Chuck Tingle hasn't read the source material. (He weaves out a completely insane universe of his own devising, very loosely inspired by the aesthetic of HP.) But apparently he read MOBY DICK to write Moby Butt. I can't explain why what gives me so much joy.


Perhaps it's because he has standards? ;) (Aka doesn't want to give HP's author any money). It does give me so much joy too.


OK, now that you've done Chuck Tingle, please do _Savaged by Systemd_ and _Bedazzled by Blockchain_ by Michael W. Lucas. He wrote them for the lulz and is extremely embarrassed that they have become his best-selling works. I haven't read the second, but the first is surprisingly good, especially considering that he was actively trying to make it as bad as possible. And yes, the technobabble makes 100% sense to someone familiar with the topic.


I am so happy about all the puns and impressed you kept a straight face 😂

Robert Pope

So now we need to get Treasure Island Media to do a compilation porn of Chuck Tingle, then get a Lost in Adaptation of it.