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Feel a bit naked without the green screen :O

Reviewing a book by a up and coming LGBTQ author.


The Lights of Prague


Ben L.

The last time you talked about a new(ish) book by an LGBTQ author you got me to read Dreadnought, so... you have my interest.


You should really go see Prague when you get the chance. It is a great place to holiday

Helen Dingo

Same, I loved Dreadnought. I hope he reviews the sequel, Sovereign, someday.


Historical supernatural LGBTQ? I'm down. Also shoutout to Il Neige for the line "His wisp friend be acting tsundere."


Yo, you got Isabella Allende's Zorro!


I saw this comment before watching the video and assumed this line was somehow in reference to Dom's cat Wisp, and thought "Yeah, tsundere cat, that tracks."

D.A.M. Nox (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-28 20:41:31 Ah yes, the LEBTQ community... Lesbian, Eldritch, aBomination, Terror, Queer, & etc... (I am NOT mocking Dom’s typo, I am celebrating it)
2021-06-29 18:01:33 Ah yes, the LEBTQ community... Lesbian, Eldritch, aBomination, Terror, Queer, & etc... (I am NOT mocking Dom’s typo, I am celebrating it)

Ah yes, the LEBTQ community... Lesbian, Eldritch, aBomination, Terror, Queer, & etc... (I am NOT mocking Dom’s typo, I am celebrating it)

Erica Borgers

Lovely review and awesome song! I do hope you enjoy the time with your family!!