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Well that first post must have been confusing lol. Having some trouble with the app.

Just letting ya'll know im back in the uk for a few weeks to see the fam.

Will try to answer messeges when i can but might take a little longer than usual.



Visiting or to live? And what does HIH Het mean?


Have fun visiting family!

Stevi Grega

Enjoy your visit!

Caitlin Harrington-Robinson

I thought hih het was some weird slang I had never heard of. Enjoy time with family. :)


Have a good visit!


Welcome home 😊


Enjoy your stay with your family, hope you can relax a bit :)


I thought "Hih" was that excitement sound British people make when meeting the fam after a long time. Have a nice stay!


Have a lovely visit!


Now, I'm expecting "HIH Het" on some of your merch soon, because everyone keeps bringing it up XD

Utaku Beta

As a note, we will understand if you say fukit and want to stay there. You kind of came here at a bad time


I figured it was an acronym! Have fun, Dom! Catch you on the flip side!


Take Your time. Even the royal mail nowadays needs about 10 days to reach a German destination, ‚the continent is cut off, like in the olden days.🦥


I immediately Googled it. It didn't exist.. but who knows.. maybe it will now. :)


Enjoy seeing your family!! It must be wonderful to see everyone again after what I assume has been a long time


Have lots of fun with your family! Stay safe as possible. :)


This amuses me as I'm going visit my family this week too. Welcome back to Blighty, we're supposed to have some nice weather this week.

Eustacia Vye

I´ve been apart from my family over 6 months...they just made it out of the UK to Spain where I have been stuck since January, so nice we can finally see family again

Erica Borgers

Replies? Please - enjoy your family time while you are able! ♥️