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Trying something completely different as the first public video of my second channel. I hope you enjoy it.

If you'd like to receive this sword let me know in the comments, along with a vague description of where you are in the world.

Edit: I meant to schedule this post but I'm bad at my job so HEY the middle of the night is good too I guess.


Making a sword for a patron.

Testing my sword making skills for the first time.



This is really cool. Do you still do this?


I live in western Canada, and have a passion for all things swords, I’d love to give that piece of art a home looking forward to seeing more of your work in this avenue!


Hey, id love to recieve this if its a random draw kinda thing - however I am based in the uk so shipping might be a pain

Odayin Gold

Heck yes, I want a sword! I bought myself one as a reward for completing my Bachelors and since I am soon done with my Masters this would fit perfectly ^^. I am living in Germany. Edit: Have watched the video now. This sword turned out awesome, you are talented, Dom!


I am in Australia. I'd love to receive a sword from one of my favourite creators.


Also seeing the happy snek - if one *theoretically* happened to sleep with the sword, would you get a cool snek tattoo a la the Highlanders vs Romans book you reviewed? :P


I totally thought of Pushing Up Roses as soon as you brought out the dagger of Aman Ra! I would love to own the Happy Snake Dragon Sword — I am going to be in my first RPG campaign soon (in the Los Angeles area) and I’d love to have a real world object to connect with, but I am a relatively new patron so I feel that my roll for persuasion won’t go in my favor! But great job! I have a friend who’s trying out to be on Forged In Fire so swords seem to be all around me as of late!


Happy Snake Dragon Sword! Love it, especially for your first attempt! I'd love to own this, but I live in New Zealand so I do recognise that might not be reasonable for shipping and costs.

Vincent E. M. Thorn

I live near Atlanta, Ga in the United States and I would be thrilled to have the Happy Snake Dragon Sword.

Robin Isomaa

I'd love a Happy Snake Dragon Sword! I live in Finland, so I understand that it might be more expensive to ship it here


I'd love to have a sword made by you, honestly. Though I don't know whether you can send it, I live in Switzerland. On the other hand, I did once order a Freddy Krueger glove and that shipped to me with no problem. Anyway, love the nails!


The UK is probably a bit far for postage now, but that is one cool sword!


Considering I am a pretty new Patreon, I probably don't have many chances, and I also don't know how the sword-ownership-laws are here or whatever, but I'm living in Germany, and that sword looks amazing *_*




I would be interested in getting the sword, but I don't want you to know where I live, so I feel I am out of the running.


I definitely would be interested in this sword. I live in New Jersey if that makes a difference.

Lilla Joba

I have no idea how to make a sword but somehow this is still the most relatable video I've seen in a while. I love your commentary


How vaguely would you like me to put my location? I can make it a riddle if you want: I am an island, I am a country. I've had a royal for decades but rarely a prime minister for more than 6 months. I make friends in war unless it's against a native animal. What am I? (Answer in comments)


It's Australia. Another vague way I could have said this is: Spiders. Less vaguely I'm in Victoria. I haven't been a patron for as long as others so I understand if I don't get it, but I am very excited by the chance to have a dragon snake sword and it was very fun to come up with a riddle for you XD

Catriona Kennedy

New patreon here, I live in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I loved seeing you process, would you think about showing more creations?

Exquisite Williams

That sword is amazing 🥰🥰 I live Near The capital of Georgia!!!


Dude I absolutely love this! Making a sword sounds so much fun. I'm in a New Mexico city that's notoriously hard to spell. The one Bugs Bunny always takes a wrong turn in.


That was super cool process to watch, and it looks great! I was thinking as you were talking about the scratches, maybe create a backstory for the sword that gets sent with it (it got banged up slaying a dragon or something). I hope you make more of these, especially with original designs :)


Excellent sword, I definitely enjoyed the video! I'd be happy to own it but I haven't been a patron long, so no worries. I hope the heat wave isn't too long lasting for you.


You've definitely got a future in this field. What heroic knight wouldn't shop at "Noble Blades"? And it's +5 against bad adaptations.


It's like the How It's Made satisfactory footage, along with just the most adorable narration/internal monologue. Love it! PS: I'm located in Canada West Coast


That sword would go very nicely with the dragon eggs I make. I live in eastern Georgia.

Elizabeth Cox

I love sharp pointy danger sticks! I'm in Colorado


I've never tried making a blade, but I've managed to remove corrosion from one and sharpen it by using what is called water sand paper in my language, not sure what it's in English, but as the name suggests, it's used wet and finished the job with regular metal polish. They might be useful for the finish the surface with this blade, too.


I work in packing and shipping, and I'm pretty sure you can send swords and knives (at least in the US) no matter how sharp they are, you just want to make sure and pack them so they don't poke through the box! From my work, we've sent kitchen knives to various places, a civil war era calvary sword to someone graduating from a military academy, and a lifesize replica of Anduril, all with no issues. Also, I love the happy snek.


After years of being unable to figure out why I can never fit in with the rest of the world, I was told at age 14 that it was because the world doesn't accommodate people like me, the Autistics. Since then, I've finally been happy, knowing why the world is completely different from me and why I can feel so overwhelmed. The joy, grief, pain, and pleasure can blend within me and I let it loose onto the page with a smile on my face. Also, I live in the realm where Florida Man dwells.


Dom: And here you can see me dropping my pen. And then immediately dropping it again. Dom, I feel that clip to my bones. Congratulations on completion of the HappySnakeDragon!Sword!


I am absolutely interested to see more sword videos, making or otherwise. Do you go to Ren fairs or anything like that? Would love a sword, but haven't been a patreon for long, so no worries. Love your nails!


I’d love to give your happy snake dragon sword to my daughter as a birthday present! I’m in Connecticut on the East Coast of the United States. I’d be happy to pay for postage, etc


Real nice work there, keep it up! And a word of advice, try and pick up a wire cup brush for your grinder, they're a good way to clean off steel without sratching it up to much. Greetings form New York!


Um, who would say no to a happy snake dragon sword? Waving hi from Dallas, Texas


Holy crap, that looks awesome! I’m from Vancouver, Canada. Sadly I think that means things would be difficult, but Hey! Can’t blame a girl for trying! Either way, I would find it super cool to see you do more stuff like this regardless of giveaways.


I haven't been a patron terribly long (although a long-time watcher from the pre-YouTube days) so that's probably me out of the running, but I think it's fantastic you've been able to pursue your interests like this and hope you're able to keep honing your skill along with your blades! Just in case I can still be a contender, the happy snake sword would go magnificently with some snake-themed jewelry I own and I live near the Boston area. :)

Cosmic Somebody

That looks amazing! I'm in Ohio.


I would LOVE to have that sword. I live in Ohio, in the US

Tierney Grim

Thank you for the fun video, if you ever want to make another I'd watch it! I would love to be the proud owner of the Happy Snake/Dragon sword. I'm in the western half of Washington state.

Camille R

I am impressed!


Probably haven't been a patron long enough to be in the running for the sword, but I could send you pictures of my pet ball python as an added bribe? Lol I'm in Saskatchewan Canada

Nathaniel Muscharaf

That would be something i'd love to have by my side when i visit the next medieval fair. A sword and helmet are actually the next things on my list to get anyway :) So ofc i would love to own that happy snake dragon sword. I am from germany though, but i'd have absolutely no problem with paying for postage and i don't think there are import restrictions on blunt swords.

Mel Dase

Probably too new to be in the running, but I would love to cherish that beauty you made. Thanks for sharing this! From Ventura, California.

Michael Drzyzga

Oh, that is so cool! Glad you found a new hobby. Yeah, I'd be game for a display sword. (Come to think of it, I've thought for a while a display machuatl would be cool, and more recently I've been thinking it would cool to spalt wood on my own and wasn't sure what to use it for - a display machuatl or the handle of a display sword would be really cool.)


I don't think I'd have much if a chance, but I'd rejoice to own the Happy Snake-Dragon Sword. I'm from Berlin, Germany, so at least it would be legal for me to own it!


That is a beautiful sword, and all the better because it's crafted by the illustrious Mr Noble. In fact, one might even say it's a very Noble Blade. ;) I would absolutely love to carry a sword from such a Noble house. I live in Los Angeles, California.

Mel Curtis

As a lady in Wisconsin, that's a damn beautiful blade that I would love to have.


Will you announce your second channel name on the main channel or on Patreon? I'm keen to subscribe to this second channel :)


I am a new patron but I just gotta say. I think its so cool when people have hobbies like this!

Kelley Runyon

Well done, Dom! It looks fantastic and I hope you had a tonne of fun making it!

Matt Storrs

I would be happy to give the happy snake dragon sword a happy snake dragon home!


So glad to see you continuing with your hobby. (From collecting to forging.) I would definitely be happy to give the sword a home here in the North-American South-East. Hope you enjoyed the experience of making it and it is a sustainable new hobby for you. : )


I look forward to seeing more sword related content in the future, metalworking and forging are some of my favorite things to watch (hello fellow forged in fire fan)! I would be delighted to give the sword a home! The snek dragon is delightful and I would absolutely love to hang it next to my prop replica of Sting! For the purposes of polishing the sword some metal polishing paste should do the trick. That'll get you the shiny look you're going for, and you can get it for pretty affordable prices on Amazon or Home Depot (I know diamond polishing paste is an example, it's a bit more expensive, but the results are fantastic, and a little tends to go a long way!).


I love the Happy Snake sword, Dom. I'm in Minnesota and would love to have that sword (though I'm not sure where I would put it). I hve a couple video recommendations for you. Adam Savage (from MythBusters) is the main contributer on the channel Tested, and has several videos building props and prop replicas, including some swords. Most of them are just cosplay-level props (made of wood or foam), but there are a couple builds of metal swords, ground out instead of forged just like yours. This video is a propmaker from Weta Workshop teaching him how to grind out a replica of Aragorn's sword ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCi5usulDIo ). Then this video is Adam making a replica of Excalibur from the same-titled film ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGlcF4Bpg78 ).


Wow this is amazing, I could definitely see myself doing daft (but careful!) tricks with this, currently I just practice with a stick, but I spent lockdown learning sword skills on youtube lmao. I'm from the UK so when we were in very strict lockdown it was all that kept me sane haha, though I'm pretty sure the clattering of dropped sticks might have driven my family insane...


I add careful because who could risk damaging such a beauty!!


This is awesome, both the finished sword and getting to see the process. It's also wonderful getting to watch someone doing what they clearly have a passion for. Can't wait to see more. While I would be happy to be the lucky person to receive this blade, I'm pretty new here, so I'm good with knowing it's going to go to someone who'll also enjoy it.

stini Mondkatze

I really enjoy watching DIY Videos from the most different arts and crafts there are! From knitting to woodworking, paper crafts to forging! I would love to watch videos of you making more swords! (I have to say, though, that watching all the sparks flying in your direction was a bit stressful. Maybe you could stand at the side of the piece instead of behind it? Sorry, if I come of(?) as lecturing, that was not my intent ^^°) Snakes are only dragons without legs when you think about it ;-) So a Dragonhead as a pommel and a snake on the hilt match very well in my opinion! I laughed so much when you said it looks as if the dragon was wearing dentures! My boyfriend looked at me very puzzled XD (Maybe the dragon needs a bit of crelm toothpaste, so he won't need dentures. (Monty Python's) Thank you so much for sharing this great new hobby of yours!


Snek snek snek snek SNEK! Plus a flying snek just to top things off! I love it this is so amazing I'm glad you found something to help with the in home madness I'd happily give the danger noodles a home with me in Georgia

DK Jones

Way late but I would love a happy snake dragon sword (will it summon a zord?) And I live in So Cal


Happy snek dragon sword!!! :DDD (I live in CO, US)

Beloved Sylphaen

I love seeing you so happy! The sword looks awesome, but I'm new here, so I'm not even going to try to get it.

Amazonian Girl

Wow, so much fun watching. Dying of heat in the PNW.

Eustacia Vye

I live in southern Spain so have no sympathy for you complaining about the heat!


This is fascinating, I've been interested in forging for years and have plans to set one up in my backyard, but I will admit I've never considered making a sword/dagger just from grinding. This was really fun to watch, I hope you put together more videos like it. Minor safety criticism (and it's probably something up for debate) but I think you need a better mask. If you're doing a lot of sanding/grinding you should invest in a 3m mask that you can put different filter pads in, it's well worth the cost.

Erica Borgers

Very cool! Also loved to see the process of its creation