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Last stint in Narnia for now.

(Slight typo at the end regarding twitter username. Its Dominic__Noble)


The Voyage of the Dawntreader ~ Lost in Adaptation



Aha! Finally admitted Seventh Son exist Dom. I expects an episode on it at the start of the second quarter. I know that time frame has already passed, that's the joke/


Definitely wanna see you cover more of the books.


I almost can’t handle Dom as Prince Caspian... Still trying to decide whether I’m blessed or cursed that we only got about 20 seconds of that extreme sexiness.


Hooray, the video I request is here. I will treasure this moment, and tell my hypothetical children and grandchildren about this.




Love the ending song.

Trace Carter

please cover the books. the magician's nephew was actually my gateway into narnia and led to me reading the series (but not Horse and his Boy) and I absolutely loved the final epilogue in the Last Battle. also can you go over the unpublished story about susan "Susan of Narnia"


I have fond memories of watching this movie at sleepovers during my childhood, but looking back on my love of the first and second movie, Dawn Treader really doesn't compare. 'd love to hear you talk more about the other books, and some of the older, (slightly less popular) productions.


I'd like to see the books and the TV miniseries both covered. The miniseries was nominated for Best Children's Programme at the BAFTAs in '88, '89, and '90, so it must have had some merit!


I don’t know what happened to my comment. So I’ll post again. I love this episode so forgive me for being a wanker with this correction: In the novel, Only Susan goes to America because their parents can only take one child and feel that academics aren’t Susan’s strongpoint. Peter goes to stay with the professor from the first book to receive tutoring for upcoming exams. The professor would have loved to have all three remaining kids stay with him, but has since fallen on hard times and no longer lives in the mansion with the wardrobe. But please don’t let my knit picking deter you from making more Narnia videos. I’d love to see a lost in adaptation of The Silver Chair by the BBC.

Kat Deuchars

I really hope you get around to the TV series. I remember it being unintentionally hilarious.

Beloved Sylphaen

I admire and envy your sword collection, Dom. Please keep doing videos that allow you to show them off.

Michael Drzyzga

Wait, there's a mini series?! Yes, please cover that.

Michael Drzyzga

Keeping up the trend that I can't remember Narnia except the book ends. I didn't even remember you already covered Prince Caspian.


Voyage of the dawntreader actually happened to be the first Narnia book I read. My family went on vacation and I had already read all the books I had brought and that was the one my brother had brought. I tried to watcht the adaptation ones and noped out of there as soon as I saw Lucy flirting with Caspian.

Matt Storrs

Wait, do most people think "Voyage" is the weakest of the books chronologically so far? Maybe my sample is skewed, but I and pretty much everyone I talked to agreed it was our favorite out of all the books. Weird.

Matt Storrs

Also, would definitely be interested in a look at the BBC adaptations. Those were the main ones I had on VHS growing up, and I still have fond memories, despite the relatively low budget.

Vox Aquila

FYI- I think Eustace is supposed to be St. Paul. For non-Christians, Paul is also not a super nice guy in the Bible and also gets a Tough Love conversion to Christ.

Magical Mr. Mistoffelees

Dom: "Ben Barnes, an actor who seems to be constantly popping up in the adaptations I review." Me, who just binged Shadow and Bone again: Should I tell him?


I would also like for you to cover the BBC adaptions. Despite the low budget of each film, the three BBC adaptions hue closer to the 4 books they are based on. And they got The Silver Chair made in 1990. They cast a young boy as Prince Caspian in their version, so his mistakes seem more natural, then grafting those same mistakes on to someone who is in their late 20's and would know better. For Puddleglum they hired Tom Baker The 4th Doctor in Dr. Who's long history! In summary, the BBC versions are closer and more faithful to the original books then their big budget counterparts. It would have been great to see all 7 books translated into movies. I still hold out hope, that The Silver Chair, The Horse and his Boy, The Magician's Nephew, and The Last Battle will be filmed. If Peter Jackson can get 3 movies out of The Hobbit, then they can turn the last 4 books into films.

Matthew Foweraker

Did he forget the non human narnians or did you just assume they were human? The book just says Narnians.


St. Paul isn't the only inspiration. Lewis notes that Eustace doesn't like Fairy Tales in the Book. So he's both a St. Paul allegory as well as a slight parody of kids that don't like to read fantasy.


I definitely want to see him do the BBC versions


I was surprised to hear that people consider this one one of the weaker books, it was always one of my favorites as a kid! I'd love to see you cover the other books as well.


I'd love to see more vids on the Narnia books or BBC series. This vid makes me want to pull the books off my shelf and give them a reread.


brilliant and enjoyable as always! Would always love to hear anything you have to say about Narnia - as books, as adaptations, as whatever you want~! TBH, as I have read VotDT frequently from childhood to adulthood, I have never truly been bothered by a lack of underlying plot or narrative to tie anything together. Might be because of outside influences in my life, but I always took Dawn Treader to be a narrative about "the journey not the destination." While each island or ocean passage had their own disperate story line, the "real" tale being told was about an ensemble exploring the themes of relationships, goodness/virtue, and seeking. In my understanding, Dawn Treader is a narrative in the same milieu as Naked Lunch or On The Road, for example. From this view, I found VotDT to be a cohesive exploration of seekers in the midst of their seeking. . . and, honestly, was my favorite of the Narnian "chronological" sequence (LWW, PC, VotDT, SC), and definitely one of my top 3 favorites in the entire Chronicles overall. (btw, ship's name is traditionally two words, not one)


Dear Dom, If you take on the subject of Susan, you might also take a look at Neil Gaiman's "The Problem of Susan" plz&ty


I would love to see video’s on the BBC movies. Silver Chair was my favorite movie growing up


oh man the BBC versions were my CHILDHOOD alongside the books; we had them copied on beta tapes and i watched those movies so many time. would love to see you cover them!

Sam Williams

Please do the BBC tv version! I need that in my life right now!


I would love to hear your thoughts on the BBC version, with its laughable attempts at pre-CGI and (I suspect) an honest attempt to be true to the books.