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Of the Discworld books I’ve read so far, Going Postal is my favourite.


I must not make Dom cry. I will start to read these amazing books within the week.

Elizabeth Cox

I wish there was a way to accurately portray how loudly I screamed YES at seeing this


Yaaaaaay! I love the Discworld series. Iirc, I was in England years ago (visiting relatives) when I first found the first few Discworld books at a local bookstore. I went back for more during the trip. Absolutely fun series.


My favorite is THUD! "THAT. IS. NOT. MY. COW!!"


Great to see you covering this wonderful series. Pratchett has grown to be my favorite modern fiction author too. My favorite novel is Reaper Man, a great adaptation of the concept of "Death Takes a Holiday"... DEATH is likely to be your favorite character after that one.


I really liked Monstrous Regiment, but for long-running characters I usually like the Susan books best.

Colin Raiden-McRae

I made a point to read the books in order up to Mort then go through the Death series. I can't help but love Death since he's comes off as an unusually accurate and positive portrayal of an autistic person.


My favorite Discworld book is Small Gods


oh. my. god. that bookshelf is everything


I'm glad death of rats got a mention :)


I've always been a fan of the Nightwatch series but you are right that it does not age as well due to what is actually occurring with police. Then again, I do like police procedurals.

Vincent E. M. Thorn

The Death and Susan books are my absolute favorite. I actually got into the franchise via Hogfather, and revisit it every Christmas

Kat Deuchars

I was fine until the end credits song, that made me tear up My mum read Pratchett's Johnny series to my brother and I before we were in double digits and Discworld is probably my cornerstone of fantasy, more so than LotR Also, I grew up in Wiltshire, so Sir Terry came to our local literature festival a couple of times and my mum heard him speak there at least once My favourites are probably the Moist von Lipwig books I like a lot of the technology books (e.g. The Truth) but there's probably also an aspect of them being published after I started reading, so I got to read them fresh before my mum and aunt had shaped how I felt about the characters


I will admit I have read just two of the books; I have the rest now (yay! Kindle! Now I can read them!). I've just been a bit confused at which novel you start/which order you read them! The Color of Magic and Tripping both have my favorite character of all the books (so far) and that is The Luggage. I consider the Luggage smarter than the others in the two books and as a tween, I actually sat down and wrote up on a steno pad all the lines about the Luggage then of course decorated the cover with with the Luggage with teeth! :D Each time I think of the Luggage I grin. Having read/seen Good Omens, I suspect that I will be doing that with most of his books if not all! Thank you for the review on him. I look forward to the Good Omens episode--I know that's a HUGE undertaking but I bet someone has asked you officially for it!


I read two Discworld novels as a kid, but unfortunately Mort gave me such terrible second-hand embarrassment that I gave up on the series altogether for about 15 years or so. But I heard such great things about Pratchett and I loved Good Omens, so I decided to give Discworld another shot. Thud! was the first book I read as an adult--I wasn't sure at first, but it was the conversation between Colon and Nobbs about when nudity is and is not artistic that got me to laugh enough to realize that I was going to enjoy myself immensely. I got my dad into the series too, so now both of us have quite large collections of Discworld books. ^^ The Watch books remain my favorites, probably between Men at Arms and Thud!. I've always thought about writing a fantasy/mystery book, and those books are high on my list of reference/inspiration.

Daniel Allen

My favorite character? Moist Von Lipwig. I see some of myself in him. His ability to gain just enough surface knowledge to appear truly knowledgeable, his ability to blend in, the moral code he discovers that makes him (just barely) a decent person . . . Okay, this is coming out wrong. But you know what I mean!


Just finished re-reading the main Witches series and Agnes Nitt is my favourite. Both for how she internalises the problems of being a "nice" big girl and because she develops so much from Lords and Ladies to Carpe Jugulum

Matthew Foweraker

GNU Sir Terry. And how could I ever choose? Also, Night Watch and Thud! should be required reading of every police Academy in the world.


Yes, thank you for making this! <3


Thank you. GNU Sir Terry Pratchett. And one of my first English books where Thief of Time, and you forgot Lutze. And like so many before me I can’t choose a favourite character.


My favourite book is Small Gods (The ending. Just... the ending.) and my favourite character is Tiffany Aching. I just love her, and the way her protective selfishness is portrayed.


THE MIMIC. Oh and the tourist that tags along with it. Haven’t read the books in so long I forget their names but I based one my DnD characters off those two. A monk and her pet carpet bag shaped mimic. :)


i absolutely adore the Discworld books. Sam Vimes is a personal hero. I really took his reasoning in Thud! to heart, about making excuses for a good reason will lead to making them for a bad reason, etc.... Really has helped me commit to making decisions that have an ongoing effect on my life.


I've only read Mort but I loved it 😭 I'll visit the series that you recommended!


Speaking of the negatives, it's my impression from the books I've read so far that Pratchett did sometimes dip into unfortunate tropes, but that he wrote such complex and evolving characters that there's usually nuance even to the bad? Like, Fred Colon, who starts out as a bumbling, but lovable donut cop, until Jingo, where he becomes the "stupid, fat, racist everyman", which made me pretty sad, because at least in Guards! Guards! he got to be brave and loyal, but in Jingo he's just bad, but then in Fifth Elephant you realise how much fear and shame he carries over being barely literate, and you feel for him again. No author is perfect, and Sir Terry's imperfections are interesting, I think, as fodder for discussion.


Also my favourite book is uh ... the entire City Watch series, and my favourite character is ... all of them? No, it's Vimes. And Sybil (my goddess). And Detritus (sweetheart!). And Cheery (also sweeheart!). AND FLIPPIN VETINARI (so boss). I can't choose!

Kris Olsen

One of my neightbors named their wifi network NacMacFeegles :D

Kris Olsen

Sooo hard to choose a favorite character! Death is great but so is Vetinari. I love Agness Nitt,bless her simple soul, but if I have to choose it is Tiffany Aching. I wish he'd lived long enough to write more books about her.

Kris Olsen

FYI Dom, my kitten Mittens restarted the video four times....I guess he liked your intro?

Camille R

I love this video sight unseen.


"Don't let me detain you." *lifts one eyebrow* A+ Vetinari impression. :D While I like the Witches series most, if I have to pick just one book as my favourite it would be The Fifth Elephant. Something about the plot, the character development, the tempo -- it just has me biting my nails every time I read it. Also, your camera was focused on the books in the background rather than your face and I'm only 65% sure this is accidental.

Kelley Runyon

Choosing a favourite Terry Pratchett book is like choosing a favourite child. (FYI, I only have one child and when I have used this analogy she looked at me aghast and said, "Is it me? Could it be me?" She's 28.) My favourite is the one I've most recently read. As for characters, like many, I have a super soft spot for Tiffany Aching, but picking her seems so unfair to Cheery or Death or Granny or Vetinari or Susan or...everyone else, really.


Sir Terry is also one Skyrim's earliest modders


Went against every fan's advice and started reading the books in chronological order. Only through a few so far but Luggage is definitely my favorite character, although I suspect that Death will take that place after I've gotten to some of his books. So much personality and attitude in something that doesn't even have a face! It really speaks to Sir Terry's abilities as a writer that it works so well even in the "not as good" books of the series. Cautiously excited for the second season of Good Omens. I still believe the series is being made out of love and not money, so fingers crossed all goes well.

Colette Higgins

Love this series. Only problem is I haven't read Maurice yet, but now I can't... because it would the last for me. I don't want to deal with the finality.


Alright nevermind spending the night watching videos, time to pick up the Discworld book I bought recently


The Night Watch is my favourite- both series and novel. I can of course see the problematic police issue- but for me, Sam Vimes continual struggles to be a good person and good cop mean so much to me in my attempts to remain a good person. But then I will just start listing novels and characters that I love, and will be here for another hour and a half....


I like most of the characters but I just love Granny Weatherwax. Susan took me a while to get used to but I now like her straight forwardness.


I've just started re-reading the discworld books. I originally read them in whatever order I found them, then chronologically, now by story arch. I've read them so many times but it never stops being enjoyable.


The first Pratchett book I ever read was Small Gods, and it's still my favourite. I love all the books, don't get me wrong (I cry whenever I re-read Nightwatch or Amazing Maurice... they're incredible) but Small Gods I think is often overlooked because it's standalone. It's so good!! Everyone should read it!


It's so good though.... when you're ready to read it you'll really enjoy it.

Connla Lyons

Night watch is my favourite book. But I would never suggest it as someone's first. It's pretty much the conclusion of the Vimes personal story in The watch series and it's is a satisfying conclusion. Thud and snuff that come after a distinctly different and the watch series starts to flow into the background from night watch onwards. With Vimes etc showing up as key background characters in a lot of books and even as minor antagonists (moist books) but night watch is the end of the actual Vimes as a copper storyline. And it is brilliant. Also shout out to the very under appreciated monstrous regiment which kinda awkwardly sits as its own thing but has ties to so many other stories And I like it even if no one else does

Amber Pearce

love the death and witches series, but read them first, then went through the series in order, but really like moist von lipwig towards the end of the series. would love any opinions on the watch series currently on bbc iplayer


I've actually only read The Wee Free Men, so I was wondering if the Nac Mac Feegle ever made an appearance in the Discworld series.

Eustacia Vye

Total respect to Dom´s mum...after seeing his dad´s study...what a woman.


Thank you for mentioning STPs problematic attitude towards fat people. I love most of the Discworld books, but there are certain ones, particularly with Agnes, where I can’t even stomach how he describes bigger people. He’s my absolute favorite author, but it’s important to point out flaws where the people we love can fall short. It’s the only way we progress.

Erica Borgers

I totally enjoy your enthusiasm for the series and your love of Sir terry pratchett


This was definitely the episode that convinced me to sponsor. Love your content. ❤️


The Tiffany Aching series was the first books of Terry’s that my mother introduced to me as a kid, and A Hat Full of Sky was one of the first English books that I managed to read by myself. They remain my favourites.


Found you because of the great Pratchett video. He will always be my guy. Then I find your video about Ursula K LeGuin, also on my BEST list! I know you will be my new You Tube deep dive. But alas, nothing for my other favorite, Tom Robbins. Sheer crazy joyful word painting and fun and philosophy, He was my #1 until the others came along in my life, I still re read him. And there was a pretty bad film adaptation of Another Cowgirl Gets The Blues. Can you do it? Thanks! Meg