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A little something that wasn't done in time to be included in the first draft of the Q&A.


How is Terrence doing?



But I am vegan...


LOLOLOL That's delightful!


Terrence!!! Missed him

DK Jones

Dang, that's the first time I've ever found Terrance sexy


I'm so happy for him. Glad to see he's going through some character development at camp half-blood


Terrance: On one hand, this is a far less toxic place to be. On the other hand, I have gotten very good at fighting monsters by necessity.


Sunglasses...flaming swords... ...Whenever it is time for a Lost in Adaptation of Good Omens (which is hopefully some day), I hope we can get Terrence to weigh in, if nothing else then just for a comment on the sunglasses.




LOL I finally got around to reading the Percy Jackson/Jason Grace books. I can see why people like them though I have some minor nitpicky things I'd like to talk to Uncle Rick about.


.... Do I finally have to read the Percy Jackson books now..?


So glad to see Terrence again, and it's nice to see his ego put to good use. Lol.


Okay, Hecate or Athena?...The fanbase war begins....


Omg I’m so happy to see Terrence! I can’t wait for the series to drop so we can see more of him.


I'm excited, but just be aware that you're going to get a million comments that Camp Half-Blood's t-shirts are orange, while Camp Jupiter's are purple. If Terrence is secretly part of both camps, that's going to be interesting.

Charlie Dayson

I just finished watching the unreleased 1994 Fantastic Four movie and this has dramatically higher production quality and i'm not even joking. Kudos!


I think Terrence's shirt is blue, a hold over allegiance/nod to Ravenclaw. While many of us are trying to let go of HP cause of JK's ideology, somethings may stick whither we want them to or not.


All I'm saying is reviewing all the Riordanverse books on your channel would be fun and something a lot of us would like to see. P.s Jason Grace is great and I won't hear a single word against him.


But who is his godly parent???? I need to know!

Lilla Joba

I have and will continue to die on the "defending Jason Grace club"

Eustacia Vye

Great video, but....errr....should not the T shirt be orange??? Godly parent must be Ares????


Terrence!!! <3


so much Yes


Girls with swords are your weakness. Men in bracers are mine. *purrrrr*

Michael Drzyzga

Good to see Terrence. I wonder if there will be any retcons to reframe his old backstory but divorced of Rowling. Because the whole idea of him sticking with his school uniform years after graduation because it's his way of holding onto everything he lost at the big battle? I like that, and it'd be a shame to not see it referenced. But I also know referencing it breaks the no-more-HP rule. So a retcon could help with that. I hope.

Yvonne Hanafee

Oh gods, Riordanverse Chiron would have absolutely no time for Terrence’s bullshit....

Trace Carter

How’d he get into camp half blood? Thought he wasn’t a demigod