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Hey all. This is an old, OLD episode (I think the first Patreon request I ever did). You might have already seen it, it was up for awhile before a combination of copyright strikes and other things took it off Youtube, but henceforth it shall be for my lovely Patrons only.

It's flawed in a lot of ways, this was made back when I thought being "critical" meant being "angry" so there's a lot of unnecessary shouting that makes my current acid damaged throat hurt just to listen to. It's also got a long and somewhat cringy intro with references to movies that were hot at the time but obviously date it now.

This version has been edited (Sometimes clumsily) to remove some deeply problematic language I used because I was a dumb fuck ignorant jackass who didn't bother to learn what words are harmful. I hope to make up for these mistakes someday.

Anyways, enjoy.


A Series of Unfortunate Events ~ Lost in Adaptation


Eli Jenal

You're continually doing better, and that's plenty!


Awesome! Thanks for uploading this! I think you've redeemed yourself in spades already when it comes to language use :) Your growth has been very noticable and is a great thing! Don't beat yourself up over silly stuff you said years and years ago, the important thing is that you've learned and grown since then! Keep up the good work!


I remember this one! It'll be nice to see it again. Don't stress about older stuff being less good; we get it, and it puts a nice contrast on the recent stuff.


This was the first one of your videos I ever saw. It's nice to see it here.

Ben L.

"Being critical means being angry" was just kind of the mindset of a lot of internet reviewers back in the day. I'm very glad you've found your own style; the calm, collected presentation suits you very well.

Lenora Brown

this is niche but menu on the dvd of this movie paired with the soundtrack was Amazing

Caitlin Harrington-Robinson

For a second I thought you were finishing up the Netflix series. But considering how much you didn't enjoy it, I can understand if you never return to it(hopefully this didn't come up as a complaint, because I would rather you only cover things that you want to cover). It's fun to look back on your old style. Thanks for posting. :)

Billy (aka siatabiri)

I enjoyed watching this! I will say the ending making sure they couldn't have a sequel thing bothered me because, knowing the series, they would just have Olaf break out of jail and return. It's much less bad than the adapted ending of, say, Beautiful Creatures, but explaining that would just enrage me. Thank you for giving access to this!

Robert Pope

Three things: 1) I kind of would like Dom to do the Netflix series now that he’s more hit his stride, I think it would be interesting to see a more mature Dom’s take, especially if he compared them to his previous take; 2) I love that Dom’s post talked about him being angry at changes and straight up all I can say is I was expecting AVGN, and I got “we are displeased,” it’s wonderful and I love it; and 3) I think it was the reptile room that had one of the best lines of all time in it. Snicket is talking about how everything has a moral and he writes, “The moral of WWI is don’t assassinate Arch Duke Ferdinand.” Idk why but I giggle when I think of it.

Emily C. A. Snyder

It was actually looking for comparisons of ASOUE book to screen (in preparation for the Netflix series) that had me stumble on your channel oh-so-many years ago. Thanks for the reupload! (And for suffering through this series, and so many others, for us.)


I find myself actually quite charmed by your older videos, maybe because I know your recent work and it's kind of a "the road so far" thing. Thank you for the reupload, and I'm so impressed by your ability to grow and stand up to your former mistakes. In my opinion, this shows how you're a decent human being, who are hard to come by these days (which sounded less cynical in my head, but I'm too tired to compose a better sentence)

Katrina Trigari

Your older videos do show how far you've grown, but think they're never as problematic as a lot of things on mainstream youtube (both then and now). I think we all recognise you are a more empathetic human being now.


Thank you for putting this back up for us! I really enjoyed this review (angry persona and all), but I'm glad you've found your schtick.

Anthony (ThePkmnYPerson)

I don't remember that Terminator skit from the first time I saw this and I love it.

Hannah Leonard

I’ve always enjoyed the movie more than the show. Both my youngest sisters and I believe the movie is better, even with the changes. The aesthetic, the cast, and other details make it a movie that will always have a place in my heart.