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Hey all, here's a early look at the Q&A we film recently. It's mostly done but if you'd like to wait until the final polished version is done it should only be a few days ^^


The Surprisingly Heavy Hitting Q&A



Me: "I wonder if my submission is in here" *Literally the first video is mine* Me: *squeals like a little girl*


Kate: "It was a dumb movie too." Dom: *snootily turns head away from her* "I liked that film." Also, Hexide was a reference to Owl House. Also also, the cringey thing I did was use a cat to gain your attention.


Sad to heard about your passion videos. I liked them, and it’s nice to see you really enjoy something.


@30:35 "I was thinking of maybe experimenting with some episodes where it is not a set category, it is just a bit more free-form." I'd just like to say that as a viewer I find the category format very helpful for understanding the differences you're talking about. I watched CineFix's "What's the DIfference" on Rambo and could not follow them at all, whether they meant the thing they were talking about was in the book or in the movie or what. I'm sure other people are fine with that, but I find the structure helpful. That said, they're your videos so write them in the way you want. I'll still watch.

Gerda Strobl

Wasn't her name Natasha Henstridge?


@1:55:53 I wish I could emphasize more that the movie Beastly is a terrible Twilight knock off/ in-name only adaptation of a much better book that is a Beauty and the Beast story set in modern day New York and is told completely through the perspective of the Beast character. But I was afraid of it would look like I was trying to get you to do an episode on it when I rather wait until I could snag the patron slot to do that, unless someone beats me to it. Should I also mention that a literal line from the book is the narrator comparing his appearance post-pissing off the witch to looking like Chewbacca. Yes, I just gave off the biggest example how bad of an adaptation that movie is. Sorry, I just think Beastly, the novel by Alex Flinn is a great Beauty and the Beast retelling and I'm tired of it being overshadowed by a bad movie sharing sharing the same name that was mostly made to ride the Twilight craze.


Hexside is from a TV series The Owl House - it's on Disney Plus if you want to watch it.

Gerda Strobl

Stephen Fry's Autobiography ... hmm, which one? There are at least three :D Personally, I have read the first and the second one. The first one is ... awkwardly therapeutical. He clearly wrote it to get out one paragraph, and it cramped his otherwise delicious style. The second one is very different and quite entertaining.


Kate, I really hope it's the nostalgia goggles talking. Liessa 'lucked out' to be stuck in a relationship with an abusive asshole who serial-raped her into 'loving' him? Sure she could have gotten worse than a man who 'only' grabs her by the arms and shakes her everytime they have a disagrement and is 'very proud of his bed skills and she'll learn to like it eventually'... but she deserved so much better. (My 12yo ace self completely missed all this the first 20 times I read the book. My slightly less oblivious adult self was horrified upon reread).


Cake and tea or Death?

Steven Eyre

I finally got around to watching this and I just want to say thank you for actually pronouncing my last name right!