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Tried to cover as many Patreon questions as possible.

May introduce a word limit on the next one.....   XD


Questions and Answers about Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Trying out that Q&A thing I've heard so much about. The Dom on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DomSmith?ty=h Check me out on Channel Awesome: http://channelawesome.com/category/videos/producers/dom-reviews/ The Dom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Dom-1384329085170616/?ref=hl The Dom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/?lang=en https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Garland_as_gay_icon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friend_of_Dorothy



oh my gosh thank you for answering my question, i know it was simple but thanks man


RED DWARF CLIP! YAY! Also, sorry for the extra long questions. I'm going to blame my scientist father who over explains everything and I picked up the habit. (And "dear friend" another YAY!") Edit: She was asking about quotation marks, not question marks.


The question was why was that person using so many quotation marks. Not question marks. Lol. Don't worry, i have done far worse. Also, i think that Linkara should be the first person with whom you do a crossover. Watchmen would have been a good opportunity for that, but perhaps the upcoming Civil War movie will provide another?


You are also the Dom's dear friend! :D Huzzah for shout-outs.


:D Sweet, my question made it on! And thanks for answering and yeah, I can understand doing reviews before doing the show! Can't wait to see more of you work, Dom! You are awesome!


Thanks for answering my question, I always love hearing about the aetiology of people with great voices, and how they do or do not fit their region of exposure (though now I can't help but imagine you growing up with a family of Dave Listers). And I think I speak for all of us when I say how glad I am that you couldn't find a separate 'front' person for this show. Your unique personal charisma is such a huge part of what makes it so enjoyable. Keep up the excellent work!


Really? You drink Fosters! Oh well you said my name right at least.


Watching this for the third time (trying to catch things I missed) I think my question on Facebook about the stupidest question you've ever been asked has been indirectly answered. I think it's the goat question. I also found myself wondering - do you buy all the books and movies you review or do you borrow as many as you can from the library? Would you or have you set up an Amazon wishlist like Mike Jeavon has for infomerical products to encourage people to buy some of them for you?


Great episode and thank you so very much for answering my question! The video you linked to was really interesting and now I've got another producer to catch up on their backlist XD.

Chantal Beaulne

I was wondering what your stance on reimaginings was? Some characters and stories are old enough that a reinterpreting or imagining is one of the ways to make it more interesting (although there are still plenty of flame-outs). Fairy tales, books like Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland, The Count of Monte Cristo, Treasure Island - there's been so many films that use the public's awareness of the material as wiggle room for a new twist, whether that be changing the setting (in space being popular) or who the main character is, or making a pseudo-sequel (Hook). I realize they're not straight up adaptations but I'd love to hear your thoughts on them. I love the Count of Monte of Cristo and have seen so many film adaptions (you're not the only one to use that word and be erroneously corrected) and yet one of my favourites is Gankutsuou, an anime that sets it in space with the Count as a blue vampire and the villain. And yet the creativeness of the visuals and some small changes livened up the story for me, while still keeping the heart of the story, even while most details were drastically changed.

Chantal Beaulne

But they can also lead to disappointments like Burton's "Alice"


Joss Whedon for the win, and after some thinking I think Percy Jackson would be best if it was animated.