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Posting in the hopes this will help me stick to it and not get distracted:

The Prisoner


Alice in Wonderland

The Hunt for Red October



I am now really hyped for these, so please keep my possible disappointment in mind as a source of motivation.

Amy Poli

The Prisoner - Neither seen nor read Eragon - Neither seen nor read Alice in Wonderland - Read and watched The Hunt for Red October - Neither seen nor read


Hey, two on the list I've actually read!


Looking forward to Alice in Wonderland


Eragon will be a fun review

Chantal Beaulne

Eragon...sending chills up my spine. But to be fair, there was a lot done right. Saphira looked and sounded amazing, a unique take on a traiditional Western dragon, and Jeremy Irons was a perfect casting. But other than that...eh. To be fair I'm not a huge fan of the books either.

Chantal Beaulne

Which films are you using for Alice in Wonderland? The Disney, Hallmark, Burton, Care Bears - so many to choose from! Disney would be my guess as the best ever made, though there's still plenty changed. 9If you do pick Disney, I recommend watching the special features - they cut a lot of book-accurate stuff out, like the pig and the pepper. The storyboards are too neat to pass up!)


I'm actually reading Alice in Wonderland right now, I got the awesome Barnes and Noble edition

Steve Harper

Alice - Read them many times, have seen a couple of adaptations, but not the Disney one. Nor the other Disney one. Red October - Seen the film, never read the book. Eragon - Haven't read it, haven't seen it. The Prisoner - Saw it ages ago, when Channel 4 repeated it in the 90s. Or was it the 80s? A long time ago anyway. But I've just bought the DVD set, so will be starting to watch that soon :) Should have finished it in a couple of weeks.


Oh God no Eragon. I haven't read the book but I remember the film being an abysmal waste of everyone's time. Alice in Wonderland sounds interesting, but which adaptation are you going with?


I could see you doing a Dom Oscars for Alice in Wonderland because there are so many adaptations of it. The review think I want see most though is Eragon. I've never forgiven them for that god-awful movie.


I loved the Red October book. it was the first work of fiction that publisher ever printed. the movie was ok, it just makes Ryan look like a genius, and the top American brass look like idiots.