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No, I'm NEVER going to ease up on Roald Dahl. He's scarier than any of his creations.


The Witches, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

The Dom takes a look at the film that scared the sh*t out of allot of people's childhoods to see if the book is to blame. The Dom on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DomSmith?ty=h Check me out on Channel Awesome: http://channelawesome.com/category/videos/producers/dom-reviews/ The Dom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Dom-1384329085170616/?ref=hl The Dom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dominic__Smith?lang=en


Kim Huett

Lats hope the remake is directed by Lars von Trier (just to make it interesting).


I think it is unlikely Dahl saw the film since he died only six months after it came out. If he did hate it for the ending though I completely understand that because to me it was still a happy ending, just an unconventional one.


I remember when I read the book as a kid I thought the grandmother was really cool, and though I still think she is, since you brought up how crazy she seems from an adult perspective, I'm thinking I may want to reread this some day.


There should be a rule in movies that all major films should have two people in them for at least one scene - Rowan Atkinson and Betty White.


Somehow I found the non-death fates of the witches' victims way more terrifying than having them simply killed. The little girl aging in the painting, unable to interact with her family or be saved was both sad and freaking scary.


The way Hollywood is going these days, that prediction isn't going too far out on a limb. ;) Gah, this movie creeps me out--there were clips I couldn't even watch in the review! Loved the little bit you did at the beginning with the thumbs up/down and such; it's nice to get the occasional non-adaptation-related thought from you.

Brandon Beamish

I know! Any sort of transformational bits always make my stomach churn. It's because of seeing those bits (and of course it had to be only those bits, man my one grandmother was crazy sometimes) I still feel queasy over any sort of transformation effects in film or shows in general.

David Perez

I think the main reason I became one of your patreons was that I love the three section way that you do your comparisons. I think they're exceptionally effective and, at the same time, very entertaining. As always, excellent job! Cannot wait for the Harry Potter reviews!


Man, if I'd been offered a snake as a kid, I'd definitely have fallen for that trick. Snakes are awesome. And I will never understand why Hollywood thinks we can't handle a British accent seemingly at random. It wasn't even to get a big name or the best talent (or maybe that was the best performance. In which case, yikes).


I would have gone for it too, I think snakes are cute.