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Witches is almost done, after that gunna give this a try for an episode. This is on facebook too but Patreon questions will be considered first.

Comment em if you got em.




what was your inspiration for starting lost in adaptation?


Who made you a reader; that is, who introduced and/or encouraged you to love reading and books? :)


I may not be the first person to ask this, but I notice you sometimes drop the middle 'tay' syllable from 'adaptation', so as to say 'adaption'. While the internet recognises this as an uncommon but valid alternate form of the word, I only ever hear it from you. Is that a region pronunciation from the part of the UK you grew up in?

LS Greger

What would be doing now if you weren't doing YouTube Videos?


Do you get the same enjoyment out of reading a novel/watching a film for a video that you would if you were reading/watching it for fun?


Well, I know you answered the first one privately, but maybe others would like to know the answer to #1. But if you don't feel like answering it I'd love to see #2 answered. 1: How do you feel about when a novel is adapted and the location and/or time period is changed? Do you feel it takes away from the original story? For example Mr. Popper's Penguins and I Am Legend. 2: How do you feel about authors who have extreme controversy in regards to their work - for instance the fact that Casandra Clare's Mortal Instruments was plagiarized from others' fan fiction (this is a proven fact that's all over the internet) and even other authors' works and she bullies many people, or that the real author of I Am Number Four cannot reveal themselves - not only still getting published, but getting movie adaptations of their works to profit from?


Hmmmm, well, I guess the only question I have is what inspired you to do reviews?


Do you ever plan on doing anime adaptations of manga or light novel series?

Serpen Thrope

Have you ever felt like your cultural background affected either your interpretation of a work, or your ability to convey your feelings to your audience?

LS Greger

How were you "Discovered" by Channel Awesome?


Would you say that books or movies were your "first love"? What do you look for in a "good" book or movie? What would your definition of the "perfect" adaptation be? (Why am I using so many "quotation marks"?) Why do you think we end up with so many books adapted into movies? Why do you think so many of them are bad? Not just bad as adaptations, but just bad movies outright! What is your personal favorite move/book? (Or a handful at the top if you can't decide.)


Is there any book or book series you would like to see adapted and is there a series you think could or should never be adapted?

David Perez

Thus far, even though you have not covered it on the show, what is the worst adaptation you have ever seen of a book, graphic novel or any other outside source? Do you have a guilty pleasure movie or book that you cannot for the life of you figure out why you enjoy it so? And finally, for no apparent reason, what is your favorite fruit?

Dominic Ford

Which author would you most love to host a massive dance party for?


What is the single worst change (not adaptation overall just single change) you've even seen in any adaptation?


You have many times expressed frustration when the creator of an adaptation tells their own story instead of the author's story. Are there any adaptations where you would say the adaptor's story was better than the original author's story, or is this something you simply feel should never be attempted?


Do you find seeing a film before reading the book has an impact on whether or not you enjoy the film (as you don't have any pre-conceived ideas of how it should be?)


[I understand if this is too personal, but] in the Lost in Adaptation: Jurassic Park video we see that you have a tattoo on the back of your left calf. (I think it might be a dagger.) I'm always curious about people's tattoos - is there a special significance it has to you, or some kind of story behind it?

Amy Poli

1) What inspired you to do this show? 2) Do you have some kind of acting background because you are super talented. 3) What have you learned doing this show.

Brandon Beamish

What sort of works (novels, graphic novels, etc, etc, in regards to genre, time period, or any number of other factors you wish to take into account) do you believe to be the "easiest" to adapt from, while maintaining a excellent to a good degree of the source material? And in contrast, what sort of works to you consider the "hardest" to adapt from, and therefore will only garner a fair to poor degree of faithfulness to the source material?


You mentioned in your "Wizard of Oz" episode that there apparently were quite a lot of metaphors to homosexuality. Could you point out articles or analysis on that, which you saw? It sounds like an interesting read.


Do you have any favo(u)rite online producers and who do you think you've been most influenced by when it comes to video making?


If they redid the Percy Jackson series as a tv show, who would be your choice to direct it?


You've mentioned your dyslexia as being a real hindrance to enjoying the act of reading. Have audio books helped in that regard and if so, do you have any favorite audio versions of books? The Twilight "books" (and I do use that term loosely) were on your NEVER list. Is that because they're, well, Twilight, or would you rather not review books aimed at a teenage and (mostly) female audience? Also I can't help wondering: When you engage the "Calm Intellectual Filter", is the you we SEE still acting out a script with actual dialogue, or are you mouthing gibberish while we focus on what your 'calm version' is saying?


I think--I could be wrong here, but I think--that it's not so much that the Wizard of Oz itself has a lot of homosexual material as it is that the LGBT community has adopted WoO for reasons to do, sensibly enough, with going "somewhere over the rainbow".


Oh, to add to the Casandra Clare thing, author Sherilyn Kenyon is now suing her. <a href="http://www.courtneymilan.com/cc-complaint/1-main.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.courtneymilan.com/cc-complaint/1-main.pdf</a>

Chantal Beaulne

As much as I enjoy your format of review, sometimes I wish I got more of your actual opinions on the film and book in question rather than just how accurate it's adaptation was. Would you consider including an opinion section on films?