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Rebecca is back..... I guess....


Rebecca, The Underwhelming Adaptation No One Asked For



It seemed like a good idea at the time...


"It's an okay episode, I guess." YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU HANDSOME DEVIL. Your Rebecca Lost in Adaptation was marvelous.


I also find Armie Hammer strangely forgettable. Even after all the hype about his leading up to Call Me By Your Name, I didn't recognize him in Sorry To Bother You.

Stella Bella

I'm grateful you're gonna touch on this as I'm curious in a 'no I'm not touching that' way 😅 'did they at least make it gay' 'no' 'then why'


Oh my god, just the intro and I'm already cracking up. I'll have to watch this in the morning XDDD


By the way, Dom -- I sent you a message here on Patreon; I hope you see it at some point.

Ioana Sofonea

Ok. I will avoid this movie. Thank you for sharing! Kiss

RabidDog008 - Royce Pentaghast

Rebecca was perhaps the only novel you've reviewed that I actually sought out to read before watching your review.

Ly Jalao

I could tell Armie Hammer was going to be stiff in the movie, solely based on the trailer.


Love Dom dropping into an American accent to say "surfshark" in the bloopers. It's that double rhotic R, few other English speakers have it. hell, even some American English speakers drop R's


I would love it if you did an episode on the 1997 miniseries adaptation. It's Charles Dance, Diana Rigg, and Emilia Fox. I like it as much if not more than the 1940's version. Dame Rigg is perfect as Mrs. Danvers and plays the maternal aspect, the gay over/undertones, and the gothic horror villain to perfection.

Robin Isomaa

The only good performance I've seen from Armie Hammer is as the son of the Devil in the short-lived and criminally underrated TV series Reaper.

Kat Deuchars

Agreed Although, he reads the audiobook of Call Me By Your Name and I found his voice acting riveting.

Kat Deuchars

Seconded Emilia Fox's characterisation is a lot more truly meek but with the suggestion that she might have her own opinion, if she wasn't too scared to express it Also, they really committed to the age difference; there's almost 30 years between Fox and Dance. And, from what you said in this video, I think the ending is more book accurate.


I was hoping we’d be back to the Patreon requests after Twilight. There’s a fair number of titles I’ve been looking forward to seeing and it’s been two months since any requests were fulfilled.


That's a really interesting point about interpretations. That an interpretation of a work can be so radically different by focusing on different aspects and assigning them different levels of importance that you can effectively change genre. That's not something you, or at least I, come across very often. Different angles, yes, and this-and-this-are-allegories for, but such a shift in genre? Now I want to investigate.

Micaela Sparrow

Good review, I find I agree with you that the dialing back of the characters less desirable traits makes for a less enjoyable experience. I found the film to be rather boring, but I still cant decide if that was the films fault or if I was less invested because I'd read the book and already knew the big reveal.

Eustacia Vye

I didn't even get through the film. Max de Winter had the charm of a broomstick with a wig on and the second Mrs de Winter should not have had bleached blonde hair, in the time period portrayed that would have branded her a hussy and she would never have been employed by a respectable lady as a companion. I loved the book and the Hitchcock film and am old enough to remember the BBC adaptation with Joanna David. Sadly this version made a gripping novel feel like a sponge cake without any eggs.


A pity, but I still have to watch - one of my top three favourite musicals, and love the book too ;)


I haven't watched the video yet but fun fact about the 1940 movie: It's the reason why in Spain, a lot of people call a cardigan a "rebecca" because that's what the main character wore.


The trouble with Armie Hammer is he's really only as good as his director. So he is capable, but it takes the right person to make that a reality


I think Armie's a good actor, but I was so confused when I heard he was cast in this role. He's barely older than she is.


Watch call me by your name he just approaches his acting the same there but he gets away with it there cause it fits the character


At least it wasn't Twilight?


I might be the millionth person to say this, but I came to know Armie Hammer through "The Social Network," and I remember thinking he was damn impressive in that. Would recommend the movie on it's own for its brilliant Fincher+Sorkin combo.


I liked the beginning of the film, but the ending was a bit underwhelming. I personally really like the climax of the German musical Rebecca, which mirrors the Hitchcock version where Ms. Danvers dies in the fire. Because the way they use the fire in the show on the stairs, it makes me feel the horror of being trapped inside a burning house. Here's a link directly to the scene: https://youtu.be/buudlB9-pYk?t=2954


My name is Rebecca and my notification popped up 'Rebecca, the underwhelming...' And my first thought was 'Yeah, that's fair.'