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ITS OVER.... For now....


Breaking Dawn Part 3 Second Cut



Are you gonna do a lost in adaptation of these cause I’ll pay more if you do lol


There's the old meme of Sean Bean having a nice day with kittens and ice cream and I hope whatever video you do next is the equivalent of that

Robin Hildebrand

I don't know if I should be embarrassed about this or not, but I've never actually disliked the name Renesmee?? It rolls off the tongue, and it's definitely memorable.

Ioana Sofonea

I have to admit i never think that deep when I'm reading, anything, so this has been an entertaining wake-up call. Thank you for sharing! Hope the next review or videos are something you enjoy 120%

Celltj Jones

This twilight series has been an... adventure for sure, but I'm glad its paused for now. On to less horrible and toxic things, huzzah!


Even as an actual Twilight fan when this book came out, I knew Renesmee was a TERRIBLE NAME


Am I the only one to find it kind of amusing that Renesmee could conceivably be a ship name when this is basically the only big franchise I can think of that doesn't really have those? It was always Team Edward or Team Jacob - not Jella or Bedward.

Ly Jalao

If part 3 of Breaking Dawn was supposed to be a mental battle between the vampire clans, but the author didn't do a good job writing it, is a blaring indication that the author was not clever enough to execute their intentions well. This can also be summed up as: the author doesn't know what they're doing. This analysis brought to you by my English Professor. And I think the shifting ability really is just a racist stereotype of indigenous cultures and not even from one specific group, but a mixed bag of whatever the author thought would sound "right."


Yay, you did it! Good job.


“Smut written by your mother.” Excuse you, my mother does write smut, and it’s a damn sight better than anything in Twilight.


I think your Aro was more Michael Sheen's than Michael Sheen's that killed me


I appreciated you going over the books again. I was largely bengign toward Meyer for years. Lindsey Ellis' video made me feel a bit more sympathetic - especially toward the fans. And for the most part your essays weren't changing my mind; people can like what they like, it doesn't hurt me. But Meyer is right back in the dog house after what she did to Leah. More power to the women who find fulfillment in being mothers. But I'm sick of being sh*t on for not wanting to join the mold. Again more power to the fans but Stephanie can bite me.


Also if that "messianic cat" remark refers to the sequel I think it does then I'm so excited for the next review!


I really want to know which series was more painful for Dom to get through. Twilight or 50 Shades? Regardless, man deserves the tallest of drink for (somehow) surviving them both.

Magical Mr. Mistoffelees

29:42 Is...is the new one Prince Caspian? Sequel...displaced royal...messianic feline...


Is that an N7 hoodie I spy back there among your many vampire outfits? If so, good on you for injecting some class into this otherwise unfortunate experience. Great video as always, Dom.


I only know of two Messianic Felines in all of fiction and one of them never got an adaptation so yea, probably Narnia.


murmur murmur murmur


Honestly I think some of the appeal of Twilight boils down to us readers just not having thought too hard about it at the time? I myself was young and ignorant and didn't notice the racial problems, the grooming, or most of Edward's terrible attitude. I also didn't react to the name Renesmee at all (and honestly I still don't get why that's worth complaining about among everything else). The only thing I remember being furious about was Jacob blackmailing Bella to kiss him in book 3.

Robin Isomaa

All your reviews should end with a song by Il Neige!


Whose doggos are those?