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Taking a lil break from Twilight to talk about something awesome.


The Sandman Is The BEST Thing on Audible



(Haven't even started the video yet but) YESSSSSS!! Edit: Please do take some time off to rest if you're strained. Health is always the priority.


I really should get around to reading this. (No offense, not big on audiobooks. Even as a little kid learning to read I didn't care for them.)


Haven’t watched the video yet, but 100% agree with the title. It was such an amazing experience, like listening to a movie. (Felt sad that most of the bad reviews were from people who didn’t understand how comic books work -_-)

Matthew Abbott

I wouldn’t say it’s the best thing but it’s damned good and a phenomenal adaptation. What (very) few changes they made from the source material were uniformly good.


Oh hey, and yesterday I'd been thinking about this series.

Lynda Ward

Thanks for the warning about the nature of this particular work. Horror is just not my thing, no matter how well it’s written, although I certainly don’t object to others enjoying the genre. I will busy myself elsewhere until you review some different work that’s more agreeable to me. In the meantime, you have fun, and I hope your house move goes smoothly.

Daniel Allen

YES!!! I'm on my second listen as I type this!

Daniel Allen

Dom's being slightly hyperbolic. There's more than a few stories with little to no horror involved.


Not even started the video yet but love the title (hell of a yes!) and the thumbnail 😍


thanks, will wishlist it :)


And the pain from smiling is a state of the world thing, or a result of reading twilight. Please take care of yourself


It is pretty dope!


Please take care of yourself, Dom!

Ioana Sofonea

Thank you for sharing. And please take time to rest. We're not going anywhere. 😃


I never thought of the Sandman as horror but as fantasy even though some of it was so graphic and disturbing. I think so much of it read as fanciful to me that the rest got lumped together as "dark fantasy."

Curtis Charles

What was the name of the song at the end?


I can be mishearing things, but I think you said that Sandman has been running for "40 years and counting". I think you meant 30 years, since as you mentioned the comic started in 1989.


Sandman is my all time favorite comic and I instantly fell in love after reading them in high school. I have the audiobook but haven't had the time to listen to it yet but after watching your video I'm even more excited to listen. But holy cow the part in your video of the difference between the audio and comic about the diner are so intense so honestly it was nice to have the warning about how brutal the audio book can be. I'll defintely have to listen to it soon and then reread the comic after. Thank you for another amazing video Dom!

Stella Bella

Huh it's really impressive they mad an audio thing of it


Take care of yourself! Your health is much more important than the Twilight marathon. Oh, and re: the lgbt characters dying, it gets a bit better in later volumes of the comic as I recall.

Robin Isomaa

Has anyone ever texted "thedom" to 500 500? I mean, if you're already watching the video on some kind of device...


I know right? I have no idea why the heck audible insists on that part being included every time.