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Last really good book before going back to Twilight.


Dreadnought First Cut



Everything about this is great. Dominics shirt. The book being covered. The title of the book. Everything. Perfect.


I am 110% in love with Dreamer on Supergirl, so I'd probably enjoy these books. :)


Sounds like a great read will have to add it to my mountainous TBR 🤓📚


I am incredibly happy about this.

Ioana Sofonea

Thank you for sharing!


I would only say on your presentation of this is that people that only listen to YouTube videos (yes they exist) might not have caught the finger quotes for the mom misgendering her child as "son" and it could be useful to put in a more obvious verbal cue. You might also add in some content warnings that you are discussing trans themes like dysphoria and misgendering that the author brings up. I am not binary trans and don't deal with gender dysphoria or misgendering really all that much so I'm not always the best judge on what might be triggering. But I did adore you bringing up the gender euphoria, I cried a little because it was just so precious (and a little jealous because as an enbi I am constantly chasing that gender euphoria high because what counts as gender euphoria is different all the friggin time! Why does gender have to be so hard??)


I am one of thous people that mostly listen to youtube videos. (*sweatdrop) But anyway I loved the way you talk of these books, I might pick them up. And Dom you are allowed to quit on something that is causing you pain. I can't get through the King Killer Chronicles.

Stevi Grega

For me this was a "like, not love" book, but I think the ideas in it are cool and would definitely recommend it.


For those who may not know what I'm talking about; https://arrow.fandom.com/wiki/Nia_Nal

Robin Hildebrand

Wow, that whole thread of "people who are allies slip up and hurt their LGBT+ friends" really hit me where I live. From what you've described, this book sounds right up my alley. I'm so glad I hadn't spent my audible credit yet, I got the audiobook as soon as I finished the video.


I'm at a point in my life now where I rarely consume trans media (especially if it's dealing with transition) because I've lived it, I'm tired of it, and I don't want to deal with it in my escapism viewing and reading. However, it sounds like the books deal with the subject well, and (more importantly) your presentation was sensitive and supportive of trans people. I appreciated that you told us up front that you don't have much knowledge on the subject of being trans, and that you came away from reading this with a better understanding and appreciation for what trans people deal with. I also appreciated that you took from it that there are joys to be had from the trans journey, it's not something allies focus on much because - naturally - it's the transphobia that takes front stage. Anyway, excellent video, and it is an honour to count you as an ally.


Thank you so much for reviewing this. It means so much to a trans woman like myself that one of my favorite youtubers covers such a trans-positive book and I thank you for it. I want to read this book now.


I will say the audiobook had some.... issues. The narrator sounded a tad old to be narrating a 15 year old girl in 1st person and she talk so slowly she sounds a little... umm... Thirsty? Just sometimes when there's no reason for it.

Leeber Snowy

Awww I love the shirt.

Twisted Wishes

Anyone who hasn't checked out Cyber Six, give it a watch