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Once it's done processing you can share in my pain.

(will be about an hour from time of me posting this)


The Artemis Fowl Adaptation Is TERRIBLE

Disney delivers one of the biggest let downs in young adult novel related history.



Garbage fire of a movie.


No it's still processing!


It certainly looks M. Night Shyamalan TLA inspired.


Looking forward to seeing your thoughts, I don’t think I’ll be putting myself through the pain, so it’s great that we have the likes of you to do it for us :o)


Yeah, after watching this, I’m now positive that I’ll be giving the movie a miss. One of my favourite book series growing up and I don’t need Disney+ take on it becoming part of my life. Thanks for taking the bullet, Dom!


Oooh boy this sounds bad


Another funny way the movie takes away artemis' agency in the plot is how Holly is caught: instead of Artemis figuring out when a magical creature would have to be in a specific place, the plan is just 'go to a place my dad mentioned, and... Wait'. Like, if Holly hadn't disobeyed orders to go find her dad's dogtag, HOW LONG WOULD BUTLER HAVE BEEN THERE?!


Haha, I nerd raged last night and posted a 1600 word rant on Facebook burning this movie to the ground. ..


So, exactly as expected and then some, so sad, Artemis is such a unique character and it’s disappointing to see his legend stripped and there are a lot of peeps who will avoid the books because of such a crappy movie.


Also, agree Holly was a perfect character to be performed by a POC, instead of shoehorning them into the ‘servant’ roles!


"...I'm just not sure why," has to be my favorite moment of this video because it sums up approximately all of the writing and directing choices made in the film.


Artemis Fowl was one of my favourites when it came out (even translated the secret messages). Thanks for reviewing this - think I'll just wait ten years for the next version!


I've never read Artemis Fowl, but I was SO looking forward to you ripping this film to pieces, cause I'm bloody sick of these stupid Disney cash-grabs, (but you have made me want to read the book).


Tried watching it on Disney+ yesterday, made it through about half an hour and then wanted to burn something down.


Do read the books (or listen to the audiobooks), they are lovely. I read the first two books in German when they came out, but didn‘t like them very much. Then as an adult bought the eBooks in English and loved them.


I've not tried it yet... guess it's time to bite the bullet. At least Foley is in it (he was always my favourite)...


I would like to beat Branagh around his head with the book shouting at him what a moron he is.


God this is even worse than I expected. The movie not the review. The review is wonderful but damn. As a fan of the books this hurts.


I never got why you’d take a popular book with popular characters and then shit all over the fans by changing both the plot and the characters. Surely at some point in the production you’d get someone who actually likes the books to have a look at what you’re making who could say “oh sweetie... just no”

Stella Bella

Ok. So. Holly was never the first LEP agent. She was the first LEP RECON agent. Wing Commander Vinyáya of Section 8 is one of my favourite characters.Ok. So. Holly was never the first LEP agent. She was the first LEP RECON agent. Wing Commander Vinyáya of Section 8 is one of my favourite characters.


Well can’t say I’m surprised and I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad that it’s a terrible movie on its own

Sebastian Canino (Cinemageddon Reviews)

Basically, Artemis Fowl the movie is to the book, what Tokyo Ghoul Root A is to the Tokyo Ghoul manga (it really says something when the two live action movies were more faithful to the manga and bloodier than the anime). I am so sorry to any fan of the Artemis Fowl books; trust me, I’ve been there. I know how it feels to have a book you like get adapted and then have its characters and plot changed so needlessly (I’m still not over what they did with Guardians of Ga’hoole)

RabidDog008 - Royce Pentaghast

Got serious Dragon Age 2 vibes from the opening set up. A gruff American accented dwarf hauled in for interrogation and then telling the story of the film/game through narration...

Seth Brower

In the "I want to make a comment off of one thing, but the comment itself is a bit of a spoiler" I highly recommend people track down the short series that just came out this week "Staged" with David Tennant & Michael Sheen in the leading roles.


T-Shirt game = A+

Kimberly Weekes

Dame Judy Dench is going blind and needs help with reading scripts. It maybe why she is picking simple scripts with uncomplicated lines of dialogue


Yay for kitty outtakes! Also, WHEW this is a bad one. I've seen a few other reviews of just the film itself, and even a reviewer who hasn't read the books gave the film an F. It seems that Disney actually dodged a bullet by not having to release this one in theaters. What a shitshow.


"There Will Be Nerd Rage" sounds like the next movie Paul Thomas Anderson should do.


how much money would it take to get you to review the dresden files and the tv adaptation


I think you oversold it, personally. It definitely wasn't as good as you made it out to be ;-)


so i've been bing watching all your stuff, to find out that you've never done one single discworld novel, there's 2 movies, a mini series, common man get on it, and i actually find them to be fairly accurate though 100% not really


Let's not forget Good Omens either, which I personally found to be one of.the best adaptations I have ever seen. Though I have never seen a Neil Gaiman work made into a bad film, even Stardust which wasn't a good adaptation was still enjoyable to watch.