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Just a reminder that the stupid new sales tax on pledges is starting next week on July 1st.

This is a change that's being forced on Patreon by various governments so unfortunately there nothing anyone can do about it.

From what I can see it's not going to affect everyone, just select countries and states within the USA. You can see if you're location is one of them here:


If people need to lower pledges to account for this I completely understand. I would never want you to contribute more than you budgeted for under any circumstances.

Much love



Currently safe here in Florida so all my money is still goes to you still ;)


Thanks for the reminder. Not lowering, just need to remember to update my budget. 🙄 Sales tax for online content is for the birds, no offense meant to you. I know it's 100% out of your hands.


You are the only one I've personally seen being proactive telling your pledges about this and I just want to say thank you for watching out for your patrons so they aren't caught by surprise.


To my fellow European peeps: We have been paying VAT for years, so nothing changes for us.


I wish that Patreon had a better break down. It says "majority of states no taxes for Exclusive Community Access" (which is I THINK what most tiers for Dom would be?) But which states DO tax that? I live in a state notorious for taxing ALL THE THINGS so I assume it'll be taxed here, but it would have been nice to see a more comprehensive list.


I'm pretty sure they went with vague wording due to not wanting to have to update the document every time a state changed its tax law. But yeah, I'm 99% sure there'll be no tax for any of the content provided here. It does seem mostly to be patreon being caught up in tax laws meant for larger corporate moneymakers.


YES! It’s Quebec only! Whoohoo!


Thank you for the info.