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The long awaited judgment of fan submissions.

Song in the Sky by Samuel Frederich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elERU7kcGm0&feature=youtu.be

Markiplier left-handed drawing challenge by NoxKitten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq42uG3KyAk

Eli’s Dream by 3Directions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3jiE8hO6rQ

Simon Lewis by Sofie: https://www.instagram.com/p/BcDcFuXHmlT/

Shadowland by Xauri'EL Zwaan: https://www.wattpad.com/395464076-shadowland-chapter-01-arena-part-01

Pyrrhic Kingdom by Keith D. Jones: http://www.stormsdream.com/fiction/pyrrhickingdom.html

Cacophony by Emily Penrose: http://penrosebooks.com/cacophony-chapter-one/

Padmé Amidala: Underrated Icon | La Femme Fictionale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gbx7h3I9So


The Dom Reviews YOU, Episode One

Song in the Sky by Samuel Frederich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elERU7kcGm0&feature=youtu.be Markiplier left-handed drawing challenge by NoxKitten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq42uG3KyAk Eli’s Dream by 3Directions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3jiE8hO6rQ Simon Lewis by Sofie: https://www.instagram.com/p/BcDcFuXHmlT/ Shadowland by Xauri'EL Zwaan: https://www.wattpad.com/395464076-shadowland-chapter-01-arena-part-01 Pyrrhic Kingdom by Keith D. Jones: http://www.stormsdream.com/fiction/pyrrhickingdom.html Cacophony by Emily Penrose: http://penrosebooks.com/cacophony-chapter-one/ Padmé Amidala: Underrated Icon | La Femme Fictionale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gbx7h3I9So


Jo and Gareth

Although I didn’t submit anything just wanted to say that I think this was a cool idea. Sometimes people struggle to find people to give honest feedback. Now to watch the episode and see if that statement is actually valid.


Don't feel bad about your art knowledge level. You can't know everything.


I'm now equal parts terrified and excited for my turn, I'm wondering if I should regret this XD (I'm aware I might not get a turn)

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

Jeez... after hearing you talking about those writers. I am a bit... ehm, embaressed over what I turned in. :D Don't get me wrong, I so hope you will talk about my thing... but jeez, by comparison will it be so bad >o


Part of me wishes I submitted something but at the same time I didnt want to add more to the mountain of work he already had so stayed out of it... It did look fun though.


Well on the one hand, I'm starting to feel a bit apprehensive at the prospect of my work getting critiqued XD, but on the other hand HOLY SHIT that Song in the Sky short might just be my new favorite thing :D


Hey, don't feel bad. It's a process and hopefully the feedback will be valuable in taking those steps forward for you in your writing :)


Thank you very much for all the feedback— I've been using my webcam, which is part of why the production's been so crappy, but I really do appreciate the feedback. Karen was actually partially inspired by Reginald (oops), but I've been a bit on the fence about her too. Anyway, this was really helpful, and I'm very grateful for the input.


I was tempted to add a joke about you being too nice to your assistant but I was worried i'd already made too many self congratulatory references to my own work in that part of the review lol. Karen herself is fine, its just the trombone voice I was iffy on. Glad you're not salty. I felt bad because it looked like I was picking on your work more than any of the others....


Thank you very much for your excellent review! Your comments are very fair and I will keep them in mind for the future of the series. But yes, my heavy use of tropes in this piece is very deliberate. Also, I think it's great what you're doing for your community here. So many of us who are going out on a limb and throwing something out into the ether don't get a lot of feedback beyond close friends and family, certainly not on a professional level, so I think your taking the time to give that out is an incredible gift.

Keith D. Jones

I hope these Reviews You videos find an audience beyond the people who are the subject of them and that you keep it up for as long as it entertains you. I found it entertaining and look forward to the next one


Awesome. I hope these people are able to get audiences and get better


I love this video and will definitely be checking out this Femme Fictionle lady. I love analysis on pop culture icons like Padme Amidala who I felt was underused in the Prequels and The Clone Wars tv show.