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Ok so it looks like WAY more of you sent in stuff than I expected. Even if I did nothing but Patrons for every episode I still can't possible do them all so what I'll do is send some written feedback for those of you who don't get picked to be in the eps.



I understand.


I figured that would happen. Since you and I spoke about my channel anyway, I didn’t feel the need to give you more to sort through 😂


Out of curiosity, when do you plan on starting the Patron episodes?

Star Tsurugi

It seems the Dom has underestimated the desire to get their works critiqued by him.


No worries man. We are, or should be, okay with you just willing to give us this opportunity to share our talents and works


It's because your so inspiring The Dom.


You’re amazing as it is frankly, and considering you have no real need to repay us anything its incredible enough that you even offer


It's okay. I'm actually embarrassed by why I officially chose anyway. I realize now it's nothing special. Especially now that I've figured out it's way creepier if I "fake" orbs with those types of photos. But it was really cosplay I wanted to submit but wasn't sure if that was allowed or not since that wasn't covered. So - don't really need feedback on my official submission.


That's totally understandable :) Pick those that are best suited as video material - that's only fair! :)


On the plus side you can see people thought it was a great idea! :)

Keith D. Jones

This is not a surprise. I will not be offended if even sending written feedback is more than you realized it would be and need to skip some items like novel length adaptations of Shakespeare. Not that I've got any reason to think anyone handed you novel length adaptations of Shakespeare. Nope, no reason at all.


You're only one dude, it's understandable so there's no need to stress :D


That's fair. And maybe if you decide to do this again in the future set it up as a Patreon with a limited number or something?


Don't worry- you already made it clear at the start that depending on numbers you wouldn't get to do everyone.


Dont worry, I can of course only speak to myself, but knowing that I have reached you and something I have made was aknowledged by you is enough to make me happy :)


That's fine! I appreciate all of the effort you have put into this (and I think everyone will...or should :) ). Thanks for all of the hard work.