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Fifty Shades Darker, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



Poor The Dom.


You brought this on yourself, you promise-keeping fool. That said, you worked hard to make sure that this was high quality stuff, that might stand the test of time. Hope you and Luke have fun together.


I snorted ginger ale into my sinusus when your nipples sang.... and i still think im in less pain that you went through to do this for us.


I listen a national rock music radio station when I'm at work (selling 50 Shades of Fucked Up-products, which is fucked up by itself) and the (female) dj said she saw the first movie and almost threw up. She said there's never been bigger bs sold to people and I agree.

Kris Grimsley

Well, I was about to go to bed after watching this episode, but after seeing your nipples sing I don't think that'll be possible now

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

Just... curious.. ISN'T the point of a helicopter that if the engine gives out, that you don't crash? Isn't helicopters built to actually "slowly decend" due to the large rotor ontop of it sorta working against the weight of the veichle? I am unsure of course. xD


One day you yourself Dom will be 50 shades freed :P

Courtney Rayle

Someone else touched on this, but with helicopters, it isn't a straight dive down when the engines go out. They are actually a really cool feat of engineering. The blades may continue to rotate for a bit of time, and depending on which blades stop working (top or tail), you will get different flight trajectories. The tail keeps the craft straight, the top control altitude. From what you describe, with both blown, that helicopter would probably have been rotating more like a top as it descended, possibly at a speed slower than gravity, but faster than most would prefer. (It likely could have gone the other way and got caught up in a vortex/downwash, landing with much more force than just falling would produce.) If Christian had any training (a massive assumption, I know), he would have needed to start autorotation, the process that helps a helicopter land when the top blades are no longer receiving power. But with how little anybody working on this film knows about BDSM, relationships, etc, why should a lack of helicopter knowledge surprise us. :P BTW, I know a bit about this stuff due to my father being in a military helicopter crash that knocked 3" off his height. They said without him performing autorotation, all the people in the 'copter would have died, so it is essential training that saves lives. I would look up autorotation on Wikipedia for yourself to really learn about it, though. And excellent review! Sorry you had to go through with your promise to review this. I'd offer to make you custom costumes for future reviews/skits, but I have a feeling nothing can make reviewing this shite worth it...

Courtney Rayle

Sort of. I commented below, but the tl;dr version would be look up "autorotation" on Wikipedia, which will give you a better idea of what happens when the blades of a helicopter stop working and what actions can then be taken to ensure the safety of the pilot and passengers.

Matthew Abbott

Naw, not free, that's the next film.


You done good


Omg, the singing nipples bit! 😆😆😆 Great job as well!

Star Tsurugi

Gonna go watch this on Youtube~


Congrats for surviving this! Lets get back to some stuff you LIKE!


You are not sorry don't even pretend you are.


Fantastic final message at the end!


Yeah, that was what I thought of, the thing that causes it to plummet like a rock is if the main rotor blades lock up and completely stop moving while the helicopter is in the air, since then there is zero lift. "Inviting Disaster", James R. Chiles talks about this in his book, when describing training for a 'worst case scenario' since locked up rotors is the worst case scenario and it's un-survivable, but engine failure with spinning rotor blades is survivable. (Highly recommend that book to everyone.)


...so, if you're a kid from the 90s that is not British but you still get the Mystic Meg reference, should you feel embarrassed or proud that you got it? I still forget that you're a year older than me, because you look like you just left to start university. Also, well done on getting through this in one relatively sane piece, and I hope you have a lot of fun (for you) reviews planned. <3


That was a great review, and an amazing message at the end. I feel guilty for getting angry at women I know (particularly my mom and sister) for jumping from emotionally abusive relationship to relationship. I know it's difficult to see when you're in one because I've been in multiple emotionally abusive relationships before (the manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, fear of making them mad, fear of standing up for myself lest they leave me, etc.) It's just.. I know a few people VERY close to me who keep jumping back into abusive relationship after abusive relationship again and again, and after a while it gets so excruciatingly frustrating because it's like, "the last ten didn't work out, why do you keep doing this to yourself?!" And then there's that helplessness of seeing your loved ones hurt and not be able to help them. I know in the past when other people told me my relationships had problems I listened and it helped me realize how toxic they were and led to me getting out. But when I try to tell people as nicely and nonjudgmentslly as possible they don't listen, constantly look for sympathy, then when/if it ever breaks up I just want to cry because it feels like "I told you!" I don't know. It's really hard when so many people you care about keep doing it to themselves, and you either have to stay in their lives feeling helplessly miserable on their behalf or leave for your own mental health and feel like the worst person ever for abandoning them. I don't know what the answer is, and I also hate this book series for romantocizing abusive behavior.


The ending is amazing <3


Seriously the ending should be it's own thing... I time jumped ahead and sent it specifically at the ending to a few specific people- Not that they're in abusive relationships- but because I've had to help people I cared about realize they were in abusive relationships and help them out- and it's SO hard to explain what you put perfectly. I generally put it, it's easier to see when you're on the outside looking in- but your battlefield analogy is far better to comprehend I think.


It's over! You're free! Until the next one. There will be a next one Domnic. You will make a mistake, a challenge, a wager, a bet or something similar and THAT will be your forfeiture. When that time comes..... good luck.