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Had to split the ep in two to avoid it being 45 minutes. Will try to get the next part done asap.


Part one



Ok so I didn't know what "go live" meant. Sorry for the push notifications....


Go Wallaby!


Okay note to self, avoid all Christian Greys at all costs. This is appalling behavior and how in the name of all things sane do people think this is sexy?


Dude, I am soooooo sorry that you are going through this shit.... These book shouldn't exists


I want to thank you for pointing out the email instead of texting thing. I listened to the audio book of all 5 (first 3, plus the Grey POV 2) books, and yeah, the email header thing is the absolute worst. I would yell and cry out when I head "TO:" because it meant at least 4 emails, if I was lucky.


Yeah, that was a nice drawing, perfectly captures Dom's feelings.


You know you will have to do Freed now too. This was awesome by the way. Great job! I can't wait for the final Hobbit video too. Hopefully it will be easier on your nerves.

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

After all of this really bad and cringy sexy stuff... The ending "tune", all I hear is "bum... bum... bum bum bum...." (Aka, the slang for butt xD)


I never thought I would be excited to see something regarding 50 Shades of Fucked-up, but you The Dom make my day. Seriously. I love your passion, I could listen to you bashing this shit of a francise forever. You never fail, applauds.


The 'technical difficulties' card at the end made me think 'hang on, why is Ianto Jones suddenly there?' Good one, brain. Also, if you don't like hugs (which is fair) but we still want to show sympathy for you, what's appropriate?


Poor Dom! I also feel sorry for all the trees that had to die in order to print this garbage on paper (on sooo much paper!). And for the electrones involved in eBook oder audio book versions...


I'm still so sorry you have to review this, The Dom! . . . By the same token, as a childhood victim of abuse and sexual assault by a diagnosed bipolar sociopath (a lesser form of psychopathy, which is known in the medical field as Anti-Social Personality Disorder), this is really cathartic to watch. I feel so bad for your pain, but it's also so vindicating to see someone getting as enraged as I feel seeing romanticized abuse and sexual assault everywhere. I have too much firsthand experience with it not to feel helplessly enraged seeing so many dingbats everywhere just shrug it off.


As for the 2014 study that there is a link between people who like Fifty Shades and people who tend to pick abusive relationships, I'm not surprised AT ALL. My mom (and sister) just jumped from one abusive relationship to another all my life (after leaving my bipolar sociopathic dad), and she read both the first Twilight and Fifty Shades books and didn't notice anything suspect about Edward's or Christian's behavior, and got kind of bored/annoyed whenever I pointed it out. When I told her I was watching your Fifty Shades review a year ago, she started into a tirade about how unrealistic the book was, and when I dared to hope, she launched into how it bothered her how quickly and easily Anastasia orgasmed all the time. "I talked with the other girls at work, and they agreed it's totally unrealistic. I hope you don't think that's what sex is like?" And all I could think was, "That's it? Every type of textbook abusive behavior highlighted for you and all you got out of this book was that it's unrealistic for a girl to orgasm that quickly? No wonder you don't recognize red flags in your own relationships!" The girls at her work who weren't worked up about Grey's abuse either have less than stellar relationships, and when we were little girls my sister always crushed on the unstable abusive stalker male characters, so it's little wonder they all keep jumping from one red flag relationship to another. If you can't recognize it in fiction, how are you supposed to recognize it in real life? (And I know. I mean, I have some fantasies and fiction I know are "Problematic" that I would absolutely not want in real life. But I think that's the thing. One should be self-aware enough to recognize "I like this as an escapism fantasy, but I would NOT want this in real life." And for something as vile as Christian Grey... Who would want this in fantasy OR real life?!)


knocked it out of the park again!


i read both series and felt like i was on a different planet because i was like "this is so awful? they're terrible people who are awful to each other and this is literally abusive, why do people like this??" I am so glad that the internet has let me connect with other people who see it too!!


Also, has anyone else noticed how when Grey wants her to like, walk to the car with him, he'll say "Come, Ana" but when they're having sex an he commands her to orgasm, he says "Come on, Ana"? It's been a while since I read these, admittedly, but I remember that standing out to me...


A cogent description of what trigger warning actually means!!! Thank you Dominic!!! <3


The Dom and his Subs. And since you keep coming back to this book and film series, and will almost certainly come back a third time, I think it's safe to say you are in an abusive relationship with E.L James' work.


I love you so much for doing this. I adore your vids! And I've watched EVERY SINGLE ONE! In a not creepy way... ;-) And your accent is amazing!


Ok I love the amount of analysis you put in your work. And as someone with a graduate degree in psychology who has held multiple jobs in the field I have to say your understanding of abusive and toxic behavior is very thorough.


Another thought. I think there is some argument that Jack Hyde hired Anna as a potential victim and only for her looks. Anna had only graduated three weeks before, right? And she had a job THAT QUICK? I'm sorry, even in universe logic that is unrealistic.