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Aka the most pained plot synopsis ever.

One down, two to go :S


Fifty Shades Darker as told by The Dom



...but instead of pursuing a resolution to this she is overcome with lust for him and they have sex... lol


So were do we send the mind bleach for Dom to forget he had to read this drivel?


Poor man, he's going to be in an institution before long.


The trembling cigarette, oh god. Poor Dom. Thank you for your epic sacrifice!


I am sorry for retweeting that but I thought it would never get there. I am so sorry.


*sees thumbnail* Well, here come the nightmares...


My mind immediately went to the breast cancer plot point in The Room just before you mentioned it! LOL! James should pass the rein of the series to Tommy Wiseau, the behavior of the characters would make more sense.


Even if you could, *somehow* and I don't know how, argue that the issues in the first book aren't utterly reprehensible, the complete lack of development and continuation of these issues in this book is...just...I can't even...I feel dirty and a little sick just having watched this. So, *all* the hugs to you, Dom, and my sympathies. Completely irrelevant question - has the beard diminished or are my eyes playing tricks on me?


Also, yes, as a woman, I can say that the reaction on the ice cream thing...spot on. Well, that and going 'no, no, no, no, no!', too. >__


How are these books making money?

Alyssa G

Ye Gods of Olympus! I feel like I need 50 baths after this. Why in the world do people think that this is an okay relationship? I think I just lost all hope for humanity. Also yes the whole Edipus complex and ice cream thing is making me want to hurl.

Neo Ultra Mike

Having seen the movies (if only because I like seeing people trash them and... I have my own history with eroitc fan fiction so the idea one of them actually became a blockbuster franchise in a sense I do find amusing) seems like the biggest difference between the Fifty Shades Freed movie and book is that in the movie Christian first appears at the art gallery and didn't give Ana a ride there and that we spend some time with the psychatrist who I don't remember being a character all in the film. I think Elena didn't appear in the apartment in the movie but since that was totally pointless I can get why that was cut. Still seems mostly accurate to the source material adapation wise... I mean it's still a horrible book series and unless you're into that obtuse kinkery fuckery bullshittery not worth getting into but... faithful? Heh also next time you should make like a "if I get 50,000 per month I'll review Fifty Shades Freed" and set that as your benchmark. I mean if so many fans want to see it torn down by you, they should at least pay the amount apparently Christian makes in a... half hour... yeah screw that guy but not in the ways he likes it.


You poor, poor man! Just so you know, I didn’t retweet the other video to spare you from this Hell... But I must say that these books need to be burned by someone


On one hand I feel for you but on the other hand, I am finding it so fucking hilarious. Your expression, your exasperation and your distaste are gold. Now my evil heart is giddy at the thought of the possibility of you reading the third book in the fifty shades of bullshit trilogy 😂😂😂😂

Amy Poli

We appreciate your sacrifice.


Oh God what Have I Done to The Dom.....'


I feel really really bad for enjoying your suffering so much...and yet I still do! Sorry! Part of it is it's just so nice to see a guy react with exactly the same kind of horror and outrage at this abusive behavior as would a woman; it's justifying and comforting in a weird way. Anyway, thanks as always for the effort you put into all your work, and I'm sorry to say that I'm really looking forward to the next two videos!


Have we learned to never dare the internet?


Oh Jesus Christ, this is worse than I ever could have imagined!! I'm SO. SORRY. for ever sharing that tweet, The Dom. I feel like the biggest asshole ever. I didn't think it'd actually get a thousand tweets, or that the book could be "that bad" eve if it did. Holy Shit, do I owe you the biggest apology ever. (On a side note: This book is worse than I could have imagined! I knew this series romanticized abuse, but this "Fifty Shades Darker" went beyond the Pale! This is every type of textbook abuse behavior and serial rapist/killer of girlfriends/wives patterns wrapped up in one package; every "serial abuser who tightly controls his girlfriend/wife until he eventually murders her, then moves onto the next one" level fucked up. And those do exist--I've read tons of books on them! I read books on them specifically to recognize the red flags so I could avoid them, because my sociopath dad abused me when I was little, and my mom and sister keep dating abusive assholes! UGH!!)


I gotta admit, seeing guys (especially straight white guys) get just as horrified and outraged as I do to see abusive behavior is very comforting to me too. All my life I felt like the only person who noticed or cared when a guy (fictional or otherwise) was being pushy, abusive, controlling, dismissive of his girlfriend/wife, etc; not helped by everyone saying I was being too sensitive, looking for problematic behavior that wasn't there, etc. It still happens a lot regarding "Problematic" fiction that isn't Twilight (everyone is quick to shit on that), so episodes like this make me feel so vindicated.

Star Tsurugi

Again, even though you suffer through this, I feel as though your critical analysis benefits us all. Thank you.


Oh The Dom, you know we get off on your pain and suffering. At least we're there afterwards to comfort you and tell you what a good job you did ;)


Watching and Reading Fifty Shades Darker is the worst thing morbid Curiosity every made me do.


The Gods of Olympus would never see this. Cupid is way too nice to his own mom to let her suffer by watching this.


I am so, so, so, sorry that you had to read that.


It's a PI TIE! Also I really love these videos


I'm part sorry about you having to wade through this garbage fire, but I find your reviews on the subject delightfully watchable and rewatchable so... big part of why I joined up on patreon. Thanks for suffering through part 2 for us.


Lesson of the day: don't try to escalate things to avoid something you dislike. It never works out like you want to.


Well The Graduate WAS based on a book written by Charles Webb published 4 years before the film. Maybe you can do it as a 'recovery review'.